damn I had witdraws LOL


Well-Known Member
fdd2blk, you're pissed because my avatar looks eerily similar to your high school photo. Dont lie dude. I know thats what your life is revolved around, lying... but please for the first time in your life. dont lie. admit it, you are a giant tool, always have been, always will be.


Well-Known Member
everything was cool. i was "one of the guys". joking around. potroast closed the other threads. i was "cool" enough to play along. when the person the drama was centered around made a SINCERE apology she was greeted with further personal attacks. at that point i POLITELY asked everyone to stop. i tried to be FAIR and draw a line. you all still wouldn't stop. i WAS trying to moderate in a fair way. when i gave you a slight "nudge" and implied you stop you came to me crying as if i knifed you. where have i not been fair?

you did not directly attack me in a negative way with this post. so no, there is nothing wrong with it. i think you are bright enough to know this already though. i think you are bright enough that i really don't have to explain any of this. but i digress simply to appease you all. ;)
You were never one of the guys. You get to poke at us.. if we poke back, and you dont like, you can discipline, thats not equal...


Well-Known Member
Exactly. fdd2blk is in no way professional. He is a power hungry tool. He takes his aggressions out on us. He is a loser, Always will be.
i have A LOT more power than what i have displayed. i am not hungry for more in any way. i have access to "the button". yet you are still here and it took what it took to even get an infraction from me. so do explain, how am i "power hungry"?

see if you can do it without a single insult. :)


Well-Known Member
Oh snap, I received two infractions. Oh shit what shall I ever do!! Fucking ban me fdd2blk, you power hungry a*hole. Admit it. You got beat up when you were a kid, and now you are taking your aggressions out... You are the meaning of worthless.
it appears it is you who is being aggressive.


Well-Known Member
i have A LOT more power than what i have displayed. i am not hungry for more in any way. i have access to "the button". yet you are still here and it took what it took to even get an infraction from me. so do explain, how am i "power hungry"?

see if you can do it without a single insult. :)

dude, even potroast gave me respect after your shinanigans... he thought what you did with me was out of line... you are out of line... I really am not a dickish person, but when someone is being an ass, Im gunna speak out.. and dude, honestly, your mod authority has gotten to your head a bit...


Well-Known Member
Neither you, fdd, nor Stoned Pony made a DIRECT attack.

You stated in THIS thread how all these worthless threads keep popping up.

Stoned Pony mentioned something about a glass blowing thread.

Jab for jab. You implied, then he implied. That is all. Then it got stupid.

I don't see how you can be a mod, but start stuff , then use your power to punish someone. Especially for a thread, that EVERY SINGLE RIU member would have started, because we were jonesing to get back here.

If SP had made a thread.....

"WTF man....this is bullshit, fuckin RIU and their 20 minute bullshit!!!..Fuck them!!!'

then yeah, but it wasn't. I totally agree that there are alot of useless threads, but you have been contributing to them as much as everyone else lately, and with a noticeable edge lately. I think some people are getting the impression of the abuse of power....just sayin.
where exactly is the "abuse"?

SP turned it personal. he made direct references to me and what i do. i gave an opinion on a group of threads. there is a difference.


Well-Known Member
fdd2blk, you're pissed because my avatar looks eerily similar to your high school photo. Dont lie dude. I know thats what your life is revolved around, lying... but please for the first time in your life. dont lie. admit it, you are a giant tool, always have been, always will be.
so i abuse my powers by allowing this to continue?

are you all fuckin' with me? lol bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
it appears it is you who is being aggressive.
then fuck it dude. be a man, ban me. I dont give a shit. I want you to martyr me. Do it. Centuries from now, people will look back on this, and be like... "Damn fdd2blk was a total douche.."


Well-Known Member
And? Does that make him less of a dick? Whatever man.
so i'm a dick because you called me a faggot?

what did i ever do to you? seriously? see if you can drop the immaturity long enough to address me properly. you are an adult aren't you? :)


Well-Known Member
I admit Im touchy tonight..........but it seemed to me you were not playing you were fighting I saw no humor or playfulness......I saw ppl getting mad...................I didnt NOT slam or fight anybody in both those threads............its the way you said these threads and tha was a personel attack and you know it..........you atack but when soneone bites back you use your MOD powers is how I saw it........my opinion there again.................SO I say move on and Ill smoke a bowl and admitt I was sa bit fast on the treiggr tonight with you......like I said Im a bit touchy and thats no way to act I admitt it............SO I appologized to you FDD and will put more thought into my post to you than I did earlier..................smoke a bowl and lets be friends?


Well-Known Member
because i'm the only one on them not acting 12?

just a guess. ;)
So I guess this means Im somewhat right.. Ok I can live with that... I can now move on. Do me a favor, as long as we aren't harassing someone, stay out of a thread. Nobody cares about your worthless opinion.


Well-Known Member
why's every one all up in fdd's shit all the time lol, i think he's funny...
the funniest part is i haven't made ANY mod actions in months. then i stop into a couple of threads and make a few comments because i saw a girl getting attacked, and am now some kind of nazi mod. i wonder where it all comes from myself.


Well-Known Member
where exactly is the "abuse"?

SP turned it personal. he made direct references to me and what i do. i gave an opinion on a group of threads. there is a difference.
True. And I said some get the impression of it.

But you also made the "useless thread" reference within this thread, then the reference of us whining about the site being down.

Then people that tell see4 to fuck off should be penalized....I should be penalized...for something somewhere, you should be penalized for some of the shit you said yesterday.

I just see it different than you I guess.