oh god i am such a noob please help


here are some pics of my " plant" i think it's gonna die and i have know idea what caused the problems or how to fix it/them i took some pics now i need some help from the guru's on this forum. i've had it for about a week . temp in the room is about 78 to 80 and humidity is around 40. i have had the lights on 24/7 but i changed that today to 18 and 6. it's only had nutrients once and mixed 2.5 ml to 1 gallon of water. i checked the ph of the soil last night and it says thats its 8.0 ish please help...... i want to get it dialed in a bit better before i get some more clones . oh another ? how many can/should i grow in a secret jardin dr60.


The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
They don't need nutes untill the little round baby leaves go yellow/fall off (and then very small amounts).
Your PH is way out COCO needs to be 5.5-6.0 and SOIL needs to be 6.5-7.0.
I doubt they will recover.


Active Member
Did you forget about it and not give it enough water? Did you put water straight out of tap on it? Did you put too much light or too hot of a light on it? You added ferts/nutes to it too soon, I usually don't add ferts/nutes until around week 4-5? What are you using for the grow medium (soil), is it too rich for a seedling? Being new myself, and after having looked and read hundred of threads, lots of books and videos. I've never seen such a bad looking baby, I hope that you can save it. You have a good looking setup, next time watch your babies and what you do to them more closely. Don't give up, keep at it, it does get better and easier as we learn how to do it.:leaf::leaf::finger:


Global Moderator
Staff member
Its toast, start again.
Doublecheck all your parameters - something went radically wrong somewhere.
It is too young to be feeding nutes yet & your soil ph is too high.
What are you measuring your ph with (both soil & water)?


Active Member
evryone has nailed it for you. no nutes, ph too high, your medium looks like compost which will kill little girls(if your runoff was at 8 it must be too rich). transplant into some ph balanced soil without any added nutes and water at 6.5 or maybe a little lower if needed, based on your runoff ph.


thanks to everyone who took the time to look at my poor excuse of a grow. i went out today and got some new soil from home depot. some miracle grow, hopes it works better than the last stuff, just to explain what happened and maybe clarify some things i've been told or read on-line. when i got the clone it was in sad shape it was tiny and the stem was not strong enough to support it very well. so we transplanted it into the pot you see in the pics. with some natures choice soil. and gave it some water. that was about a week ago. i was also keeping it in a home built "box" with just one light and a computer fan. it was also lined with tin foil( it was a very crude grow box) so it grow the top leaves and everything was going ok then about thursday i noticed it was kinda yellowing the bottom leaves. so i thought maybe add a little bit of nutrients so i mixed up some , 2.5 ml to 1 gallon of water( that i let sit out for 3 days prior to mixing). then on monday i went out and bought the dr 60 grow tent wich i love so far. and took a ph sample of the soil and it came up as 8.0 ( from what the box says) then today i took some pics and posted them up here.


Well-Known Member
maybe too much nutes, your not really supposed to add that early but that shouldnt matter--what kinda nutes did you add? looks kinda like a light burn


Active Member
your pH is off, get a pH kit and get it corrected. that isnt a clone, its a seedling. that means no guarantee it female. Miracle Gro is not the best soil for growing cannabis but it will work. did you get the kind with fertilizer already mixed in?


Well-Known Member
thanks to everyone who took the time to look at my poor excuse of a grow. i went out today and got some new soil from home depot. some miracle grow, hopes it works better than the last stuff, just to explain what happened and maybe clarify some things i've been told or read on-line.
If it is miracle grow with time released nutes take it back.

when i got the clone it was in sad shape it was tiny and the stem was not strong enough to support it very well. so we transplanted it into the pot you see in the pics. with some natures choice soil. and gave it some water. that was about a week ago. i was also keeping it in a home built "box" with just one light and a computer fan. it was also lined with tin foil( it was a very crude grow box) so it grow the top leaves and everything was going ok then about thursday i noticed it was kinda yellowing the bottom leaves.
Get rid of the tinfoil. Probably was not a problem here, but it will be next time. Tin foil causes hot spots and doesn't reflect well. Get mylar or flat white paint
so i thought maybe add a little bit of nutrients so i mixed up some , 2.5 ml to 1 gallon of water( that i let sit out for 3 days prior to mixing). then on monday i went out and bought the dr 60 grow tent wich i love so far. and took a ph sample of the soil and it came up as 8.0 ( from what the box says) then today i took some pics and posted them up here.
You should listen to others and not nute a seedling and give it 2 weeks or more. When you start to nute go light. If you PH was that high you need to test your soil...you should also test your water as well. The others mentioned 6.5-7 for soil