Wisconsin Revolt

Who do you support in the Wisconsin Revolt?

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Well if the government has to pay for all the public union retirement they will pay out more than they take in, so who the hell pays then. And all these dumbasses that think the rich can pay more in taxes will take care of it are stupid. If you take every thing every rich person in America has you could not even pay 1/2 of the national debt. So why the hell do people think breaking the rich will fix every thing. They did pass the bill last night so maybe the country is on it's way to recovery.
To all the union members WHY is it that the union bosses are rich and have alot of money to give the politicians? Could it be your retirement?
Well if the government has to pay for all the public union retirement they will pay out more than they take in, so who the hell pays then. And all these dumbasses that think the rich can pay more in taxes will take care of it are stupid. If you take every thing every rich person in America has you could not even pay 1/2 of the national debt. So why the hell do people think breaking the rich will fix every thing. They did pass the bill last night so maybe the country is on it's way to recovery.

Wrong, dead wrong actually.

The state assembly voted last night, not the state senate. No law as passed in any way shape or form. The 14 Dem. senators are not in the state yet, probably wont be for a while.

So you favor taking that $ from the poor and working class people? You do realize the gap between rich and poor has never been larger than it is now? You realize that the top 1% of our society has as much $ as the lowest 90% of our society? You realize that as corporate profits have risen personal income has actually stagnated or dropped?

The very policies you seem to support are the policies that have gotten us into this mess to begin with. Trickle down economics does not work. Period. Look at the number of billionaires in the USA, as there ranks grows the middle class shrinks and the lower class grows. Our society is being raped and consumed by the top 1% of the country.
The poor and the middle class are the ones paying for the unions. And again I want to know what will happen when you take all the money that the 1% have and bankrupt all those greedy big companies? How many jobs do you think will be left maybe a few union and government jobs? Do you think the unions will pay the 40% of the taxes the 1% pay? Hell no they want they just want more because they need to reelect oshit to get their NWO in order. And tell me how the union has millions to give to politicians and not a dime for retiring members? The rest of the dues from union members gos into their pockets. The union members give a shit less what happens to their dues as long as they can go on strike and get more of a pay check. Damn the unions I hope they all go broke.
Wrong, dead wrong actually.

The state assembly voted last night, not the state senate. No law as passed in any way shape or form. The 14 Dem. senators are not in the state yet, probably wont be for a while.

So you favor taking that $ from the poor and working class people? You do realize the gap between rich and poor has never been larger than it is now? You realize that the top 1% of our society has as much $ as the lowest 90% of our society? You realize that as corporate profits have risen personal income has actually stagnated or dropped?

The very policies you seem to support are the policies that have gotten us into this mess to begin with. Trickle down economics does not work. Period. Look at the number of billionaires in the USA, as there ranks grows the middle class shrinks and the lower class grows. Our society is being raped and consumed by the top 1% of the country.

I get so tired of hearing the billionare ideology line. There are over 300million people in the US. There are a little over 400 billionares. Take all of their money and you still can't come close to paying for all nonsense you advocate. And please take it, so yall will shut up about it. The gov is broke at every level! Entitlement programs are clearly a recipe for financial strain. Why is this so hard to understand? Our society is being raped because we pay more and more into a system that is falling apart. There is no real return on that money because the system is dysfunctional and limping along. Hope and change? That's code for expansion of dysfunction...MORE of the same
In the 2008 election cycle, unions contributed $400 million to the democratic campaign. The American Federation of the State, County, and Municipal Employees, the biggest public union gave the dems $90 million in the 2010 election cycle.

So...public employee unions are a mechanism by which every taxpayer is forced to fund the Democratic Party. It's NUTS!
i have a much better idea..... how is this... lets close all our 1,000 over seas military bases, this will save us billions...in the process we we stop alot of anti american and radical behavior
I get so tired of hearing the billionare ideology line. There are over 300million people in the US. There are a little over 400 billionares. Take all of their money and you still can't come close to paying for all nonsense you advocate. And please take it, so yall will shut up about it. The gov is broke at every level! Entitlement programs are clearly a recipe for financial strain. Why is this so hard to understand? Our society is being raped because we pay more and more into a system that is falling apart. There is no real return on that money because the system is dysfunctional and limping along. Hope and change? That's code for expansion of dysfunction...MORE of the same

You are tired of hearing the line because it is true.

