I would like some help guys. My plants are looking bad.


Well-Known Member
I started a thread here but no one is willing to help me it seems.
The setup: 4x4x7, Hempy style using 4:1 Perlite Vermeculite mix in a party cup with hole 1.5 inches from bottom 600w MH 24 inches above plants, temps are 72-75f, humidity is 30-37%, lights are currently 24/0. I started grow nutes 1 and a half weeks ago at 200ppm and I have been watering with RO water since phed to 5.8-6.0

Today I'm having more issues. They've only gone downhill since I started the first thread. Some are starting to get rust spots. Some are curling down. They are turning yellow.

Please help me guys. I don't want my babies to die. :-(


Well-Known Member
Cal/Mag, is a MUST additive when using RO water

1/4 dose to start cause they are babies

your plants will love back :)


Active Member
They are over-watered and underfed. Give them some darkness for 8 or 10 hours and let the leaves perk up again. Perlite holds a lot more water than you think so don't be afraid to wait every other day or longer if you have to. Water at lights out if you can. You should be above 800ppm ftw.


Active Member
Cal/Mag, is a MUST additive when using RO water

1/4 dose to start cause they are babies

your plants will love back :)
true, I'm on RO water too and the deficiency that occurs most is Calcium deficiency. You get some necrotic spots and colour will be slightly lighter on leaves. I think most fertilizer producers do not add much calcium to their stuff because people usually use water with high calcium carbonate content.


Well-Known Member
Holy crap guys, thanks for the help, wouldn't of thought of a deficiancy this early on. Will def feed them some cal mag tonight, and then do lights out tomorrow for 6 hours. I fed them at 200ppm over base after the water was phed to 6.0.


Well-Known Member
Try watering with pHed water of about 6.7 or something around that because according to this link: https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/216537-self-diagnose-your-plants.html it says that calcium and magnsium both get locked out around 2.0 - 6.4 pH in soil
Perlite is hydroponics so everything moves lower on the charts.

The other thing to think about is root temperatures.

Plants can handle 72f quite easily on the vegetation, but not in the root area. The root temps can get quite high in plastic cups even though the water temperature itself may not reflect the temps the roots are getting up to.

I am saying this based on what my eyes are seeing in pics 2 through 5. They look like they are suffering from root issues where the roots are not expanding out (therefore the leaves are not stretching out).

My guess is the roots are heading straight down in those cups? If so then they would be in the water all the time as well as in the perlite. As muffy stated, that would make them overwatered.

200ppm is underfeeding.

At the very least you might want to switch to an 18/6 light regiment to allow that root area to cool down and which will allow for some more root development.

Whatever you choose to do, I would strongly suggest that you do it all in one hit so that the plants get all the shocks from a changed environment all in one go.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I gave them 400ppm last night (not sure why I said 200) of 5.9-6.0ph RO water than an hour later I set the light timer to 18/6. They seemed to perk up a little today. Should I water with the same 400ppm in a day or two or go stronger?


Well-Known Member
yeah, by what that says but whatever. 400 ppm is just fine. Kick it up to 600 or so once they really get rocking. I think 800 is as high as I go in terms of veg nutrients.

But yeah, giving them some darkness, letting them dry out a little and feeding them will definitely help.


Well-Known Member
Well thanks for all the help guys. I kicked em up to 450ppm nutes and changed the lights to 18/6 should I top before or after they get transplanted, well should I even top them at all?

They are looking great! Check em.



Well-Known Member
The 18/6 light routine seems to be allowing the roots to heal. I would wait a bit before disturbing them. Let the root ball build then transplant them. Leave the topping till they get more established and get their mojo back.