Help! Will it die? Pics.


I have a plant in sprouting stage, been that way for 3 days.
Yesterday, I decided to put the plant right underneath my light (160w CFL Dual Spectrum) with each lighting part an inch away.
The soil was damp, I hadn't been feeding it any water from planting after germination, and I had a fan blowing over my box, near my window which was slightly open.
Checking the plant 3 hours later, the coteledons leaves closed themselves and became a brownish green.
I since then, opened the leaves slightly and sprayed some water over them, and placed them further from my light. Checking them again now, it seems they have opened themselves a little more, and appear more green, but my first set of fan leaves seem to have stunted in growth, them being still very small and young, their bases seem green, but the tips look yellow (always have).
Here are some pictures:
Sorry about the focus of the images.
Since the plants show no true signs of dying as of over 12 hourse since moving it away from the light after noticing this, will the plant continue togrow, or is it likely to die on me?
Is there anything I should do to help it?
I keep it now 3 inches from the light, keeping my fan blowing lightly.
Any help or advice is very much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
It looks like you fried it.

The soil looks plenty moist so dont water it for awhile. Move the light about 3-4 inches away for right now. Keep a nice small breeze going and hope for the best.

It might bounce back, it might not. Live and learn i guess.

good luck bro!


Should I then leave it in the dark for a bit to improve rooting and replenish moisture?
Maybe add some high in phosphorus fertilizer to promote root growth?
Or does all hope seem to be lost?
Okay, thanks very much :).
I have another plant that's just sprouted aswell, I'll learn from my mistakes and take better care of that one, hope for the best with burnt one. If it dies, I'll just plant another.


Active Member
ya the light was too close i reckon, hard to say whatll happen, just keep playing the waiting game, those lil leafs are only to start the growth of the first proper leafs, so if they start growing out everything should be fine

best of luck


Active Member
i wouldnt add any nutes at all at this stage, just plain water, if the soil is soil for seedlings and cuttings it will have some nutes in it for the first month at least, wouldnt risk over doing it when its hurting but thats just me

Should I then leave it in the dark for a bit to improve rooting and replenish moisture?
Maybe add some high in phosphorus fertilizer to promote root growth?
Or does all hope seem to be lost?


Well-Known Member
Thats right jagle.

Little baby seedlings need very little water at this stage.

Do Not add Nutes.

When it comes to baby cannabis plants, Less Is More.


Active Member
thanks im new to grower, more active on another forum but after recently germing my first seeds, and losing one, the less you do at this stage the better, keep a light breeze on her, and keep the soil kinda dry so that air can get at the roots and let them grow
her first baby leafs are starting to form to with all the luck they should continue on and your off, now without the first not real leafs, forget the word for em, shell be a slow starter but once she starts she should be off.

if you noticed ive used the word she alot its cos im sendin ya good thoughts itll be a girl

Thats right jagle.

Little baby seedlings need very little water at this stage.

Do Not add Nutes.

When it comes to baby cannabis plants, Less Is More.