Im not advocating taking all the $ from the richest, I never have. I advocate us ALL taking a bite out of the shit sandwich, not just the ever shrinking middle class and the poor.
If the uneducated poor are the problem making huge cuts to early childhood education and teacher cuts and will only add to the problem.

I dont know who the hell "yall" is or how exactly I am part of "yall". I can only assume that you assume im a "lib" or a "proggie" or some other bullshit tag. Im not.
Im not a socialist, I own a business. Im not a "liberal pussy" either, Im a US Marine

To imply that Obamas policies are the cause of the mess is shortsighted and really has no merit. While I dont support some of his policies he isnt the problem, it was here long before he got here.
In the 2008 election cycle, unions contributed $400 million to the democratic campaign. The American Federation of the State, County, and Municipal Employees, the biggest public union gave the dems $90 million in the 2010 election cycle.

So...public employee unions are a mechanism by which every taxpayer is forced to fund the Democratic Party. It's NUTS!

Huh? That makes 0 sense.

The unions are funded through the contributions of its members. If you arent in the union you contribute 0$ to them. The only tax payers putting $ injto the unions are the members. Not 1 penny of your $ goes to a union if you arent a member.
i have a much better idea..... how is this... lets close all our 1,000 over seas military bases, this will save us billions...in the process we we stop alot of anti american and radical behavior

Exactly, ina way thats part of my point. These people arent serious about balancing the budget. If they really were they would take a look at our biggest expenditures. Until I see SOMEONE on the right tackle the following I will continue to believe they are more interested in pushing their moral aganda and securing more political power than they are in balancing the budget:

Huge corporate tax breaks and subsidies
Defense Spending
Drug War spending (including the costs of incarceration)
Social Security

There are elephants in the room and the far right seems more intent on swatting flies. The shit they are proposing is a drop in the ocean.
Huh? That makes 0 sense.

The unions are funded through the contributions of its members. If you arent in the union you contribute 0$ to them. The only tax payers putting $ injto the unions are the members. Not 1 penny of your $ goes to a union if you arent a member.

Well maybe we should make the public unions private so no tax dollars will go to them for union dues. Who do you think pays their salaries tax dollars or obama stash money?
If you take every thing every rich person in America has you could not even pay 1/2 of the national debt. So why the hell do people think breaking the rich will fix every thing.

No one is advocating paying off the entire national debt at once, it's going to take decades, just like it did after WWII. For a LONG TIME the top tax rate was 90%, and everyone accepted it because the country was in debt, to slowly pay down the debt we had to trim from the top. Taking from the bottom doesn't work.

No one is saying raise taxes enough to pay off the debt this year, just enough to close the deficit. And we shouldn't just be increasing taxes on personal wealth, US corporations have TRILLIONS of dollars just sitting on the sideline DOING NOTHING. If they aren't going to spend the money to grow our economy and create new demand, then the government SHOULD be taxing them and getting that money moving. And right now, because of all the loopholes, credits, and write offs we allow our corporations the EFFECTIVE corporate tax rate in the US is the SECOND LOWEST in the ENTIRE WORLD. Something like 90% of US corporations pay absolutely NOTHING in taxes.
Well maybe we should make the public unions private so no tax dollars will go to them for union dues. Who do you think pays their salaries tax dollars or obama stash money?

Are you saying we should dictate how public employees spend their paycheck? That is ridiculous. If public employees want to fund a union then they have every right to do so.

You wouldn't tell a public employee they have to buy their groceries at Wal-Mart instead of Publix because they are costing the taxpayers too much money, if you did people would call you crazy.
Almost every city in the land has some kind of community Garden, my town has several.

Yeah, and they probably feed a few dozen families each, maybe even a few hundred-a thousand if you add them all up, that is still quite short from feeding the MILLIONS of people that live there.

edit: Don't get me wrong, I am a HUGE fan of community gardens, but to say we can instantly go from gov't assistance such as food stamps and welfare, to community gardens feeding the poor is ludicrous.
Exactly, ina way thats part of my point. These people arent serious about balancing the budget. If they really were they would take a look at our biggest expenditures. Until I see SOMEONE on the right tackle the following I will continue to believe they are more interested in pushing their moral aganda and securing more political power than they are in balancing the budget:

Huge corporate tax breaks and subsidies
Defense Spending
Drug War spending (including the costs of incarceration)
Social Security

There are elephants in the room and the far right seems more intent on swatting flies. The shit they are proposing is a drop in the ocean.

