What are the keys to a successful relationship?


Active Member
Every person and every relationship is different, but i'd try to live by some basic rules: #1. No one is perfect, accepting their flaws will allow them to accept you for yours. #2. With #1 in mind, know your limits, and your standards.. you want to live your life a certain way don't change it all for a relationship. #3. Always try to put yourself in their shoes during arguments/fights to see how you can work things out peacefully. And my favorite, #4. TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS!



Well-Known Member
She pretty much covered it! We are all trying to be Locksmiths... frustration sucks...Sounds like communication problems! Just my instincts.


Well-Known Member
Know when to make the sammitch dont make him have to ask for it............Know when he is low on beer...bring him a cold one just before he takes last swallow............as you are cleaning up the ash trays you can pick can up and see how much beer is left....it is allowed..........................if you are getting more than 2 black eyes a week he need to dump you cause you just dont listen...................there....now have a happy relationship.....hugs sweetie.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
hit hard and pack a big shlong...... LOL

treat them like you want to be treated.. if it would bother you then don't do it or say it.. love and respect.....


Well-Known Member
Know when to make the sammitch dont make him have to ask for it............Know when he is low on beer...bring him a cold one just before he takes last swallow............as you are cleaning up the ash trays you can pick can up and see how much beer is left....it is allowed..........................if you are getting more than 2 black eyes a week he need to dump you cause you just dont listen...................there....now have a happy relationship.....hugs sweetie.
I believe dave chappelle said there was only 4 things you need to do to please your man..

Suck his dick, play with his balls, make him a sandwich after, and just stop talking so damn much. LOL


Well-Known Member
Know when to make the sammitch dont make him have to ask for it............Know when he is low on beer...bring him a cold one just before he takes last swallow............as you are cleaning up the ash trays you can pick can up and see how much beer is left....it is allowed..........................if you are getting more than 2 black eyes a week he need to dump you cause you just dont listen...................there....now have a happy relationship.....hugs sweetie.
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Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
keys to a good relation ship are

being trustworthy

and finding someone who can trust YOU, and reciprocate.

If you can do that, things just fall into place.


Well-Known Member
Biggest piece of advice. Relationships really begin after 1-2 months. There's a lot of people who unfortunately dont act like who they "really are". So my advice, dont do anything different to disrupt your life and the way its currently going. when the right person comes along, they will understand and accept your going to do what you do, in return you become happy because they a.] understand. b.] they've accepted you for you. and because you didnt do anything different than you normally would if they werent in a relationship with you, your relationship will last and grow.


New Member
1) Love
2) Honesty
3) Sex
4) Being comfortable and laid back like being able to kid with each other
5) Being open to new things (mabe youllget lucky and your girl wants a threesome with her friend ;)...steve lol jk)


Well-Known Member
Everyone here is only kinda right, cept pony, he kinda nailed it lol. Just knowing that there is a time and place for everything is all you need. Communication is key (given). Being in tune with the other person's needs (goes both ways). Seems like yer dude is selfish and yer prolly not perfect either, but the "i want" factor in a relationship means disaster. It's "What the other person will let me have" factor. Nothing is ever one sided in a relationship, everything you do has to include what yer partner will be ok with. The trick to that is finding someone that can put up with all yer bullshit hehe. Now ... Wheres my sammich?