10 days from harvest and no cloudy trichomes in sight


Well-Known Member
This plant is done growing,will not put on anymore weight.
How is it dead?
yeah indeed sexy :P you know a flower grows up, and then it dies right? they dont grow up and just stands around all day til it decides to commit suicide. just because it aint gettin any bigger doesnt mean it has stopped improving itself. dead is maybe not the right term, dying is more like it.


Well-Known Member
The term would be ripening.
The plants still awaiting polonatiion.
Will maintain this state until the enviroment(winter)kills it or until it reverts back into a vegatative state.The flowers will fall off but the plant itself will live............


Well-Known Member
The term would be ripening.
The plants still awaiting polonatiion.
Will maintain this state until the enviroment(winter)kills it or until it reverts back into a vegatative state.The flowers will fall off but the plant itself will live............
i read somewhere that a cannabis only lives for a year. if natural


Well-Known Member
Way too early,my guess would be at least 3 more weeks till it's at the same stage of develpment as the plant shown...........at least 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
dang...3 weeks...thats almost a month extra! no way josé, i cant sit around for dat. last day of this month im slicin it up man.
i want that upbeat type of high anyways


Well-Known Member
Probably as important as deciding when to chop it is making sure to dry AND CURE properly. Given the impatience I am sensing, that ain't gonna happen lol. Makes all the diff in the world though.


Well-Known Member
Probably as important as deciding when to chop it is making sure to dry AND CURE properly. Given the impatience I am sensing, that ain't gonna happen lol. Makes all the diff in the world though.
im impatient cause i only have one small growspace and im achin to grow my blueberries! i need to throw this WW bitch out on her ass to make new room for my n-n-new lady's!
i betcha my dryin and curing will be somewhat short. (planning on 2 weeks of cure) but thats ok cause this is just my testlap, the blueberries my reaaal target


Active Member
trust me when i say its worth the two week wait!!! the first 3 or 4 plants ive pulled were all early granted i myself was impatient and excited blaa blaa too lol the past 2 that ive waited out have been much more fulfilling!!! they main questions are what kind of high do u like? do u like loose airy hairy lookin buds that u can see through or bud thats smell of dank and filled themselves out producing the most it can at the ripest as it can be? so my question is that is rushing the most importand 2 or 3 weeks of ur flowering plant the most fullfilling! worth the smaller high while waiting through that long 3+ month timeframe again? i myself said i wouldnt do it a 2nd or 3rd time lol but then ur gonna say hey i pulled my last one early it wasent that bad tempts u too want to pull that one early as well lol happy growing brother hope i shed some light


Well-Known Member
I was talking about taints plant, it looks too big for that small of a pot
I absolutely subscribe to rootmass equates yield in dirt,up to a point.
I also know that varies from plant to plant as to what is actually required on the bottom to support the top,I know this cut well and a bigger pot would in this particular case not have upped the yield offa this size plant.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
After flipping through the thread, here is my opinion.

Most 8 week strains are usually more like 60 days, which is only 4 more days than advertised. When they say 8-9 weeks... they really mean just that, more than 8, less than 9... and most of the time these estimates are pretty good as long as the grow goes well.

I like to harvest my plants when there are very few clear trichomes. I have harvested early before and have found the cannabinoid profile to leave me wanting more... and usually with a headache a few hour later. I have harvested late and found the profile to be lacking in other ways, and having a noticeable ceiling where I just can't get higher no mater how much I smoke.

My personal preference is to harvest when there is only 1-2 clear trichomes for every 8-9 cloudy and/or amber trichomes. 10 to 20% clear.

I find that the ripening is a snowballing effect. Starting out fairly slow, but increasing over time. The whole plant can change in 10 days, easily, so just keep your eyes peeled and aim for between 8 and 9 weeks and not 8 weeks exactly.