Bruce Lee ... Man I would love to smoke a J and talk with this dude ...


Well-Known Member
And if you guys like martial arts movies try and find some Tony Shaw movies.
There insane.


Well-Known Member
wow never knew he was that crazy.
He seems like an awesome guy but I wouldn't want to get him mad at me lol.
He sounds like he got some mental problems or just a huge ego.
It might be just speculation though, although the way he died kind of warrants that...

And if you guys like martial arts movies try and find some Tony Shaw movies.
There insane.
Yeah, that dude is a badass, the only problem is it takes him too long to come out with a movie... I do like that one chick though from the same team
that brought you Ong Bak... That chick is badass too...



Well-Known Member
Just to get the story straight......Bruce Lee died from an allergic reaction to cocain........he was haveing an affair with this hot chick........his family life was in turmoil ....he wasnt getting along with his wife.............well his girlfriend got him some coke and he had a bit of a reaction cause it was just a tad.............then he hit a big line and died of and allergic reaction.......not an overdose.................just so ya know...........LOL sorry but thats the real story..........

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
sweet stonedpony your still here :)

is that the real story

i thought he got attacked and had back/neck problems


Well-Known Member
Yes he did have his back broken that is a true story...........took him a while to walk again.........and yes the cocain is a real story and the real way he died.............


Well-Known Member
Just to get the story straight......Bruce Lee died from an allergic reaction to cocain........he was haveing an affair with this hot chick........his family life was in turmoil ....he wasnt getting along with his wife.............well his girlfriend got him some coke and he had a bit of a reaction cause it was just a tad.............then he hit a big line and died of and allergic reaction.......not an overdose.................just so ya know...........LOL sorry but thats the real story..........
The facts of the case are this: Lee died after falling into a coma. The coroner's report was inconclusive, and medical authorities came up with five reasons for Lee's untimely death. However, they all agreed that it was caused by a cerebral edema (a swelling of the brain caused by a congestion of fluid). But what caused the edema became a matter of speculation.
Although his skull showed no injury, his brain had swollen considerably, from 1,400 to 1,575 grams. None of the blood vessels were blocked or broken, so the possibility of a hemorrhage was ruled out. All of Lee's internal organs were meticulously examined, and the only "foreign" substance to be found was the Equagesic.

This line is for whoever speculated he was a pothead. :)
The ensuing autopsy found traces of cannabis in Lee's stomach, but the significance of this discovery is debatable. Some believe the cannabis caused a chemical reaction that led to the cerebral edema, but the coroner's inquiry refutes this theory. In fact, one doctor was quoted as saying that the cannabis being in Lee's stomach was "no more significant than if Bruce had drunk a cup of tea that day."


Well-Known Member
Sorry that was a bullshit story to get a couple of ppl thier 15 minutes of fame.........hash was one thing they claimed....others said the kick to the head by chuck norris was the ceberal problem and cause the swelling.....................she confessed to giveing him coke.......they buried the story...........I was out there when it happened....and a bunch of ppl that were around then know the cocain use was the got to re3member the time period....and all the bullshit news stories that were out......the media back then was lame............even worse than now due to the internet we can call thier bullshit.....................the lies about viet nam.....the lies aobut kent state....................I really was around the area at the time and hanging with the so called in crowd at the time.......but take it as you will..........the papers or ppl that were there............they kept the coke story down..........for various reasons......that suited the liveing not the dead.................if you want to cut and paste here is another fine story that was in all the newspapers too
On July 20, 1973, Lee was in Hong Kong, due to have dinner with former James Bond star George Lazenby, with whom he intended to make a film. According to Lee's wife Linda, Bruce met producer Raymond Chow at 2 P.M. at home to discuss the making of the movie Game of Death. They worked until 4 P.M. and then drove together to the home of Betty Ting Pei, a Taiwanese actress (claimed by some to be Lee's mistress) who was to have a leading role in the film. The three went over the script at her home, and then Chow left to attend a dinner meeting.

A short time later, Lee complained of a headache, and Ting Pei gave him a prescription analgesic known as Equagesic. At approximately 7:30 P.M., he laid down for a nap. After Lee didn't turn up for the dinner, Chow came to the apartment but could not wake Lee up. A doctor was summoned, who spent ten minutes attempting to revive him before sending him by ambulance to Queen Elizabeth Hospital. However, Lee was dead by the time he reached the hospital. There was no visible external injury; however, his brain had swollen considerably, from 1,400 to 1,575 grams (13%). Lee was thirty-two years old. The medical staff examining him concluded that the immediate cause of death was Cerebral Edema. Dr. R. R. Lycette of Queen Elizabeth Hospital determined that the swelling in the brain, and Lee's untimely death, was the result of an adverse reaction to one of the compounds in the prescription Equagesic tablet. The autopsy also revealed traces of cannabis in his body although doctors were certain it did not contribute to his death.[16] [17] On October 15, 2005, Chow stated in an interview that Lee was allergic to Equagesic. When the physicians announced Bruce Lee's death officially, it was pronounced Death by Misadventure.

there were like 15 stories in all the newspapers quoteing doctors and so called REAL stories................pick one and live happy....he was a great man no matter how he died............


Well-Known Member
Ok, I read the story you pasted. I didn't see Cocain mentioned one time.

I thought I was bolding the part of my past that was relevant, but I guess all posts are bolded now.


Well-Known Member
I dont think there is any story pasted of cocain............but she did confess to giveing him coke and they were lovers he stayed at her place alot.............they covered that up too............who knows........only Bruce knows the real story.............Great Man.....much respect for him............


Well-Known Member
Dude, this is the net. nothing is hidden. :)

But I'll admit to having no idea what I'm talking about on the subject, all I know is what I've read tonight.

He's deff. a guy i would of lit up a blunt with though.


Well-Known Member
Brisk baby
lol I laughed hard at that.
Anybody try the new dollar pink lemonade brisk?lol
its good.

I new nothing about bruce until this thread.He's a great athlete and still someone I wouldn't piss off.
I dont really care about how he died.


Well-Known Member
It might be just speculation though, although the way he died kind of warrants that...

Yeah, that dude is a badass, the only problem is it takes him too long to come out with a movie... I do like that one chick though from the same team
that brought you Ong Bak... That chick is badass too...

do you have any torrent links to tony shaw movies?I would love to download some.
I have 2 of his dvd's,there great.
I'll check out the bitch.I never even knew he had a team.