What is it going to be like on the 21st Dec '12, if nothing happens.


Well-Known Member
I think the day is going to be real weird... like for example I don't think much will happen that day but something like humanity might change soon... so since it's only over a year away I'm thinking, might have a cone then get all paranoid... lol like a nuke is going to launch and start WWIII. Honestly it is going to be a big day, how do you actually think your going to feel on that day and what are you going to do besides, get high and shit...?


New Member
jesus not another "its gonna change the world" day.. everyone will flip out panic.. then it comes and goes like every other day in your life.. until the next BS day.


Well-Known Member
It's not the same kind of thread.... I'm asking what do you think it's going to like on the day...? like... is anyone even going to go to work? or play it safe and stay at home with their loved ones... you know? haha... ofcourse nothings going to happen on that day unless some psycho declares war or something for the fun of it being that day... end of the world shit...

I just looked... its a Friday, personally I wouldn't mind it being like a public holiday... extra day for the weekend... get crunk


Well-Known Member
it's going to be like y2k, a few will freak, a few will wait, but most will go on like any other day. i'm going to live it like i live everyday, nothing special....


Well-Known Member
awkward day for sure though... lets get naked... fuck fest or what... talking to the chicks obv.


Well-Known Member
fuckin shit, look up the discovery channels video of how they read the fuckin calender wrong and were off by something like a hundred years. im not livin to be 126 so fuck it. its going to be a big ass party, some dumbasses will end up killing themsevles, prob a cult, cops will be everywhere so im just gonna sit in my house on riu high as balls.


bud bootlegger
i have just one question.. what is supposed to happen on december 23 2112? i'm serious here.. fill me in.. is jesus supposed to come back or something?? if so, i'd like to be ready with some killer ganja for the man to share with..
just wondering what's the dillio...


Well-Known Member
fuckin shit, look up the discovery channels video of how they read the fuckin calender wrong and were off by something like a hundred years. im not livin to be 126 so fuck it. its going to be a big ass party, some dumbasses will end up killing themsevles, prob a cult, cops will be everywhere so im just gonna sit in my house on riu high as balls.
i said 'besides' get high and shit... haha but your probably too stoned to realize... so its S'all good... and J/Kin btw... I wish I was high... o wait... I am...


Well-Known Member
Its going to be like Y2K times 100. There will be alot of parties that day/night.

but then everyone is going to wake up the next day with a hangover and have to get their ass back to their jobs.


Well-Known Member
Its going to be like Y2K times 100. There will be alot of parties that day/night.

but then everyone is going to wake up the next day with a hangover and have to get their ass back to their jobs.

Then its all good too, coz it will be Saturday and I will keep my still drunk ass in bed... if I even make it there...


Well-Known Member
i have just one question.. what is supposed to happen on december 23 2112? i'm serious here.. fill me in.. is jesus supposed to come back or something?? if so, i'd like to be ready with some killer ganja for the man to share with..
just wondering what's the dillio...
Supposedly, as the ancient Mayan calendar comes to an end that day, some people have come to the conclusion that the world is going to end in some fashion. There's a whole bunch of controversy to the validity of dates, some believe, some don't

Its the whole premise of the movie 2012.


Well-Known Member
Supposedly, as the ancient Mayan calendar comes to an end that day, some people have come to the conclusion that the world is going to end in some fashion. There's a whole bunch of controversy to the validity of dates, some believe, some don't

Its the whole premise of the movie 2012.
Read the date he wrote again... lol... all of us I swear are so off chops...


New Member
as long as you have guns, meds, ammo, food, gold, water, and 4x4... than you should be fine no matter what happens.
Let it be Apocalypse, Korea wants a taste, a goofy temple god blows down my house lol.
There is more of a chance that you would get sexually molested in your lifetime before we ever have a group
of people decide the earths expiration date with what a bunch of cabbage brain Indians write on the wall.


bud bootlegger
i may have wrote the wrong date cuz who the fuck cares? what are you a whack job.. yah, like the world is really going to end in the near future.. i'll see you at the ufo meetings pal.. ewhoowhoo.. wack jobs...


New Member
there's a good chance of getting sexually molested on 21st dec '12 I heard...
Did you also get the certified letter from Nobama and CNN too? Bahaha! I think we should all turn ourselves in for any crime..
That way we can fill our prison systems and get out of this ecenomic crisis and live in cozey little FIMA camps.