The Seed Collectors Thread


Well-Known Member
I can not challenge because it says it was destroyed. lol
I heard lots of people are having trouble when stuff comes through Chicago customs. I have no clue why it went to Chicago.
I got an order from Sannies recently and thay have the uber stealth.


bud bootlegger
yah, i don't think that there is much that you can really do once customs snags anything.. kinda silly for them to destroy that though.. doesn't make sense in the least, but i think the whole seeds thing is silly as well..
i did learn something after getting my letter from customs though.. i saw that amyl nitrates where on the list, and i hadn't a clue as to what they were, so i googled it, and i think i was better off not knowing..


Well-Known Member
My guess is that they did not list the ingredients on the package like most nutrient companies and so they must assume the worst. I emailed Nirvana and let them know they may have to start sending the kit stealth too or labeling it better so it doesn't look so questionable. I was looking forward to no mixing. I have been using super soil lately but to make it I still have to mix it, lots of work when you make 2 40 gallon barrels of soil mix. The alternative to that is using chemical nutes and feeling like a mad scientist mixing it all up.


bud bootlegger
My guess is that they did not list the ingredients on the package like most nutrient companies and so they must assume the worst. I emailed Nirvana and let them know they may have to start sending the kit stealth too or labeling it better so it doesn't look so questionable. I was looking forward to no mixing. I have been using super soil lately but to make it I still have to mix it, lots of work when you make 2 40 gallon barrels of soil mix. The alternative to that is using chemical nutes and feeling like a mad scientist mixing it all up.
well, i guess it wouldn't make sense to ask how they were labeled being you never got them, lol.. but i'm still curious as to what it musta said to get tossed..
and i can't even imagine mixing up nuits for that amount.. i use an's products, and only mix up two gallons at a time, but i do indeed feel like a mad scientist, 2 mg's of this, 8 mg's of that.. i swear, i must have ten different bottles of crap that i have to measure and add every feeding.. it definitely isn't one of my favorite parts of growing to say the least..


Well-Known Member
I threw a few in the tent last night and I got lazy and didn't replant them into the super soil so I am gonna try out some iguana juice. When I got the package I was all excited til I opened it.
Oh well 2 more months of growing and then I should have enough to take the summer off. All though I do have a few ideas for a little stealth op to keep the cooling costs down.
I wonder if I can fit my 250 into a pc case. lol


Well-Known Member
i would grab a pack sometime...since they got em back in stock so quick it looks like it wont be hard to get a hold of in the future.

whats wrong with your order?
i would grab a pack sometime...since they got em back in stock so quick it looks like it wont be hard to get a hold of in the future.

whats wrong with your order?
They did not pack or process it yet and its been 2 days..So i will call them up in the morning to find out whats up with it..Now i know since they did that i wont get the ufos im suppposed to get like the power kush and deisel which i will inquire about in the morning


Well-Known Member
yeah theres definitely something going on there, it never takes them that long to process the order. sucks about the freebies though, i hope they give ya what was available when ya ordered.


bud bootlegger
They did not pack or process it yet and its been 2 days..So i will call them up in the morning to find out whats up with it..Now i know since they did that i wont get the ufos im suppposed to get like the power kush and deisel which i will inquire about in the morning
maybe i'm missing something here wbw, but why wouldn't you get your freebies cuz they fucked up? or is it cuz of the total amount of your order was lower cuz they didn't add something in to the order that would have put you into the next freebie bracket so to speak??
yeah theres definitely something going on there, it never takes them that long to process the order. sucks about the freebies though, i hope they give ya what was available when ya ordered.
Thats my beef lol...Now the freebies that i was supposed to get is ufo 4 and 5 and ufo 1 and 2 is something i did not want
maybe i'm missing something here wbw, but why wouldn't you get your freebies cuz they fucked up? or is it cuz of the total amount of your order was lower cuz they didn't add something in to the order that would have put you into the next freebie bracket so to speak??
The order was not processed yet so now the ufos changed order usually when they do that they process it with the ufos that are avaiible then not at the time of order which happened to me already thats how i know ...


bud bootlegger
The order was not processed yet so now the ufos changed order usually when they do that they process it with the ufos that are avaiible then not at the time of order which happened to me already thats how i know ...
ahh.. gotcha.. i never would have even thought about that shit.. good catch wbw.. but i guess having it happen to you once before, you would be looking for it to happen again..
ahh.. gotcha.. i never would have even thought about that shit.. good catch wbw.. but i guess having it happen to you once before, you would be looking for it to happen again..
Yeah happend a couple times actuallly thats why im calling in the morning so i can let them know and find out when my order will get packed and process ready for shipping...Next thing you know the beans i ordered wont be in stock that will be really upssetting lol


bud bootlegger
hopefully the seeds you ordered being out of stock isnt the reason for the delay in the first place..
has this ever happened to any of you at the attitude.. meaning, you ordered something than found out later that it was out of stock after you've paid for it? its never happened to me there, but i see a lot on other sites, which is why i was wondering if its happened to anyone at the tude..


Well-Known Member
nope, thats never happened to me ordering seeds anywhere...but i have heard stories of it happening.

once, i put something in my cart and then before i could checkout it was out of i guess i could see someone ordering it and then it being out of stock kinda easily with some strains.