Lowryder 2X Ak47 Feminised 250 watt Hps Grow Re_Run


Active Member
Oh and yes I picked a name for the mango if u haven't already guessed. "Mango Gunman" since she is in with the AK. Wielding lady's :)


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I just wanna say today is DAY 5 lol ima go by when they came out of dirt not by when they germed :)
Temperatures at 29%HUM 79 deg at night and between30-34%HUM during the day i want to say and 84-86deg durring day .... AK1"Ms.Assult"...Ak2"Ms.Suppressive"and...AK3"Ms.Flank" are loveing the new light lol and yes if you havent realized yet I love guns hence I bought AK :) and my babies new names :) anyway im keeping them nicely watered at the moment and they should have there next set out in a few days so will keep ya's UPDATED
And thanks to all who are participateing in this adventure its good to have all the knowledge around me and on this site :)


Active Member
OOOOPPSSS Mango Gunman died :( RIP guess the nutes were to strong ill have to lower it a lil next time...i wanna know wut a lil bit of it will do early in life...little experiment gone wrong lol Flushed her tho so maybe she will perk back up eh :)


Active Member
Checked on the Mango she has perked back up lol i think she is planning on saveing whats left of the first set of leafs and just pushing out the next no biggie i guess :) will keep ya's posted....oh and ill post pics of her later in like 4 hrs :)


Active Member
Didn't post the mango yet will tomorrow tho applyed just a Tad of fox farm grow big to the mango gunman see what happens with that before I do it to the AK ladies :) mango looks just like the AK. Tho so nothings really being missed at the moment :) plus I'm outs of fox farm soil so ill useing my MG soil only with Ph adjusted water for her just another adventure I guess LOL am I right guys or what :)
I did a full feeding on day 25 last time and had slight burn...very slight..this time I I did half strength on day 25, next feeding water, then full strength bloom....no problems


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Day 6
Mango Gunman is kicking back well take a good look at wut fert burn looks like :) good education whilst growing id say :) And of course the main attack group is doing awsome.... just a few more days and we should be seeing more of there second set of leafs and even maybe there third ;) we will see tho..I watered them well tonight i was trying to get all the dirt wet which i think i acomplished :) didnt flood them tho i watered slowly "which you should do all the time of course" :) Got an average temp after tonight will post wut it is tomorrow :) im outy

2011-03-04 21.21.19.jpgMs.Assult 2011-03-04 21.21.51.jpgMs.Suppressive 2011-03-04 21.22.16.jpgMs.Flank 2011-03-04 21.24.00.jpgMango Gunman


Active Member
Mango Gunman is dead :( threw her out if she comes back this time she will be a luck yucky find for a trash man at the dump :) Any way lowered the Light down to about 1ft 3 inch above plants tops didnt want to go a foot just didnt feel safe to me lol I have a box Fan for now blowing straight across them tho so its pretty cool in the tiny canopys :) waiting for oscilateing fans to come to stores soon cant wait to finaly get one lol i coulda ordered but the old lady hates that lol anyway im out yall


Active Member
I did a full feeding on day 25 last time and had slight burn...very slight..this time I I did half strength on day 25, next feeding water, then full strength bloom....no problems
Thanks for that man ill be hitting you up more on that when the time comes for sure...ill need some advice I dont want to F this one up ya know...lol


Active Member
Second set of fan leaves are comeing in nice especially on Ms.suppressive. Ms.assault is right behind her with hers almost the same length and of course oil Ms.flank she's a oil slower then the rest but she stands the strongest I must say LOL very vigilant we will see who's where in a day or two tho. ..I'll post pics then oh and temp ranges: ) I forgot to remember when I was in there but to high to walk in with my phone I'm on right now and check LOL will tomorrow any I'm out I'm rambleing plus a jacked my ankle today skateboarding - killer OUT -


Active Member
suppressive? assault? flank? either your love halo/call of duty or your a gun person....lol....maybe both

too funny bro


Active Member
DAY 8. new pics in order assault. Suppressive and flank temps are 51 hum and 85/86 degree durring the day and 24 hum 72 degree at night gave a Tad bit of water after soakiing them the other day and they seem to be content on that for a few days now lol 3rd sets tips are showing on assault and suppressive flanks almost done with her second will keep has posted

2011-03-07 08.54.38.jpg 2011-03-07 08.54.46.jpg 2011-03-07 08.54.57.jpg


Active Member
Suppressive has really filled in today lol its awsome Assault is just behind her and Flank of course is still the same a bit of a change but still little :) will post pics tomorrow.