Did u know Thread

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
1- There are slightly more males in the world: 3.442 billion to 3.386 billion females

2- An estimated 86%-88% of world's population are "religious" or a part of a certain religion. 32% of population are Christians.

3- About 56 million people die each year & 155,000 people die each day! More people are born everyday though, about 353,015! That's nearly a 3:1 ratio!

How many people in america smoke marijuana?

4- Most people who smoke weed only smoke occasionally. Less than 1% of Americans smoke marijuana daily.
six million Americans smoke marijuana daily.A fraction of these people smoke more than 3 joints a day.

How many guns are in the world

5- While the total number is unknown, 4.6 billion each year are sold in America who holds 1/3 of all the guns in the world

6- 77 per cent of women have crashed their vehicle, 40 per cent of women have been distracted by billboards while driving.

7- worst drivers top 10 states
Congratulations, New Jersey drivers! You are officially the worst drivers in the United States! xD

1. New Jersey

2. Washington, DC

3. New York

4. Massachusetts

5. Georgia

6. Mississippi

7. Hawaii

8. Lousiana

9. West Virginia

10. Maryland

add yours here its pretty cool crazy facts


Well-Known Member
I would have to disagree with the amount of people who smoke weed on a regular basis.

Less than 1% dosent sound right at all. But who knows, maybe im wrong.

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
Many men think about sex every 52 seconds, while women tend to think of it just once per day! Wow

8- how often do men think about sex?
Per a new poll 70% of men think about sex every day, while only 34% of women think about sex daily. On average men have 20.8 sexual partners in their lifetime


Well-Known Member
Did you know there is a reason why there are more males than females in the world? this is beacause men are more likly to die than females, and eveolution has compenstated for this.
weather a man will die from a weaker immune system(which is true,,hence man-flu,,) or as a result of war( war can be used to descride fight for turf or food when we were more like animals and more ape-like) and so the balance evens out later in life. For example france the age is 35 and after that women out number men in increases as the age goes up.
So that ones true but explainable.
did you know oue earth is slighty pear shaped? or that Jean Claude Van Damme used to deliver pizza?



Well-Known Member
Yeah there is no way to get accurate statistics with stuff like that. Me and my buddies have certainly never been a part of a marijuana user study. If they missed us how many more did they miss?


Well-Known Member
Did you know that there are over 4000 Known living species of mammal but only 2 of them lay eggs?

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
cool mmj if u need a hand send a message it aint easy making animated avatars

Close to 1.3 billion. smoke tobacco

Smoking of tobacco is practised worldwide by over one thousand million people. However, while smoking prevalence has declined in many developed countries, it remains high in others and is increasing among women and in developing countries. Between one-fifth and two-thirds of men in most populations smoke. Women's smoking rates vary more widely but rarely equal male rates.