Lantana Guerrilla Grow


Well-Known Member
Yeh tis a good thread,nice lookin plants and much more protection than my plants,mine were basically just thrown out there.

Im going out to the site on monday early in the mornin to water,we've had a week of temps that got up to 41c most days which is about 105 Fahrenheit so pretty freakin hot,no temps below 30c/90F for at least a week.

Havent watered since last thursday week so i hope the water crystals and heavy-ish soil has kept em goin.......fingers crossed!


Well-Known Member
word.. set up drip buckets man. fill a 5gal bucket wil water and poke a small ass hole to jus drip drop all day for like a week. set it up so its like hanging and dripping on the soil but make it on the downlow. camo tha up with stiks nd leaves ns stuff.... i unno be creative freak that shit lol


Well-Known Member
Just thought i'd not that i didnt have to go out and water as we had good rain the day before i was planning on going so that was convenient.

Also had pretty consistent rain since then (raining right now actually) so hopefully if they did make it through that hot spell they'll be thriving now.

So i could really get away with not goin out there for a couple weeks if the extended forecast is to be believed and that would be better on the safety side of things.

Though i would like to go and put some potash out there coz the plants i have at home have started flowering so i assume the guerillas will be too.

Plus i just wanna see em!


Well-Known Member
Yo BB, u been out yet? I found that the plants get depleted of Nutes fast in the Guerilla environment.. So u wud want to be checkin on em & adding Potash rather soon.. I'll see you there ;-)


Well-Known Member
Yo BB, u been out yet? I found that the plants get depleted of Nutes fast in the Guerilla environment.. So u wud want to be checkin on em & adding Potash rather soon.. I'll see you there ;-)
Goin out tmoro,got me sum potash and trace elememnts tday,yeh cya out there mate - sparra fart.


Well-Known Member
So im walkin to my plot today not knowing if the plants are even alive.

50metres away.....'damn i hope they survived that heat wave'.......20metres away.......'fuck i hope they haven't been eaten by sumthin.............10metres........'YEEEEEEWWWW'

All still alive and crankin! Oh man i was happy,all but 1 runt look healthy as shit and grown way more than i was expecting,not 1 yellow leaf and no evidence they'd even been sniffed by anything!

And the best bit.....7 females :lol: Fed them sum potash and micro nutrients,watered it in even though they didn't need water but didn't want big white patches on the soil.

I wish id planted at least a month earlier now,they'd be beasts! But im still very happy.
I've got the Guerilla bug now,thats the future for me 4 sure.



Active Member
hey BB delete some MSG's in ya inbox, i cant send ya anymore pm's.....

sparra's fart, i love it...the yanks reading this will be like wtf?? lol i gotta job on tomorrow but im still surfing RIU hahaha lol

they're gonna love that potash+

and i deff know that feeling walking up to them..... hahahah phew!!

nice super crop on pic#5, is tha 4 ft shovel pic#4?


Well-Known Member
Inbox cleaned :) Nah that shovels about 2 1/2 - 3 ft,not full size.

Bit of an incidental super-crop when i was messin with it shakin water off,though i do love super-cropping and i usually like my plants bushier than these are.

Though they've just started flowering (only a few days ago by the looks) so i think im just gonna let em do their thing,plus its satisfying being able to have tall plants as i always gotta worry about height at home.