I know im going to get a lot of negative feedback for this...

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i know im not super close to anyone on this forum, and there's that whole thing sometimes you don't know who a person really is...

but anyways here i go

about 2 months ago my fiance left me high and dry with my 2 year old daughter. since he has no job i cannot collect child support and i've been struggling to pay my bills and rent and car payment and insurance ect ect

well here i am i must say i've done an alright job so far...till now.

This may sound like im looking for a hand out... and i suppose techinically i am but i've been to plenty the county ywice with no luck in the time frame i need the help in. So here...

Im 300 dollars short on my rent. if i don't come up with the money within 24 hours i am going to be served with a writ of eviction. My daughter means the world to me and i don't want to see her going homeless, cuz i mean i could give a fuck about myself.
Basically im looking for someone that could help me, im even willing to pay back the money when i get my taxes (although i guess you'd have no way of knowing that either, but i am willing to send information of pictures or exchange messages for proof of my authenticity and the authenticity of the situation itself.
Like i said i know im going to be getting a lot of bashing but if you could please keep it to a minimum that would be great since i have so much going on...
wow do i feel pathetic... sorry i understand everyone else has their own finiancial problems... this is just me looking for a gaurdian angel.
you'd really get better responses from someone locally. Not a bunch of potheads who know if authorities get ahold of there private info...
trust me i've tried i've pawned just about everything making up for rent in the past 2 months that i've done this myself.
i am sorry you're goignt though such hard times. I think a lot of people are in simialr situations and it's hard for people to give when they struggle to stay on their feet themsleves. I hope you can find some help. Have you looked into state programs tht may bbe able to help you? It sounds to me liek you need to make more money, maybe start pursuing a better career path... goodlck
that thing would have to be gold plated ,move up and down and vibrate , before i even would conciser giving you a dime
You need a different audience I think. I cant imagine many people on this site be willing to give you cash if they dont know you or at seen you around the boards for a while. Personally and I dont really have shit for money I donate prolly 300 a year. But I only give it to one place. the bill and melinda gates foundation. hes too rich to ever steal my money and buy a bentley
God damn it. I hate what's going on in this country right now. If I had it, I would give it in heartbeat. I just wiped out my savings paying my parent's back payments on their mortgage. They were going to be evicted on the 23rd. I'm completely wiped out. :(
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