plant keeps falling down


Well-Known Member
its weird it was bent to the ground so i got pissed and thought it was dead so i just straightened it out whats the cause of this.ifo its onlly a foot high and the leaves on the bottom are falling off a bit and its outside


Well-Known Member
happened to me a million times.
can be a couple of things tho depending on what phase its goin through.
could be underwatering, too much N, too hot enviroment or just that the stem is too weak to support the buds forming


Well-Known Member
i appreciate the info. its going through the late seedling stage its close to early veg. stage its not likely the environment..i had it under a cfl the first few months of its life which might have made the stem weak


Well-Known Member
Either under watering

weak stem, re pot them when it starts veg and plant root bit deeper in soil - have fan osc rotating lightly on em - never constant


Active Member
is the soil dryed out or is is wet/moist when the last time you watered them? have you given it nutes yet? what your temps like?
also what do you mean you had it under cfl for the first few months? it should be way past the early veg period if it been alive for a few months now if its still on 18 or 24 hours if should be heavily into veg by now mate
also next time you grow leave a fan blowing on your plants to make the stem stronger


New Member
happens, it could mainly just be due to the light your using. if you are using a HPS that is, plants always stretch if you use HPS throughout and cant keep it very close.
no biggie though, you can get string or with sticks to help them if it becomes a big issue it will get stronger later on, then you can untie it.

also it isnt a good idea to dig them deeper than they naturally made themselves, they grow places to breath along the stem. digging them deeper can make it worse or even stress the plant.


Well-Known Member
it started growing slow as fuck when i put it outside the temp is about 85 during the day 60 at night ats got 7 fingered leaves on it and i have been giving it a bit of miracle grow and the soil is moist
is the soil dryed out or is is wet/moist when the last time you watered them? have you given it nutes yet? what your temps like?
also what do you mean you had it under cfl for the first few months? it should be way past the early veg period if it been alive for a few months now if its still on 18 or 24 hours if should be heavily into veg by now mate
also next time you grow leave a fan blowing on your plants to make the stem stronger


Well-Known Member
the plants been through so much stress i ]m surprised its still alive
happens, it could mainly just be due to the light your using. if you are using a HPS that is, plants always stretch if you use HPS throughout and cant keep it very close.
no biggie though, you can get string or with sticks to help them if it becomes a big issue it will get stronger later on, then you can untie it.

also it isnt a good idea to dig them deeper than they naturally made themselves, they grow places to breath along the stem. digging them deeper can make it worse or even stress the plant.