Can You Get Busted?


Active Member
From what I know the cops will take whatever they think is 'marijuana', put it into a little tube and test it.... anything that was on the marijuana will test positive.... are you trying to say kief?


Active Member
i guess it would depend on where you are located and the level of envolvement your local task force has for drugs. but any amount of an illegal substance can get you in trouble. i know here where I live, if they find a seed in your floorboard they can haul your ass to jail.


I know where you're at, and I'd say that much like here, most probably yes..... I remember last year the state police did a cool one and set up roadblocks on the exits on the interstate and were using some 'ion sniffer' device to tell if you've ever had drugs in your vehicle before, or then, and busting as such...... tore all kinds of shit up in just one day.


Well-Known Member
Texas is tough a trace of a drug is a felony but a trace of pot is a class c misdermener and dont think they will bother with lab work over a tiny flake of keif let alone find it............most time is cause the found a baggie with something in it......not like vacumming the carpet for drugs.........and seedds dont have thc in them so no bust for drugs...maybe intent dont know.........then they have to sex it to see if male or female....dont think they will go that far to bust you unless you just piss em off for some reason and make it personal.....shrug...


bud bootlegger
i know i've been busted for trace amounts of katie cane.. it was such a small amount that it couldn't be weighed but they still charged me with it.. and i also got charged for posession over .04 grams of marijuana the same night...


Well-Known Member
Its a felony in texas to carry wirecutters in your back pocket but they dont enforce it..........dont know all the laws in the US under a gram a felony in any State now? I would be more worried about getting busted for makeing a u turn then getting poped for a flake of keif........but like thexception said YES they can bust you....will they???? who knows.......


bud bootlegger
i would say it all depends on where your at.. some towns are just plain out ball busters and have nothing better to do with their time or money then to bust people for the craziest shit like what happened to me..
but i think if you live in a bigger city and the popo there have much more important shit to do than to fuck with you for such tiny amounts, your good to go.. unless of course they are just out to get you, in that case they will take whatever they can get and nail you to the cross for it..


Well-Known Member
i would say it all depends on where your at.. some towns are just plain out ball busters and have nothing better to do with their time or money then to bust people for the craziest shit like what happened to me..
but i think if you live in a bigger city and the popo there have much more important shit to do than to fuck with you for such tiny amounts, your good to go.. unless of course they are just out to get you, in that case they will take whatever they can get and nail you to the cross for it..
well said......thank you.


Well-Known Member
I know where you're at, and I'd say that much like here, most probably yes..... I remember last year the state police did a cool one and set up roadblocks on the exits on the interstate and were using some 'ion sniffer' device to tell if you've ever had drugs in your vehicle before, or then, and busting as such...... tore all kinds of shit up in just one day.
How the fuck can they even do that shit?????? That just sounds, uh, I don't know, FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What if you bought the car used? What if you had a passenger that was a "user"? What if you went to a Grateful Dead show and someone squirted liquid L on your seats? What if your teenage son borrowed the car last week to go to a party where he drives through a large cloud of cannabis smoke on his way up the driveway? The "what if's" are endless! That is some seriously jacked up shit! Free country my ass!:cuss:


How the fuck can they even do that shit?????? That just sounds, uh, I don't know, FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What if you bought the car used? What if you had a passenger that was a "user"? What if you went to a Grateful Dead show and someone squirted liquid L on your seats? What if your teenage son borrowed the car last week to go to a party where he drives through a large cloud of cannabis smoke on his way up the driveway? The "what if's" are endless! That is some seriously jacked up shit! Free country my ass!:cuss:
I'm gonna have to find an article on it for everyone.... it's some fucked up shit..... but they got alot of arrests of of it ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna have to find an article on it for everyone.... it's some fucked up shit..... but they got alot of arrests of of it ;)
Well, I certainly hope some of these people challenge the legality of this. I think Big Brother has officially arrived.:fire: