Off His Friggin Rocker !!!


Well-Known Member
I thought his follow up interview was perfect... the man has a high IQ and is a genius... not everyone is going to get that... does he have issues? yes, we all do, that is what makes us human.


Well-Known Member
I thought his follow up interview was perfect... the man has a high IQ and is a genius... not everyone is going to get that... does he have issues? yes, we all do, that is what makes us human.
uh other than the fact that he's using his intellect to justify bullshit.... yeah, real genius.

if he was so fucking smart you'd think he would keep it under control, he obviously is just BARELY under control.


Well-Known Member
Gee pops, you totally missed the second half of my statement... I kept it short on purpose... ;)


Well-Known Member
Gee pops, you totally missed the second half of my statement... I kept it short on purpose... ;)
yeah but he's not recognising these things as 'issues' he's straight up going on every tv station that will take him yelling out to the world I"m winning, I am a drug, etc.

straight up narcissistic ego-rage...

just sayin, he isn't some modest human with his 'issues'. he's a blatant prick shouting to the world that he is a god among men and we should continue to support his behavior.


Well-Known Member
yeah but he's not recognising these things as 'issues' he's straight up going on every tv station that will take him yelling out to the world I"m winning, I am a drug, etc.

straight up narcissistic ego-rage...

just sayin, he isn't some modest human with his 'issues'. he's a blatant prick shouting to the world that he is a god among men and we should continue to support his behavior.

Maybe we'll see the genius in it when they sign him on for 4 or 5 million an


Well-Known Member
Maybe we'll see the genius in it when they sign him on for 4 or 5 million an
honestly they only way thats gonna happen is if theres something in the contract that allows him to sue them... which there might.

I'm hoping they had somewhere in the contract something to the extent of "if you act like an idiot your contract will be terminated immediately"

if there isn't anything like that in there, cbs is screwed on this one....


Well-Known Member
So how has he changed you life by being on maybe turn the channel? I love his show but dont watch the interview......most actors are really lame away from the set.............


Well-Known Member
Only actor I ever felt bad about was PEEWEE HERMAN.........cant a man enjoy a porn show without the Gestapo ragging his poor guy.


Well-Known Member
All I know, is the whole Hollywood machine is outta control.

These celebs doing shit that would put normal people in jail, have kids PERMANENTLY taken away, outcast from everyone.

Then, whatever they did is quickly forgotten, because they are who they are, invited to promotion parties to be given gifts that are worth more than many people make in a year.

It's fuckin disgusting.....but we keep feeding it by tuning in.....and I can't stop lately, especially with this.


Well-Known Member
boycott the commercials......write letters to the sponcers and enough ppl get mad sponcers will drop a show......and pfft its over.............wait to OLD SCHOOL we did that back in the 60s and 70s and it a point......


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i'm watching a clip of him looking for his kids on channel 4 NEWS as i type this. they won't even tell him where they are.

sounds like kidnapping to me. LOLOLOL
any time a child is taken out of a home weather it be the state or not i feel is also kidnaping, but i'l say it again its alwayz 4 the best intrest and well being for the kids...