Two Republicans Announce The Bill To De-Fund Public Broadcasting


Well-Known Member
By reading the title of this thread you may have assumed that al-Qaeda was trying to destroy our rights to know what is going on since we all know terrorists are bad.. But, you would be wrong.

A free and open democracy depends on an informed citizenry and that free and open part is under attack.
As George Orwell wrote in his book 1984 "He controls the past controls the future."

Well we are seeing the first steps in eliminating Public Broadcasting as a federally funded program. Funding for Public Broadcasting provide things like Sesame Street and Nova as well an the Nightly Business report and the News Hour.
I for one have been enriched by the programming that Public Broadcasting provides especially National Public Radio which has the very best morning news.
Two Republicans announce the bill to de-fund public broadcasting

Calling it "an easy decision," South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint along with Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn have introduced a bill to officially remove all government funding from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and thus National Public Radio. Citing the issues of high salaries for their leadership and the growing national debt, the two conservative Republican Senators believe the time has come to end the government practice of supporting public broadcasting. DeMint says, "Our nation is on the edge of bankruptcy and Congress must make some tough choices to rein in spending, but ending taxpayer subsidies of public broadcasting should be an easy decision."

The truth is we are not broke nor on the verge of bankruptcy since record profits are being reported by our large corporate citizens and the banking industry in general. Even historic profits are being announced.

So again it looks like an attack on what you and I know and when we know it.
I for one think we get a lot more out of Public Broadcasting then we do out of Nuclear Bomb. One the Republicans want to cut spending on and the other they want increase spending for.

I believe we are being lied to at a rate unseen before at the same time we are basically running the Middle East at taxpayers expense.

Remember we have not started to pay for the war yet and that credit card has no limit so far at leas no Republicans will cut that spending.
Jobs for people.. Not important.. Independent media so we have a well informed voter base not important and now we will see no reproductive rights for woman again when we already settled that 30 years or more ago.
Check out for the news and listen to National Public Radio.


Well-Known Member
Fuck the Republican's,,,Fuck the Tea-Party,,,Fuck this damn,,,I'm not in toke and talk's fuck thread,,,Fuck!!!!! I grew up with Mr.Snufalufugus! and ernie.


Well-Known Member
yeah Save Ernie and Bert!

Are we that messed up we have to get rid of Sesame Street and the nightly news?


Well-Known Member
It's all "Fox" new's RushLimbo,,,and every other conservative dick head's Goal,,,I'd rather have "so called Socialism,,,Than a Dictator",,,That;s the GOP's goal "Praise Jusus",,,Yea I'm buzzed :peace: and I'm outta the political BS again. I am openminded:weed:

poon cup

Im really not a big fan of the republicans but i cant say i got to much love for any politicans anymore as they all seem to be to closely tied with corporations. On another note theres something that i saw at my college fau that quite annoyed me which i kinda wanna get off topic to say. At my university (fau) there was a group who put up big posters of aborted festeses and stuff. While i find that abortion is wrong and definitly not a pretty thing im really not gonna stop some random girl from aborting a kid unless its mine. But a discussion on the morality of abortion isnt what i wanna talk about, One of the kids who was with the group who helped set up the signs came and began talking to me and me being polite i listened. He began talking about how abortion is wrong and so on but then[/U he began discussing of how democrats want to "save the birds but not babys". And began conflating abortion with the democratic party and ideals. I found this just sad.


Active Member
Wow. Simply wow. Why you think defunding PBS is going after the flow of information is beyond me. How many news organizations exist in this country today that fund themselves? Let Bert and Ernie pay their own way. If it’s such an important product for the country it shouldn’t have any problem being an economically viable organization without taxpayer funds.

In case you haven’t noticed we have debt problem. Liberals like to say there isn’t a problem but that doesn’t change the facts. Would you prefer them to cut funding for school programs? How about food stamps? I know maybe we could cut funding for scientific research like why pigs smell. Hell I say cut them all.

It has nothing to do with being a dem or repub. It’s not rich vs poor like a lot of you on here cry about. It’s about tax payers being sick of paying for bull shit the government shouldn’t be involved in. People don’t want other people telling them how to live. The repubs can shove the anti gay marriage right up their ass. And the dems can preach that green shit till the cows come home but 10% ethanol fucks my engine up and I’m sure the poor starving children would love to have the corn.


Well-Known Member
Wow. Simply wow. Why you think defunding PBS is going after the flow of information is beyond me. How many news organizations exist in this country today that fund themselves? Let Bert and Ernie pay their own way. If it’s such an important product for the country it shouldn’t have any problem being an economically viable organization without taxpayer funds.

