Every new grower should watch this video


Well-Known Member
Hey guys hows it going?? I thought this Video would be extremely helpful to each and every new and medium experienced growers. In here you will learn almost everything you need to know about growing. :blsmoke: TV Links - Divx


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
The damn music is overpowering the video...not worth it in my opinion...too annoying.

Editing here...going back to try it again as I have been told the music is only in the first 5 minutes or so.
Some of us have no patience...

Mr. Limpet

Well-Known Member
yeah and i tried to watch it before on a different link and the sound was like 3o seconds behind so i couldnt follow it


Well-Known Member
As a newbie, I thought it was very good. Should be a requirement before you let us into the board. It would answer allot of questions and get us up to spped!

Should be posted int he newbie section as a sticky.


Well-Known Member
Is it the THC Company DVD?

I got that, and its fucking retarded to have the music louder then the voices..
You can barely hear wtf he is even saying...

Look for Ready Set Grow 1-2 on utube, torrents, or emule.. It was produced by High Times..
Another worthy video is Jorge Cervantes Ultimate Grow.. I found it on Emule, and it was (700 mbs)finished downloading in about a half hour..
Top Quality Marijuana (soil video)is another good video, then there is I grow Chronic(hydro video)..

All of these are free on various P2P networks...


Well-Known Member
I tried to watch it but had to shut it down due to the terrible music.

Whats up with the new trend,for every asshole to insert their personal favorite rap song to the video,like it adds credence to the video or something.

Might be a great video but after 2 minutes of all that high speed lip flappin going on i'll never know.


Well-Known Member
I tried to watch it but had to shut it down due to the terrible music.

Whats up with the new trend,for every asshole to insert their personal favorite rap song to the video,like it adds credence to the video or something.

Might be a great video but after 2 minutes of all that high speed lip flappin going on i'll never know.
Like I mentioned before bro it's only the first like 5 min thats has music in it.. give it a chance or fast foward till no more music..

I know there are other video's out there and others that could be better as well. It's all in the grower. With that video nobody needs to download it and can start to watch it right away. But by all means I don't mean to insite that this is the best video ever but it should be a good start. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that music in the begining is annoying but once you get past it, it's pretty good for those of us getting ready for the first grow. Audio/visual is always a good way to learn, drives the point home. Finally realize what the balls on a male plant look like (snip, snip)

Thanks for those other video titles, I'll google them.


Well-Known Member
if u r interested in grow videos look into all the ones I suggested above on torrents, and or emule..

I have found ALL on torrents.. I only needed emule to find the Jorge Cervantes Ultimate Grow.. There are still mad sources on Emule for it too..

I just looked.. Like over 90 peeps sharing it..
Mine only took 30 mins to finish downloading, once it started..

Here there are torrents for ebooks, and videos
grow marijuana || isoHunt - World's largest BitTorrent and P2P search engine

This THC Company video is also there.. It really sucks in comparison to the other videos you can get..

Here I go through (IF needed) how to get your PC ready for p2p networking with torrents, and Emule, the safe way..(as safe as I know anyways)
Like how to keep the MPAA, and RIAA from seeing what you are downloading over these p2p networks..
Also portforwarding for dummies, if you are using a router.. THis will give you best download speeds

Been downloading everything I ever wanted for 7 years or so no problems yet :D

Here is the utorrent you want to download
IDATop - Programs - uTorrent-1.6.1-install.exe

Id also like to add that the rapidshare link I posted to a very good grow book, by Ed Rosenthal is still working.. The other link is dead..



Well-Known Member
Yo' Joe (Sorry, I couldn't resisit). Thanks. the Ready-SetGrow by HT's was great. Did the Dr. Green too (reminds me of Paully Shore,,,, "Nice Nugs").

Found them on Google video and copied then with My Recorder. I'll take a look at the Top Quality Marijuana, soil video since I'm doing soil for my first grow since there is less chance of a brain fart.

I'm playing around with a DWC hydro with sweet basil (the eat herb, not the smokin' kind) to home my skills for when I get my first clone. That way, when I get the munchies, I can make a nice garlic and olive oil pesto with some mostacolli and sun dried tomatoes, fresh parmesan with a hint of smoked provelon! (Italian, like to cook).

Shit! I ain't high and that got me hungry!

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
You sound like a man, that knows his way around the kitchen :)
There is a VERY good cooking with marijuana video..
Cooking With Marijuana - The Gourmet Menu By Chef Hans

Plus goes threw some cooking recipies

@ juggernaut,
yeah thats the one! Maybe look up seemorebuds videos ;)
Hey man awesome shares btw!!! I really do appreciate it and think it's useful to everybody.. Wonder if there is a way we can have a sticky made and just post excellent grow video and book links. I wish I had really thought of watching this stuff when I first started off but now at the end of my grow it's too late as it will only be in winter before I start again... I think that if somebody is really serious and wants to do the job right then it is imperative to watch these videos. Personally I prefer videos as I had a major ADD issue and can't seem to keep interested in reading books. So anyways long story short thanks man good share!! :blsmoke: