well killed my male plant Now what?


Well-Known Member
The thing is, it isn't worth the effort, or even the cost of the solvent IMO.
The solvent in this case is a stick of butter, which you probably have an extra one right now in your fridge. What cost?! And effort? Is that a joke? making cannabutter isn't that hard, depending on how seriously you take it. Granted, if you have alot to do that day, I wouldn't bother, but if you got free time and nothing to do, its really not much of an issue, especially if you never made it before. Practice does make perfect...


Well-Known Member
listen dude go ahead and make cannabutter if you really want to. I never thought of it like this but i think using males would be a great way to practice making cannabutter, you got nothing to lose if you fuck up. in the end you'll just end up with some gross tasting butter that wont get you high but at least you'll have some experience when it comes time to make the real thing. btw was that a polite enough way to say it?
No, you rude son of a bitch, not nearly polite enough... :p
j/k, I didn't say anything about rudeness, but you and I both know that people stroke their own ego here like it gives them an orgasm.

Stinkmeaner, yes...its that easy... :blsmoke: though apparently to some people that represents epic efforts...


Well-Known Member
Was it from a clone, or did you order the beans, 'cause I think I may have to try that one out sometime... :blsmoke: how does it taste?
beans my friend :P but the seedbank i order from is reeeal shady. it doesnt state the breeder or nothing. its called "high supplies"
i just sampled the schtuff and it tastet like crap. but thats what you expect from a 5 min dry and cure haha. got me high as hell though