First canna coco grow with canna nutes


Well-Known Member
yes PUKKA - 4 litres to 1 gallon over here- I know this because the entire advanced nutrients line up is based on litres....and i water in gallons.... so this is must know information for me. You deserve all the kudos on your grow as well... you did a hell of a job for your first time too! thanks.

Edit: sorry - the 4 litre comment was directed to DEL6666, I though PUKKA said that.... sorry guys. but it's all worked out.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
peacemaker las stepped in lmao ;) na i did think the same but then remembered that US gallons are different to ours lol and to think that most of US laws and regulations are based on ours lmao ;)


Well-Known Member
peacemaker las stepped in lmao ;) na i did think the same but then remembered that US gallons are different to ours lol and to think that most of US laws and regulations are based on ours lmao ;)
yes - our laws are basedon Anglo Saxon.... and yes i was LMAO when I read the litre post - because last time PUKKA and I had a conversation about what women are called..... petal, and all that stuff- I was funny.... again!
Things are different - oh and then las, there was the Grand theft auto comment!! haaaaa.


Well-Known Member
pukka there will be no arm bending once you see wot it will do!!
13/14 stronger ???? just watch how you go with it bro i ve had more trouble with hammerhead and nute burn than i did with 13/14 soid say the hammerhead was stronger !!
when we gonna see ya in a sog? your wasting time doin 1 lol!!
Amsterdams wicked mate you've got to go!!.........its a lot closer for me though mate, get flights and rooms for wknd for like £200 its only a hour an a 1/4 flight, i try to go at least 1 time a year didnt go last year money was tight so deff this year!!! my younger days i used to go with the lads for a mash up!!!, but none of that now my girls been and seen the fruits for sale just a chillen trip with my girl,,smoke, eat, smoke thats all we do and drink them fancy coffee's and hot chocolates ummmmmmmm!!

I'd love to go to hawaii bro that would be a dream holiday for me some where exotic!! lol

Dont no much about co2 mate apart from the 1500ppms is ment to be perfect conditions for plants,......ill be watchin to see how it goes for you mate


Active Member
pukka there will be no arm bending once you see wot it will do!!
13/14 stronger ???? just watch how you go with it bro i ve had more trouble with hammerhead and nute burn than i did with 13/14 soid say the hammerhead was stronger !!
when we gonna see ya in a sog? your wasting time doin 1 lol!!
So you use the hammerhead during flower right? Or am I mistaken? Thanks


Well-Known Member
I wasnt meanin the stuffs stronger mate results wise, from what i was readin and with the amount you use it doesnt raise your ec as much so less change of nute burn or you dont have to lower base nutes as much witch is good!!
Sog doesnt interest me bro i like a bit more meat on my women lol............i aint wastin time all that smokes mine will do me good till next time i thinks

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
okey dokey i consider myself told, bloody americans got to be different.............
na bro wasnt having a go or owt :)

So you use the hammerhead during flower right? Or am I mistaken? Thanks
yeah i think the bottle says to use 1-2 weeks into 12.12. i think i started using it about week 2 with the canna boost. to be fair its pretty much the same product as pk13.14 theres not much difference hammer head is stronger concentrated. i dont use pk 13.14 as it says on the bottle i use it like hammerhead start of weak then building up to when ur in full flower full strength

PB hammerhead does raise the ec bro they both do :)

sorry folks i aint trying to be a smart arse, just pointing people in the right direction. i aint no pro just had a little experience with both products


Well-Known Member
That links no good mate if you bookmark the page then copy it paste it thats hows i do it anyways lol


Active Member
na bro wasnt having a go or owt :)

yeah i think the bottle says to use 1-2 weeks into 12.12. i think i started using it about week 2 with the canna boost. to be fair its pretty much the same product as pk13.14 theres not much difference hammer head is stronger concentrated. i dont use pk 13.14 as it says on the bottle i use it like hammerhead start of weak then building up to when ur in full flower full strength

PB hammerhead does raise the ec bro they both do :)

sorry folks i aint trying to be a smart arse, just pointing people in the right direction. i aint no pro just had a little experience with both products
Thanks! Guess I shoulda broke outta the bottle instead of being lazy. Lol


Active Member
That links no good mate if you bookmark the page then copy it paste it thats hows i do it anyways lol
My bad bro! I'm on my iPhone and thought i did it right. Let me try again.
Maybe not. It keeps bringing me to the mobile site and it's the same URL. If your interested in seeing it just do a digigro co2 search on eBay. Should bring it up.


Well-Known Member
Nice to see you other here nas my friend!, thanks for the kind words bro.........yeah mate you was right the canna stuff is so easy to use, id recommend it to every1 lol......also thanks for all the help when i was startin up!!

I started my flush yesterday, my tap water with 2tbs/4L of sucanat ph'd to 6.2..i usaully ph to 5.8 but with only the sucanat in the mix my ph is like 6.8 so didint want to have to use loads of ph down so went with the 6.2 witch is ok in coco(5.5-6.2)

ok make sure you get a atlest 50% run of on ur next watering, u want to atlest water her ones or twice more for the real skunk taste to come,

the good think about coco is flushing takes no time at all, some flush for 4-7 days in coco but i go a little longer, so i dont taste no nutes in my smoke i alwais want it to be perfeckt considering i spend so much time growing em

here is a great thred go trought it u'll have a good understanding on when they'll be 100% ready Zeus's Take on Harvesting.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Lol dont worry about it mate, I was readin on there site they diss the 13/14 big time and they say because they have less P and you use less so lower ec but I dont no mate I dont bother with ec. Yeah apparently there changin the mixs so everthin is a standed 2ml/L to make it easyier I think when it was 9/18 it was 0.5-1/L now it 4/10 or 4/8 so its like 1-2ml/L same as my overdrive.


Well-Known Member
@ nas

Cheers mate will do think i got about 30% last night, thanks for the link to mate ill check it!!