Ever been robbed?


Well-Known Member
I was robbed once, they stoled all my electronics like xbox, games, psp shit like that and about 500 dollars. Then I got a $3000 giftcard for future shop from insurance, and bought maybe half of it back. So about a week later, Im out fishing on the river when someone else we were with who just docked called me and said "someone just broke the window of your truck". Guess where the giftcard was?
Holy shit dude....that sucks.

Is there no way to track with invoice and an identifying number on the gift card. There has to be a way for Future Shop to track that card, and catch thieves at the same time. Do you still have receipts of items you already purchased with it.....they should be able to use that and reference it in the system. It's only good at Future Shop and they are highly interlinked.

I suppose this was a long time ago though huh.

Shitty luck though man....:sad:


Active Member
Holy shit dude....that sucks.

Is there no way to track with invoice and an identifying number on the gift card. There has to be a way for Future Shop to track that card, and catch thieves at the same time. Do you still have receipts of items you already purchased with it.....they should be able to use that and reference it in the system. It's only good at Future Shop and they are highly interlinked.

I suppose this was a long time ago though huh.

Shitty luck though man....:sad:
Oh it was only like 3 years, and I called futureshop about it. They basically said that the thieves had used the giftcard, and that we have them on survelance camera. THe cashier also said that they could pick the guys out in a line up. But the cops didnt really do anything and futureshop didnt give them the footage. I got robbed by a corporation too i guess.


Well-Known Member
Oh it was only like 3 years, and I called futureshop about it. They basically said that the thieves had used the giftcard, and that we have them on survelance camera. THe cashier also said that they could pick the guys out in a line up. But the cops didnt really do anything and futureshop didnt give them the footage. I got robbed by a corporation too i guess.
Lame....I had more faith in Future Shop than that. I would tell them they just lost a customer. They would have been better off to tell you....."we're sorry, but there is nothing we can do, no way to track the card"

That is just like...."yeah, we know who did it, but .....fuck it, it's just more paperwork, then I have to send an employee to court and pay them for the day."

Really lame man. I would complain up higher than the local store if there is a way. But 3 yrs ago, you're outta luck now. Too bad.


Well-Known Member
Most that's ever happened to me was my car window broken out for some loose change.

Know how to disconnect an alarm system from outside of a small business? Cut the phone line, it stops the signal from going to the police station.


Well-Known Member
Know how to disconnect an alarm system from outside of a small business? Cut the phone line, it stops the signal from going to the police station.
I think the alarm companies are on to that one by now. :) I think they would have some kind of timed ping or something similar that waits for a response every so often, then alerts the company if it wasn't received in a timely fashion.

I would hope so at least for their customers sake. LOL


Well-Known Member
I think the alarm companies are on to that one by now. :) I think they would have some kind of timed ping or something similar that waits for a response every so often, then alerts the company if it wasn't received in a timely fashion.

I would hope so at least for their customers sake. LOL
Been a few years since I knew it worked so you're probably right. I hope they smartened up, lol.


Active Member
Lame....I had more faith in Future Shop than that. I would tell them they just lost a customer. They would have been better off to tell you....."we're sorry, but there is nothing we can do, no way to track the card"

That is just like...."yeah, we know who did it, but .....fuck it, it's just more paperwork, then I have to send an employee to court and pay them for the day."

Really lame man. I would complain up higher than the local store if there is a way. But 3 yrs ago, you're outta luck now. Too bad.
the funny part is, we did say that they lost a customer, and we spoke to the district manager and were told that the next guy up would be contacting us so fuck them eh.


Well-Known Member
i just talked to a friend the other day about this. he said that he was walkin out of a liqour store, and some guy came up and said to give him money. my friend said "i dont got no money for u..." and put his hand up. he didnt even realize he was getting robbed until he got in his van and saw the gun in the guys wasteband. i guess the guy was so dumbfounded my friend told em no, that he just let em leave lol


Well-Known Member
i just talked to a friend the other day about this. he said that he was walkin out of a liqour store, and some guy came up and said to give him money. my friend said "i dont got no money for u..." and put his hand up. he didnt even realize he was getting robbed until he got in his van and saw the gun in the guys wasteband. i guess the guy was so dumbfounded my friend told em no, that he just let em leave lol
scary stuff, my bro had to fight off two darkies in west philly on halloween night, they didnt get shit but he got a black eye


Well-Known Member
I was robbed. Some kids used my apartments utility ladder to crawl into my window. They stole most all of my plants, a light, and my grinder.

I was legal so I called the cops. They took detailed notes, finger printed, photographed, and then wished me a good day.


Well-Known Member
I was robbed at gun point by two masked men in camo gear. One had a pump shotgun, the other had a nickel plated .45. They were hiding in woods next to business. they had cut fence so they had access from hiding spot in woods to my front biz door. As I was locking up business, they came running up and forced us back inside. Their take was about $2200, but it wasn't my money. They did steal my car, but it was recovered 3 days later, about 3 miles away from the robbery.