In case you haven’t noticed we have debt problem. Liberals like to say there isn’t a problem but that doesn’t change the facts. Would you prefer them to cut funding for school programs? How about food stamps? I know maybe we could cut funding for scientific research like why pigs smell. Hell I say cut them all.

It has nothing to do with being a dem or repub. It’s not rich vs poor like you a lot of you on here cry about. It’s about tax payers being sick of paying for bull shit the government shouldn’t be involved in. People don’t want other people telling them how to live. The repubs can shove the anti gay marriage right up their ass. And the dems can preach that green shit till the cows come home but 10% ethanol fucks my engine up and I’m sure the poor starving children would love to have the corn.
Amen brother!:clap: I think this move is LONG overdue!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
In case you haven’t noticed we have debt problem.
and in case you haven't noticed, defunding what i consider to be the least biased of all information sources will not even make a dent. not even a scratch.

it may make a smudge. perhaps. not likely.


Well-Known Member
and in case you haven't noticed, defunding what i consider to be the least biased of all information sources will not even make a dent. not even a scratch.

it may make a smudge. perhaps. not likely.
Least biased?????????????????


I consider CNN less biased than PBS! That's a good one Buck!:lol::roll:


Well-Known Member
and in case you haven't noticed, defunding what i consider to be the least biased of all information sources will not even make a dent. not even a scratch.
since doc has already commented on the laughable nature of what you consider unbiased, i guess all that's left is to ask just what it is you think should be cut to make up for the spending spree our government has gone on in the last few years. i know you'll say military spending and i'll even agree that there is massive waste in that sacred cow, but it does serve one of the prime duties of government, the protection of the people, and cannot be done away with altogether. each time a cut is proposed we hear nothing but the screams of bleeding hearts, claiming that all these entitlements are necessary for the well-being of the nation or that cutting funding will somehow infringe on the rights of the liberal minority. you folks sure do seem to have a lot of rights that the rest of us are lacking.

i'd imagine your next answer would be an increase in the taxation of the rich and america's corporate structure. considering the global nature of business today, i have to wonder how you plan on keeping both the wealthy and businesses from simply jumping ship and heading to more favorable climes. the larger corporations are already using every trick in the book to avoid the 35% corporate rate, do you really think we can hope to keep all those jobs here if we demand that business support our growing welfare state and the incompetence of our massive bureaucracy? thanks to unions that promise to fulfill the middle-class dreams of semi-skilled laborers, our labor rates are already exorbitant. how are we to compete in a global marketplace when both our labor prices and our tax structure are designed to penalize a successful business?

government supported public broadcasting has failed to inform the people, it merely fills their ignorant minds with the gibberish approved by the liberal establishment. government has failed to educate the people, to maintain our infrastructure and to even balance its own checkbook. how can you still maintain your statist attitude with a straight face?


Well-Known Member
since doc has already commented on the laughable nature of what you consider unbiased
show me the bias. play the tapes. DO IT

i guess all that's left is to ask just what it is you think should be cut to make up for the spending spree our government has gone on in the last few years. i know you'll say military spending and i'll even agree that there is massive waste in that sacred cow, but it does serve one of the prime duties of government, the protection of the people, and cannot be done away with altogether.
agreed on all fronts.

the real interesting thing (i think) is where we agree to make the cuts.

each time a cut is proposed we hear nothing but the screams of bleeding hearts, claiming that all these entitlements are necessary for the well-being of the nation or that cutting funding will somehow infringe on the rights of the liberal minority. you folks sure do seem to have a lot of rights that the rest of us are lacking.
examples, please?

a little more specific, a little less abstract purple prose, please.

i'd imagine your next answer would be an increase in the taxation of the rich and america's corporate structure.
why yes, i would like to return to previous rates of taxtation under which we did just fine as a country (and without all the debt).

allowing the purposely temporary tax cuts on the top 2% to expire from 35% to 39.6% would help way more than defunding npr. WAY more.

considering the global nature of business today, i have to wonder how you plan on keeping both the wealthy and businesses from simply jumping ship and heading to more favorable climes.
i wonder what you mean by 'jump ship to more favorable climes...let's wait for it....

the larger corporations are already using every trick in the book to avoid the 35% corporate rate, do you really think we can hope to keep all those jobs here if we demand that business support our growing welfare state and the incompetence of our massive bureaucracy? thanks to unions that promise to fulfill the middle-class dreams of semi-skilled laborers, our labor rates are already exorbitant.
you got it right, they are using every trick in the book.

but your statement is too limited in scope. they also use every trick in the book to bite the hand that feeds them way too often. i can't tell you how many times a private business has tried to fuck me and take my money.

how are we to compete in a global marketplace when both our labor prices and our tax structure are designed to penalize a successful business?
i suppose you feel we should accept the same wages the rest of the world enjoys instead, eh?

yeah, let's compete with the sweat shop laborer in bangladesh! i thought that was totally against what you righties scream about when discussing illegal immigration, but hey, if you say so!

let's compete with the foreigner willing to work for peanuts!

