Mighty Midwest Growers Thread

WTF! Weed is on the ballot in MO for decriminalization and this thread isnt moving c'mon...

The petition is circulating in Michigan to push for amending the constitution to make everything cannabis legal. I'm hoping it will happen, but you know how pot smokers are lol. Most people here in Michigan are so out of touch with current events and have their heads so far up their asses they don't even know about it. Probably won't make the ballot this year but we'll keep trying. Even if it made it I expect it would be shot down the first try, but it would be a step in the right direction. Cali is going for it again this year too, it was very close in 2010 when they had the opportunity to vote on it. Someone will lead the way!
Old people with old ideas vote. Young hip heads think it wont matter... In a nation that only has a 15% voter turnout...
awesome guys....thanks for stopping in....been taking a break myself but lets see what you got...dont be shy to post those nuggs