Well-Known Member
I was robbed at gun point by two masked men in camo gear. One had a pump shotgun, the other had a nickel plated .45. They were hiding in woods next to business. they had cut fence so they had access from hiding spot in woods to my front biz door. As I was locking up business, they came running up and forced us back inside. Their take was about $2200, but it wasn't my money. They did steal my car, but it was recovered 3 days later, about 3 miles away from the robbery.
did they find out who it was? im sure there were fingerprints in that car if they had it for 3 days. unless they only had it for like 10 minutes to use as a getaway car


Active Member
Well I found out around christmas time last year that I was being robbed daily by my psycho oxy addicted now ex boyfriend because now i know where lots of money and my iphone has gone... the story is though that my apartment gets broken into at the end of Nov, it was the DAY we were moving out. Me and my ex get all my electronics anything worth anything in the first load. Then we get some other stuff..we were leaving somethings for later. He goes back on his own that night to get a "few more things" without me. 36 hours later we go back to get the other stuff....my doorknob was popped out. A knife was in my couch, which had been slashed dozens of times, both my couch and loveseat. Everything was pulled out and knocked over....my roommate had not moved out yet, and ALL of his stuff was stolen but his dresser, bed and clothes. About 2k worth of electronics. The ONLY thing I left were my comcast cable boxes and my verizon internet, so the internet modem was stolen, but not the comcast boxes. Both the bathrooms had bleach cleaner/shaving cream sprayed allllll over the mirrors.. It was a disaster, i was devastated. I had no idea why anyone would want to do that to me. I had a feeling my boyfriend had caused trouble or my roommate, cause his shit was taken.

TURNS OUT! A month later, my boyfriend is arrested because he robbed my family and my boss's family (im a nanny, i work from their home). Were talking around 30k worth of jewelry/valuables. So I kick him out before i'm angry enough to lorena bobbit on his ass, good things the cops were there to hold me back. They did get mad at me though, like WE DONT NEED A DOMESTIC im like FUCK YOU BITCH ill go domestic all over the place!!

Anyways, turns out a WEEK later I found out that my boyfriend had staged the entire apartment break in to pawn my roommates stuff for drug money. :wall:


That is all.

edit - this story is extremely complicated and I cant fill you in on all of it but he was abusive and I never saw any pills, so if i was suspicious, I had no proof and with no proof came anger from him and that never ended well so I stopped trying :( until the cops got involved, in a sense they helped save me. But they're still jerks.


Well-Known Member
Well I found out around christmas time last year that I was being robbed daily by my psycho oxy addicted now ex boyfriend because now i know where lots of money and my iphone has gone... the story is though that my apartment gets broken into at the end of Nov, it was the DAY we were moving out. Me and my ex get all my electronics anything worth anything in the first load. Then we get some other stuff..we were leaving somethings for later. He goes back on his own that night to get a "few more things" without me. 36 hours later we go back to get the other stuff....my doorknob was popped out. A knife was in my couch, which had been slashed dozens of times, both my couch and loveseat. Everything was pulled out and knocked over....my roommate had not moved out yet, and ALL of his stuff was stolen but his dresser, bed and clothes. About 2k worth of electronics. The ONLY thing I left were my comcast cable boxes and my verizon internet, so the internet modem was stolen, but not the comcast boxes. Both the bathrooms had bleach cleaner/shaving cream sprayed allllll over the mirrors.. It was a disaster, i was devastated. I had no idea why anyone would want to do that to me. I had a feeling my boyfriend had caused trouble or my roommate, cause his shit was taken.

TURNS OUT! A month later, my boyfriend is arrested because he robbed my family and my boss's family (im a nanny, i work from their home). Were talking around 30k worth of jewelry/valuables. So I kick him out before i'm angry enough to lorena bobbit on his ass, good things the cops were there to hold me back. They did get mad at me though, like WE DONT NEED A DOMESTIC im like FUCK YOU BITCH ill go domestic all over the place!!

Anyways, turns out a WEEK later I found out that my boyfriend had staged the entire apartment break in to pawn my roommates stuff for drug money. :wall:


That is all.

edit - this story is extremely complicated and I cant fill you in on all of it but he was abusive and I never saw any pills, so if i was suspicious, I had no proof and with no proof came anger from him and that never ended well so I stopped trying :( until the cops got involved, in a sense they helped save me. But they're still jerks.
damn girl, u know how to pick em


Active Member
i got robbed, by 6 black kids (how stereotypical), it was like 5pm, i was a couple blocks away from the hospital luckily. they came up behind me with knives, they told me to give them everything i had, and i told them to fuck off, they stabbed me really bad in the back of my right knee, and a few pokes in my back and thigh, they got my paycheck and ran off, i limbed to the hospital and had to get a shitload of stitches in my leg, and some in my back, i was on morphine pills for a while for the pain, i couldnt walk for a long time, my leg couldnt support my weight, i would just limp around, thankfully everything healed properly, and im perfectly fine today.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
i got robbed, by 6 black kids (how stereotypical), it was like 5pm, i was a couple blocks away from the hospital luckily. they came up behind me with knives, they told me to give them everything i had, and i told them to fuck off, they stabbed me really bad in the back of my right knee, and a few pokes in my back and thigh, they got my paycheck and ran off, i limbed to the hospital and had to get a shitload of stitches in my leg, and some in my back, i was on morphine pills for a while for the pain, i couldnt walk for a long time, my leg couldnt support my weight, i would just limp around, thankfully everything healed properly, and im perfectly fine today.
Probably could have handled that better eh?!? :D Could've ran or just gave them your paycheck. Either way you would've ended up better. :lol:
I got my car broken into while I was staying at a motel for the night... When I heard noise outside the room I got up to look, and saw a guy in the back window of my car, he ran and I gave chase, he jumped into his own car just around the corner and took off, but i was able to throw a rock at him before he got away. I think he was trying to steal an empty bag that was in the back seat...

The motel staff were completely unphased when i told them what happened. They actually urged me not to call the police to report it (which is required for insurance here) which I had to do, my window cost 250 bucks brand new, which i didnt feel like paying if I wasnt even the one who broke it. Plus installation takes 2 hrs, theres another 100 bucks!

Needless to say, wish I woulda caught him, then I certainly would NOT have been calling the police if ya know what I mean ;)