The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i ve seen his plant dont need to check it again to clarify its done the glass pint picture is the clearest pic to tell you its done !!
How can you judge by a pic of the plant with a pint glass next to it. He will harvest when he is ready and I'm pretty sure he will go on the trichs. Back me up here lads!


Well-Known Member
Its funny coz its so true
broke or not my shit dont come down till its ready pukka hairs have already started to suck in which is a clear indecation of it being done lol bro i dont need any1 to back me up to tell me its done the lad has done fuckin well and i would nt want him to degrade the weed he has sat there. there are many reasons why a newb would nt want to cut it down now one being they think they are gonna gain more from pro longing the flowerin time which is wrong to do as the weed will only get weaker instead of them thinking it will be stronger !! read up on it and learn be4 tryin to thrash my posts bro!!
ps billy that was nt a dig bro only speaking from experience.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Figured fuck it, couldn't really afford it but bought a pack of mr nice seeds and a single TGA bean of some sort or other, and got 10 free seeds with it so should last me a while now i've got my little computer case.


Well-Known Member
broke or not my shit dont come down till its ready pukka hairs have already started to suck in which is a clear indecation of it being done lol bro i dont need any1 to back me up to tell me its done the lad has done fuckin well and i would nt want him to degrade the weed he has sat there. there are many reasons why a newb would nt want to cut it down now one being they think they are gonna gain more from pro longing the flowerin time which is wrong to do as the weed will only get weaker instead of them thinking it will be stronger !! read up on it and learn be4 tryin to thrash my posts bro!!
ps billy that was nt a dig bro only speaking from experience.
IMO and past experiance you CAN NOT tell if a plant is done by looking at it on a picture , the hairs could all be sucked in and brown/orange but all the trichs cud still be clear , the only way to tell if a plant is ready to chop is with a magnifier and checking the trichs , just my 2p


Well-Known Member
Gave her a good check last night and still got some clear trichs on the buds no amber im startin my 7day flush today or tommorow so she will have gone 72-73 days hopin ive got like 10% amber by then, have to see

Chedder you worked it out wrong cos i sain week 10 you think its been 10 weeks but im in week 10 so wont be 70 till next thursday!

Billy you no ive got the shit covered now mate lol!!


Well-Known Member
cut a bud, fast dry it, smoke it.
I allready have dura my friend billy said the same thing, did it the other night me an my girl, kinda made me fell off me nut dint no what i was doin and went real hot my face was red raw lol my women was pissin her self!!..........also to say the bud had been quick dried and had no flush it stank and tasted good so im expectin good things when flushed and cured!!


Active Member
how come ur putting pure sugar cane in?? does tht produce more THC crystals? check out my journal!! this is my first time!


Well-Known Member
Gave her a good check last night and still got some clear trichs on the buds no amber im startin my 7day flush today or tommorow so she will have gone 72-73 days hopin ive got like 10% amber by then, have to see

Chedder you worked it out wrong cos i sain week 10 you think its been 10 weeks but im in week 10 so wont be 70 till next thursday!

Billy you no ive got the shit covered now mate lol!!
just figured bro dont forget bro your trichs will change fast and change after you cut bro i do belive you have it covered
will keep it shut from now on obviously there are more experienced peeps about!! just my 2 cents lol!! ps dont forget to calculate that trich change at a rapid rate once cut bro

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I normally just harvest when it looks ready to harvest, i rarely bother with trichs. It all get's me high, if i take a 1 week plant at 8 weeks or 15 weeks, it's all good cannabis :)


Well-Known Member
I normally just harvest when it looks ready to harvest, i rarely bother with trichs. It all get's me high, if i take a 1 week plant at 8 weeks or 15 weeks, it's all good cannabis :)
yes bro good but as mr kiplin would say exeedingly good is the way forward i live in a very competative area so there is always 1 that will try and shoot you down if you dropa clanger lol
your right tho reading to much into the trichs muddles with your mind and a quick look at your plant will tell you if its ready!! once you ve grew 1 strain for 20 or so times with clones you ll neva have to pick up your scope again !! dont believe me do it and you ll find out!


Well-Known Member
i tend just to chop based on how i feel, if i think its ready i cut it, ive got a m/scope but i recon ive been growing long enuff to trust my own judgement now. maybe not though, i dont care, as long as it gets u out ur nut i'd say that was enuff for me. not the most scientific of approaches i know!!