Dr.Amber Trichome: Super Lemon Haze and Snow White Fingerez Scrog Style


Well-Known Member
Speak fur yersell Don, I normally turn hard when birds turn up, haha (but then I'm a bit of a dirty mac)....making some cheesey hash, just having a break whilst those bulbous heids sink, yum!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Light it up:!::!::!::!::!::!::!::joint::peace:bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie:eyesmoke:
Cause if your actually going to read this lOONNGGGG udate your going to want to be HIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
check out this band, they are pretty dope...I saw them at a Lalapoloza show in San BErnadion, CA years ago, during this song someone started small fire right behind me..on the dry dry grass ..... When I turned around and saw it i thought the entire mountain side was going to go up in flames!!!!!!!!!!!!!What a trip!!!!!!!


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:leaf:This is that WINE weed that I mentioned...it didnt taste like wine to me..just the same ole dirty burnt bong taste I usually get....Ill need to vap to see if its true or not.

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:leaf:this is my extraciton issue...... see how far in the tent gets sucked. ITs CRAZY!!!

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:leaf:So I wasted my time seeing if the 6 inch ducting fan would eliviate the pressure, It didnt make much of a difference at all...

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:leaf:This first picture is how I now have my extraction ducting by the window
:leaf:Second picture shows how i re-routed my filter to go into the light.

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:leaf:The broken light....eerrerrrrrrrrrr
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:leaf:My Ph testing skills are improving

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:leaf:Extended the ducting out of the light hood
:leaf:Extended the intake ducting light fan out as well....
:leaf:My ghetto bug/dust trap for my intake ......just used some window screening:-P

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Some images of the girls this morning,...they seemed to have delt with the drama well.:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P

art 031.jpg:-PLooking happy back in there home with perfecto conditions

art 008.jpg:leaf::leaf:The Phototron comes through in tough times!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peace...:peace::peace::peace::peace::peace: Amber


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sup Doc! tell me you have the vent going out the room not just into the room!? youll end up with mould fast without a dehumidifier or a vent to the outside world. love the prodge seen ema few years back, electric live presence more so than majority of bands ive seen.

extraction seems a touch overboard but its not a bad thing. at least you wont be having any temp issues lol is that with the tent flaps open?

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the feedback donginton...

Yeah the extraction is to the open window. No the extraction is with eVERything seeled up tight,no venting whatso ever.

Ill be watching for the humiditiy level...so far it has not been an issue at all.
What you smokin?
Hey you changed your avatar,,, I watched Dirty Harry this weekend.. Ive got to find my fav clip for you here...
ive gotz to know... feeling lucky..hahahahaha
so the new avatar is a guy with a melted face playing the acordian?

NO NOOO I just saw it the wolf face.....HOwling.. how awesome.. man my visuals are fucked.....you should see this drawing Im doing.. my perception is wacked. ...hahahahahah


New Member
OK OK, NOW.....Tell me HOW SHITTY and panicky that moment is when you realize your light is not on. And it should be. Sweating, anxious, nauseous freak out. A few weeks ago, I was staring at my ladies about 7 weeks into flower, and click....lights out in front of my eyes. ( Don't freak out Bushy, you got this). Flip off ballast. Wait a few minutes, turn it on. LIGHT! YAY!...........CLICK.....lights out. FUUUUUCKKKKKKK!!!! put a T5 on em and rushed to the store. Must be my bulb? It HAS had a few cycles...New bulb, rush home, install and hit the ballast. LIGHT! WOOOOO!.......CLICK. Lights out. Dear sweet baby jesus, what in the holy hell have I done to deserve this? Flick the ballast....No buzz, no NOTHING! Back to store having heart palpitations. Buy new ballast. Rush home. OH GUESS WHAT? I have a "European" hood, and a "Canadian" ballast! Fuck. My. Life. Back to the store of dirty hippies who by now are laughing at me. Buy the "conversion plug" and go back home. LIGHT!.....Click. Lights out..........This time it was the timer because it was night-night time. 300 clams later...CRISIS AVERTED!

PHEW! This can be a stressful hobby sometimes!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
LMFAO...awesome post Bushybush..although i hear your pain...your situation was much more fucked than mine..and you are certainly right about this being a stressful hobby. ...anything can happen..anything can go wrong....but ill telll you its worth it cause the shit out to smoke that aint yours...welll ...who knows what they added, injected,mixed, ect...into your buds.... a friend of mine told me that where he lives they even go as far as mixing glass and sand into the weed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ive heard about the ballast /bulb issue... there was an extensive article in a recent High times mag...
So what happened to your dope...did the issue cause any problems? did the harvest go well?


New Member
Everything went SWIMMINGLY. Since I at least had the T5 light on them all day (as I frantically rushed about town), they were fine. I like to think that day they just thought it was a bit overcast :) Bountiful, potent harvest of Power Plant, P-91, Lemon Drop, Diablo OG and Blue venom. I completely agree Doc! Who KNOWS where your meds are coming from? or what people are doing to it! (Glass!?!?!) That's why growing your own stone is the Bee's Knee's! I now have some purple OG, Vanilla Kush, Querkle, LSD, GDP and G-13 going.....(I like variety)! :)


New Member
Dr A., The trippiest out of that batch was the Pure Power Plant. The time before the trippiest was Chocolope and Sour D......Those were my sativa-y strains. However, I prefer nearly EVERYTHING about indicas (narcotic high, short height, short flower period etc etc etc.) I have pretty much phased out long flowering sativas. However, I couldn't resist the chance to try the LSD from Barney's (veggin). SOOOOO, what was the most "fall asleep while holding the bong mid sentence" weed? So far definitely the G-13 and the Diablo OG!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Thank you bushmaster for sharing your experiences with different strains with me.
One more question for the artisto...
which strain do you feel gets your creative juices flowing the most?


New Member
Well Doctor, I would have to say that my favorite "creative-juice-bomb" strains so far have been the Bullrider and the P-91. Honestly not sure about the genetics (both are clone only from my area), but to ME they seem and feel completely EVEN. That is, perfect head/body combination. In my mind I attribute that to being a near 50/50 sativa indica hybrid (with no basis for this!). It just SEEMS that way haha. I feel the most "balanced" with those two. And of COURSE coffee coffee coffee and more coffee definitely helps! I'm working on the new 215 painting, and I have been taking a picture with EVERY step from white canvas. Thought the process would be interesting. This one will be "Attack of the Super Sativas"! :)

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Very interesting, indeed!!!!!! Seems you have some good local hookups. Im jealous!
Im very excited about your new painting. The name you have selected is very powerful. when is the expected finish date? i really cant wait to see it.
Is super lemon haze one of the attack monster plants?


New Member
SLH is an attack monster FOR SURE! That strain reallllllly gets my heart/mind racing! VERY trippy! I will be done by the end of the day.The area i'm in has more dispensaries than starbucks. One of my buddies ordered around 5,000 bucks worth of feminized seeds from TGA, Greenhouse, Dr. Greenthumb etc. Needless to say....These clones (around 25 strains i think?) are making their way around the area! WOOOOO! The "clone only" strains I have (urkel, GDP, P91, bullrider, Purple OG) i lucked into SO HARD. A few of those strains are thought to be "dead strains" due to raids that happened years ago. However, I RANDOMLY met a guy whose Dad has saved these genetics for YEARS. Everyone in the know will smoke the P91 and say "HOLY SHIT.....This really is the P"! PURE LUCK Doctor, Pure luck. :)