The UK Growers Thread!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Its the connection to each bucket I'm worried about. I seen a wilma 4 pot dripper only £71 and I could do a SCROG. Ohhh my head if flying with ideas now. U think the dripper will be as good as DWC
as mentioned i'm no pro but when u had the dwc bubbler it was the most explosive growth i've seen so far, i've used a 4 pot wilma before, coco and drippers. adding more bubbles as the man below suggested deff seemed to work. unfortunatly i only got 3 weeks into 12.12 before had 2 cull it for unexpected reasons lol ;) started back up again a few months ago, gonna start the hydro back up again at some point but loving the flavor from the soil at the mo.

Seems like you're in the same situation as me there supersillybilly. I'm currently using 40L totes, and as such can fit a fantastic 2 totes in my cab, and they are a bit of a pain to refill etc. Want a system where the bulky hefty reservoir is not inside the grow cab, but i keep taking up any free floor space i have in my room with coputers and speakers :(
i was thinking if u'd make an appearance bro, how u been? i remember u saying that u had the same problem a while ago :(

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm gooa and i'm bad :) Just a tad exhausted of people and society and things, can't even stick with a thread online let alone keep any form of relationships moving in real life. I got two new cussions for my floor, some money for a set of knock off bubble bags and i'm going out later to buy a new tea pot :) Only other thing i'd like would be a herb iron or a vape but i can continue living without them.

Got a new flatmate in who is happy for me to smoke but i am not letting him in on the magic huming cupboards, so i've resigned to halting any planned upgrades until i sort out whether i can either continue living here due to cost, or whether i fancy selling everything up and buying a big gun and moving into the forests with a big rucksack for the next decade :D


Well-Known Member
I'm gooa and i'm bad :) Just a tad exhausted of people and society and things, can't even stick with a thread online let alone keep any form of relationships moving in real life. I got two new cussions for my floor, some money for a set of knock off bubble bags and i'm going out later to buy a new tea pot :) Only other thing i'd like would be a herb iron or a vape but i can continue living without them.

Got a new flatmate in who is happy for me to smoke but i am not letting him in on the magic huming cupboards, so i've resigned to halting any planned upgrades until i sort out whether i can either continue living here due to cost, or whether i fancy selling everything up and buying a big gun and moving into the forests with a big rucksack for the next decade :D
Going a bit deep there TTT. Need to get your happiness back bro, we all lose our mojo once in a while but I'm sure you will find it.(prob in the magic humming cupboards) Keep you chin up


Well-Known Member
aaahhhhh...........aforementioned barmaid coming round to my flat later for alittle drink and then maybe out to the pub.....just as friends, of course.i distincly here the sound of my mojo returning......i ABSOLUTELY love having no morals.


Well-Known Member
she's a wee honey mate, only 26, slim but with curves, long dark hair and hazel eyes...mmmmmmmmm......wasnt gonna drink this week but i'm definetly makin an exception today!


Well-Known Member
she's a wee honey mate, only 26, slim but with curves, long dark hair and hazel eyes...mmmmmmmmm......wasnt gonna drink this week but i'm definetly makin an exception today!
Superb, I'm on the bevy at 6 bells, watch this shower of shite in Lisbon. Cans of Red Stripe, freezing cold, mmmmmmmmm

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, im not actually too down. My energy is off is all :D right little hippy freak i'm turning into :lol: got some stuff coming up that could make or break the idea of a degree-free legal career, but that aside i've been seriously contemplating the traveller lifestyle, not because i'm sad and annoyed with epople, but i feel that that lifestyle is what i would like to achieve. Was watching a vid last night of a family that went self sufficient in their inner city 1/4 acre plot of land, which had a big house taking up most of the space. They managed to feed their family comfortably and also sell off surplus. If you can grow your own food, you're set for life. Nothing more self empowering than not needing paper money from the bank so that a supermarket will agree to give you food.

So as deep and whatnot as it sounds, i'm actually smiley today :D as i say, i'm gonna go buy a tea pot and that makes me happy haha. My terrorist tea pot needs a friend.


Well-Known Member
Superb, I'm on the bevy at 6 bells, watch this shower of shite in Lisbon. Cans of Red Stripe, freezing cold, mmmmmmmmm
shit i forget we were playin tonite, even better, thats a reasonable excuse not to go and see my girlfriend, means i dont have to switch off my phone. ah life just gets better!


Well-Known Member
remember its a 6 o'clock kick-off dura. No chance of getting lots of vodka, oz of ching and lots of baby oil and all meet up with your intention of sorting things out, then one thing leads to another...........


Well-Known Member
ah think i'll actually have a nite off the ching, i'm gettin a wee bit too regular with it at the moment, ah dont seem to go anymore than 2 or 3 days without it and its takein about a gram before i can even notice any effect, fuckin costin me an arm and a leg to keep it goin, as for baby oil ive got butter in the fridge that'll do the trick!


Well-Known Member
the gear is shite down my way and the still want £100 a henry. I get it and give them sixty and tell them to sing for the rest, they always just rite it aff. Up there any good?


Well-Known Member
no bad, ah usually stick tae the same guy, been workin wae him for afew years, if its shit it gets sent back, got offered sum new stuff but its a ton a g and thats a bit oot ma price range to regularly sniff.


Well-Known Member
The ton a g stuff, is the guy an ex biker fae Ayr or if up your way a mechanic(same crowd). Got offered stuff at 1500 an oscar. Washed back and scales were flicking between 0.7 -0.8, the real deal, I was only after a few g bout wouldnae sell me that. Canny punt the charlie just end up sniffing it all, especially if its good


Well-Known Member
its cumin fae a guy that lives close tae ayr, dunno where it originates before that though, this guy is offerin me it at 80 but thats just a wee taster price, ah couldny shift it roon here at that price, the boys jist widny pay that on a regular basis, maybe once in a while as a treat.


Well-Known Member
the guys got yellowy powder stuff and white rock, both good, think the yellowy stuff is brought back fae liquid. Seeds have been planted in my head now. Fuck