Heartbreak storys

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
i havint dated or gone out with a girl in 2+ years from a past relationships i got hurt bad i loved this girl
we was together for 8months new her like 4 years shes a friend of a friend of mine

she and i where great together but we had a little fight at a party she left went into town nightclubing while i stayed at the party ....

tryed texting her she had phone off so went home she didint come home till the next day she slept with a friend she started crying saying shes sorry and drunk to much

omg i was all messed up inside didint know what to do

had to break it off but makes me wonder if i made the right choice
cause i went into a downword spirel friendships where broken hung out with less people i confined myself for months i was depressed but im good now changing back
for the better

im kinda scared of girls now xD

have u got any storys ?

ma jigga

Well-Known Member
You made the right choice. Girls almost always have their phones on them and love giving the excuse "my phone was off". I've seen it in play. (Those girls I don't like that I'm close friends with) Yeah some of them share that stuff with me as if I'd care to know about it. But anyway yeah good choice. Once a cheat, always a cheat. I'll cut a bitch off if she starts getting shady. It's not worth the trouble keeping them around. I know what you mean about the downwards spiral with friendships. Sometimes you'll get one of those girls that'll jump from you to the next guy in your friend circle. Those bitches always fuck things up out of proportion.

I haven't dated for a while after being cheated on by 3 different girls, 3 times in a row. Good times. Sex isn't an issue, fortunately. But I've had it with dating. I'm seeing nothing but breakup and divorce all around me. From parents to friends. The modern day relationship status is aiming towards short flings lately. Esp in this generation of ages between 18-30 right now. At least from what I've noticed. Sounds like a pessimist approach but hey, I don't want to put up with bullshit. I got my own to deal with. Single life and flings! Fuck bitches, get money, smoke weed. Like my sig used to say until the first part got removed somehow lol...


Well-Known Member
Heartbreak storys
i havint dated or gone out with a girl in 2+ years

Remind me not to get locked up in jail with you. LOL sorry.........


Well-Known Member
I think you made the right choice. I remember when I had a horrible heartbreak with my ex. I am thankful that's all in the past. The one thing I regret was taking the relationship so seriously, we were in our early 20s and I should have been experiencing life and having fun and instead I was worried about him and couldn't experience the best years of college. I ended up having some serious personal drama because of him and it destroyed me emotionally. I seriously tried to od on pills but it didn't happen, i just got really fucked up, haha, sorry to sound so pathetic & over something so stupid. I was on a low. Like I said, my only regret was taking the relationship so seriously. I was dumb and looking back I am angry that I let that nonsense get to me. He was nobody, a big, fat idiot that I wouldn't even look at now. I think I was more scared of not finding someone else than anything else. I found tons after, men and women. Enjoy life, be safe and don't waste energy on people who hurt you.

Forget her, you are a great guy and she was lucky you loved her. You will find someone deserving of your love.


Well-Known Member
dont have a story to share, but u got to get over getting hurt & the choice u made. if u loved her that much u could have tried to forgive her. she was strong enough to tell u, u were weak & couldn't handle the truth. not bashin on ya man, just sayin. with love ur gonna get hurt, even by the ONE... sometimes down the line it is inevitable. the thing that makes love stronger & last longer is how u handle what life throws at you, which is a learning experience. i am guessin ur still quite young, otherwise u'd know that. chill, get urself back out on the scene or at least at a normal socialization level & remember just because it happened to u once doesnt mean it will ever happen again, but it doesnt mean it wont either. better luck next time around, but no matter what ur future brings, NEVER regret lovin someone so much it nearly breaks ur heart, ur soul, ur spirit...the ones who regret r the ones so shielded, where they never will allow themselves to love someone that much, & they r the ones that r forever searching for "the one" that never comes.


Well-Known Member
dont have a story to share, but u got to get over getting hurt & the choice u made. if u loved her that much u could have tried to forgive her. she was strong enough to tell u, u were weak & couldn't handle the truth. not bashin on ya man, just sayin. with love ur gonna get hurt, even by the ONE... sometimes down the line it is inevitable. the thing that makes love stronger & last longer is how u handle what life throws at you, which is a learning experience. i am guessin ur still quite young, otherwise u'd know that. chill, get urself back out on the scene or at least at a normal socialization level & remember just because it happened to u once doesnt mean it will ever happen again, but it doesnt mean it wont either. better luck next time around, but no matter what ur future brings, NEVER regret lovin someone so much it nearly breaks ur heart, ur soul, ur spirit...the ones who regret r the ones so shielded, where they never will allow themselves to love someone that much, & they r the ones that r forever searching for "the one" that never comes.
i regret my past relationship/s and I found love.

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
yeah true man

and yes i fell for her bad just seeing her face months later crushed me

but i feel like i should try agian cause i can make a girl very happy

thx mate


Well-Known Member
i regret my past relationship/s and I found love.
I skimmed thru what u wrote earlier, YOU were messed up at that time, which had nothing to do with the other party, & I said nothing about regretting past relationships...there is a big difference between a relationship & love, like I described.


Well-Known Member
Met this girl in japan.......oh my god she was pretty......small in stature but nice tits......she meant the world to me.........We drank ....smoked....and O GOD the sex was just out of this world.....she couldnt speak english and I couldnt speak japiness ..but we didnt need to we were so bonded........................the next morning she pointed at here watch ...and said money money..........I gave her 20 bucks and she left..............god I felt lost.....heartbroken...........empty.........damn hookers have no feelings at all....


Well-Known Member
yeah true man

and yes i fell for her bad just seeing her face months later crushed me

but i feel like i should try agian cause i can make a girl very happy

thx mate
and AS important there r many gals out there that can make u happy right back. u'll be just fine, as soon as u get back on the bike or in the saddle, whichever euphemism u prefer, lol.


Well-Known Member
Met this girl in japan.......oh my god she was pretty......small in stature but nice tits......she meant the world to me.........We drank ....smoked....and O GOD the sex was just out of this world.....she couldnt speak english and I couldnt speak japiness ..but we didnt need to we were so bonded........................the next morning she pointed at here watch ...and said money money..........I gave her 20 bucks and she left..............god I felt lost.....heartbroken...........empty.........damn hookers have no feelings at all....
LOL...a bit of humor in the mix!


Well-Known Member
any others with a story
I'll share real quick before I gotta get back to tool time... The girlfriend I had before my wife was my first real girlfriend since high school. My first real world girlfriend if you will. We went out for almost 2 years. From the very start she did things that made me uncomfortable such as working with her ex and just being all around stupid. At about the year and a half mark she got reacquainted with a friend from high school that joined the marines. Long story short one night at a party they were at together they ended up fucking. I knew something had gone down because she wouldn't answer her phone, women always have their phone. When I asked her point blank to her face the next day she looked right into my eyes and assured me nothing had happened. Acouple weeks went by all the while still knowing in the back of my mind she had cheated on me. Finally one night her best friend, whom I had become very good friends with, spilled the beans because she was jealous. I confronted her we both cried alot and decided to try to make it work. It didn't. I just couldn't trust her anymore. I broke up with her and didn't see her for acouple weeks. She still called me all the time wanting to get back together, so I finally caved in and told her to come check out my new apartment. She was very fragile, so I banged her one last time and told her I never wanted to see her again. And I didn't. I shattered her world like she had shattered mine. That was 6 years ago. I would still get random drunk text messages from her up until about 2 years ago. lol. Now I have my wife, the best woman I've ever met, and I couldn't be happier...the end