Flowering and FF ?


So it's my first grow and I have a couple questions

1) Should i flower When the plants get close to other plants? Or when the plants are mature (alternating nodes)? Are there benefits/cons to either.

2)I have access to free fox farm nutes so I'm swiching over :)
Any tips for foxfarm? Did I get the correct nutes?



Well-Known Member
1) Should i flower When the plants get close to other plants? Or when the plants are mature (alternating nodes)? Are there benefits/cons to either.
A good rule of thumb is to induce flowering when your plants are either 1/3 of the total height you want them at when they finish OR around 1 foot.

2)I have access to free fox farm nutes so I'm swiching over :)
Any tips for foxfarm? Did I get the correct nutes?
Monitor the plants CAREFULLY. Fox Farm is notorious for nuking plants very easily so whatever the recommended doses, begin at 1/4 to 1/2 the strength. I remember reading a post in they hydroponic/aeroponic thread that Fox Farm also doesn't have enough P (Phosphorous) in their nutrient line-up so if you notice any adverse effects on your plants, make sure you jump on here for some assistance. :)


So after studying the FF feedin schedule. It shows that on week 4:

Big bloom - 15ml/g
Grow big - 15 ml/g
Tigerbloom - 0ml/g
MicrobeBrew - 2.5ml/g
Seaweed extract 5ml/g
When I do my res change tomorrow I will run the nutes at half strength. For a week and the bump up to full strength. Week 5 and 6 on the grow chart says no grow big. Instead it says 10ml/g tigerbloom. Week 6 says no microbebrew. Does that sound correct? Should I follow the chart? Swiching between different products weekly? When I first add tiger bloom should I run it at half strength or should I be fine?

I will be adding botnicare cal mag also


Well-Known Member
IMO Microbe Brew is pretty useless being just a carbohydrate formula, you can get the same results using molasses or honey or even plain sugar. I have a friend who gives his girls a little beer every once in a while and his plants look pretty good.
Wow, nice grow! How tall and old are they? They look short in the pics but really bushy. Unfortunately iv'e never dealt with FF so I dont have much to add to the convo about that, but just curios about your grow. Mine are only two weeks old but are no were near as bushy as that.

Grow Strong


Active Member
1) Should i flower When the plants get close to other plants? Or when the plants are mature (alternating nodes)? Are there benefits/cons to either.

What? Your plants are close to other plants already...why would that affect anything? Anyhoo, most people follow a time frame and put plant into flower after a month or after the plant had vegged the amount you want. Flowering before 4 weeks (ignoring autoflower strains) normally produces less bud because there's less bud areas.

2)I have access to free fox farm nutes so I'm swiching over Any tips for foxfarm? Did I get the correct nutes?
The nutes are fine, I don't use them, but plenty of people on here do and have plenty of luck. I believe they have a recommended general feeding schedule on their site, but I don't know specifics.


Well-Known Member
So after studying the FF feedin schedule. It shows that on week 4:

Big bloom - 15ml/g
Grow big - 15 ml/g
Tigerbloom - 0ml/g
MicrobeBrew - 2.5ml/g
Seaweed extract 5ml/g
When I do my res change tomorrow I will run the nutes at half strength. For a week and the bump up to full strength. Week 5 and 6 on the grow chart says no grow big. Instead it says 10ml/g tigerbloom. Week 6 says no microbebrew. Does that sound correct? Should I follow the chart? Swiching between different products weekly? When I first add tiger bloom should I run it at half strength or should I be fine?

I will be adding botnicare cal mag also
Right, the grow big gets taken out for weeks 5 & 6 then comes back in on week 7 before you flush & then it runs all of the way through. This is in an attempt to cut down the nitrogen right out of the vegetative growth & start building up bud sites. If you notice, Tiger Bloom contains nitrogen so it's going to give you some of that macronutrient during the 1st 2 weeks of flowering. The chart is there as a guideline for a very controlled environment probably using RO water & I would run all of the nutrients at half strength before bumping up to full power. This will put minimal stress & keep from nuking your ladies at one of their most vulnerable times. :)


Well-Known Member
BTW, Don't listen to pete, he's a turd :D just messin! lol. However I didn't think FF wasn't ideal for Hydro for a couple reasons, like what pete said, nuking plants and it settles in the bottom more than other nutes


Well-Known Member
BTW, Don't listen to pete, he's a turd :D just messin! lol. However I didn't think FF wasn't ideal for Hydro for a couple reasons, like what pete said, nuking plants and it settles in the bottom more than other nutes
God damnit Jo, why you have to go & get people realizing I'm full of shit? :) Hop on FB mayne.


Well-Known Member
Lookin good man, thats a nice line up hehe. Just watch yer res for the nutes settling at the bottom. that gets to be a pain, also can clog yer airstone