Now I can agree with you on most of this. Bring all of our troops home and charge other countries for services rendered,quit trying to support the world on Americas pay checks. It is time for the government to start looking out for the American people instead of foreigan dictors. There is SS medicare and medicaid saved. But now there you go again on the job creating BIG ASS CORPORATIONS, but we are getting some where, we need to be in congress I think we could solve the countries problems where the politicans are worried about getting reelected.

love and peace
got to check on my girls again sure miss them
Huh? That makes 0 sense.

The unions are funded through the contributions of its members. If you arent in the union you contribute 0$ to them. The only tax payers putting $ injto the unions are the members. Not 1 penny of your $ goes to a union if you arent a member.

A lot of this is commingled with payroll, benifits and pension shortfalls
But now there you go again on the job creating BIG ASS CORPORATIONS, but we are getting some where, we need to be in congress I think we could solve the countries problems where the politicans are worried about getting reelected.

love and peace
got to check on my girls again sure miss them

You missed my point. My point is there should be SHARED responsibility for cleaning up the mess.

Im not against business, like I said earlier I own a business. I am against situations where big business uses corporate tax loopholes to not pay their share or actually get money BACK FROM US TAXPAYERS.

Take GE for example. Did you know they paid no US taxes last year? In fact I beleive they actually got $ back FROM US. By exploiting loopholes and moving their holdings and $ offshore they escaped paying taxes.

Do you really think OUR tax $'s should be going to the most profitable business' on earth in the form of oil subsidies and tax breaks?

You really want to hand Exxon money your while we cut $ from early childhood education?
I’d guess part of the reason the “lower class”,is the piss poor education system this country has. You can cry and desire the rich man’s money all you want but shouldn’t that be in a different thread. If your 40 years old, health and poor it’s your own fault. I say take some fucking personal responsibility.
I thought this teacher protest was all about collective bargaining not stealing more of another man’s money.
I’d guess part of the reason the “lower class”,is the piss poor education system this country has. You can cry and desire the rich man’s money all you want but shouldn’t that be in a different thread. If your 40 years old, health and poor it’s your own fault. I say take some fucking personal responsibility.
I thought this teacher protest was all about collective bargaining not stealing more of another man’s money.

LOL welcome to the political forums where every topic goes off on a tangent within a few posts :-)
I’d guess part of the reason the “lower class”,is the piss poor education system this country has. You can cry and desire the rich man’s money all you want but shouldn’t that be in a different thread. If your 40 years old, health and poor it’s your own fault. I say take some fucking personal responsibility.
I thought this teacher protest was all about collective bargaining not stealing more of another man’s money.

I apologize for my hand in taking this thread off topic.

But as far as taking the rich mans money and responsibility.

I generally agree with you about being 40, healthy, and poor. BUT...

If you are a kid, and your parents are 40, healthy, and poor, it isn't your fault. We can't just let kids starve, go cold, without medical care, without an education because their parents were stupid.

And generally, the upper class are the ones who have/do benefit from the governments action. Like it or not, we have the society we have because of government investment(New Deal, Great Society, etc.), and in this society the upper class were allowed to become rich and successful and in some cases live like gods because the generations before them invested in this country through taxes.

Who benefits more from the public education system? The manager of McDonalds who was able to get the job because he has a H.S. diploma, or the leaders of industry who get to make billions because they have an educated labor force to draw from?

Of course the rich should pay back more to society, besides the fact that they can afford it, it's because of investments of generations before them that they were able to become what they are, if they don't pay taxes now then soon the only people who are able to become successful will be members of the aristocracy. We don't want aristocracy in America, we want the poor to be able to rise to the top. And without public systems in place to support them it won't happen.

And we are finding that more and more college freshman aren't prepared to enter universities, you don't get something for nothing, we have to bring our schools into the 21st century and that is going to take money. Or else we won't be able to keep up with the rest of the world.

If Malthus was right, then poverty would have died out centuries ago.