...public broadcasting has failed to inform the people, it merely fills their ignorant minds with the gibberish approved by the liberal establishment.
substitute 'public broadcasting' for 'fox news' and 'liberal' with 'right wing'

government has failed to educate the people, to maintain our infrastructure and to even balance its own checkbook. how can you still maintain your statist attitude with a straight face?
what does all this have to do with pbs? you are clearly reaching here. and failing.

unlike charlie sheen, who is winning.


Well-Known Member
and in case you haven't noticed, defunding what i consider to be the least biased of all information sources will not even make a dent. not even a scratch.

it may make a smudge. perhaps. not likely.
Probably right there, Contracts. Then again most loopholes won't change anything either


Well-Known Member
Such hateful lies..

Public broadcasting has improved our culture.

We don't need less choices from our information providers we need more.

Lets see we send the Tea Party to Congress and instead of jobs we get censorship, loss of reproductive rights for woman, redefined rape now good rape and bad rape, defunding of heating oil programs for the poor in the hardest winter in a long time, more children blown up with American bombs and so on..

What hell is wrong with these people..

since doc has already commented on the laughable nature of what you consider unbiased, i guess all that's left is to ask just what it is you think should be cut to make up for the spending spree our government has gone on in the last few years. i know you'll say military spending and i'll even agree that there is massive waste in that sacred cow, but it does serve one of the prime duties of government, the protection of the people, and cannot be done away with altogether. each time a cut is proposed we hear nothing but the screams of bleeding hearts, claiming that all these entitlements are necessary for the well-being of the nation or that cutting funding will somehow infringe on the rights of the liberal minority. you folks sure do seem to have a lot of rights that the rest of us are lacking.

i'd imagine your next answer would be an increase in the taxation of the rich and america's corporate structure. considering the global nature of business today, i have to wonder how you plan on keeping both the wealthy and businesses from simply jumping ship and heading to more favorable climes. the larger corporations are already using every trick in the book to avoid the 35% corporate rate, do you really think we can hope to keep all those jobs here if we demand that business support our growing welfare state and the incompetence of our massive bureaucracy? thanks to unions that promise to fulfill the middle-class dreams of semi-skilled laborers, our labor rates are already exorbitant. how are we to compete in a global marketplace when both our labor prices and our tax structure are designed to penalize a successful business?

government supported public broadcasting has failed to inform the people, it merely fills their ignorant minds with the gibberish approved by the liberal establishment. government has failed to educate the people, to maintain our infrastructure and to even balance its own checkbook. how can you still maintain your statist attitude with a straight face?


Well-Known Member
I agree NPR is pretty biased an shouldnt be funded by taxes.
You guys would feel the same way if Rush Limbaugh or fox news was sponsored federaly.


Well-Known Member
We must embrace a free press. To not host a diverse national conversation is to wither and die as a Nation.

Commercial broadcasting dares not bite the advertisement hand that feeds it.
By the very nature of for profit media it will never tell us anything it's customers don't approve of.

I, for one, believe in diversity of opinion as a necessity in a democratic society.

What happened to the Freedom loving conservatives? Why are they now trying to limit free speech?

Only deceivers are fearful of the truth. By shutting down opposing points of view the USA moves closer to fascism.
This "defunding" is the same as creating a State controlled media except the State is a plutocracy.


Well-Known Member
NPR exec caught on tape calling Tea Partiers 'racist'

Ron Schiller, NPR Foundation's senior vice president for fundraising said.....
" (no relation to NPR CEO Vivian Schiller), also stated that NPR "would be better off in the long run without federal funding," a comment that is in conflict with the organization's position, NPR reported. "
Actually the Tea Party isn't one thing. There are "Tea-party" groups that are racist in nature.
Fascism is not dead and gone friends.. It survives in the USA and flourishes. Only by exposing these groups do we see into the evil side of America. The Tea Party is just an umbrella these groups are organizing under.
If Public broadcasting exposes people who would rather not be exposed because of their covert racist agenda then it's money well spent.

In a country that defends economic injustice we need a publicly funded press to oppose a privately funded one.
It's just that simple.
In an age where money is speech, we need a press that is independent so that we have the ability to have a choice.

Public broadcasting in not an evil it is salvation.

And there is nothing wrong with free speech especially if it is a point of view you oppose.