What the Hell IS This? + Rep for Answers. Pics.


Well-Known Member
I'm in the 8th week of flowering, and my 1 red diesel plant has recently gotten something odd looking on one of the more "ready" buds. I don't see anything too similar elsewhere, but noticed this when I was doing macro shots.

What the hell is it? I'm afraid it might be a seed, even though I'm not sure how that's possible. This is only my 2nd grow, so even though I've researched a lot and read a lot here, I'm still pretty inexperienced. Please help me figure it out. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
Sorry, I should have been more clear - it's that strange hole/bowl in the first photo, the close up. The cut leaf in the third picture is where my husband snipped an end off to look at with a magnifier a while ago. Not saying it's not something chewing on it, but I haven't seen anything in the tent.


Well-Known Member
maybe just some weird grow formation going on,i wouldnt worry bout it.

I just harvest some red diesel, u can see some in my avatar lol. Heads up, you might wanna look extra close for mold in the bigger denser buds. i think they tend to mold very easily.

I think i see ur hair on the budz. my gf hair gets on them too, i cant stand it! lol


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the feedback. Still looks really weird to me. Actually I think that's my dog's hair (white standard poodle). They don't shed, except on weed apparently : )


Well-Known Member
Sorry to be a nitwit about this but... if this was a feminized seed plant (it was) and the other plants in the tent are from feminized seed, how does this happen? Also, what should I do now?


New Member
some where on the plant it popped a male flower. from the looks of it your seeds are about 4 weeks along so one of your ladies hermied on you a while back. not much you can do now as the deed is done... keep a closer eye next time. also alot of people use dm reverse as a preventative.


Well-Known Member
Aargh! Am I looking at my other females having seeds too? If I take that one plant out now, will that help anything?


Well-Known Member
nope. Finding the plant that hermed is all you can do. And even that will only provide peace of mind. Whats done is done. Usually when fem seeds herm its just one or two male flowers. Not all buds end up seeded. Usually just the ones between the pollen and the exaust fan.


Well-Known Member
Gee, it sure is a real bonus to get free seeds that will carry the hermie trait so when used the grower will just end up with seedy pot again.

We should all be so lucky.
Valid point but no need for the sarcasm. I'd rather grow homemade seeds with a chance of herm than pay out the ass for fem seeds that will herm the exact same. Not all of us are that picky. I myself don't mind a seed here and there. Mystery weed!


Well-Known Member
I myself don't mind a seed here and there. Mystery weed!
Lol. I've got one of those too in this batch. In fact, it really IS a mystery: it was one of those "pay out the ass" seed packs from a highly regarded seed company. We planted 2 of the seeds. One of them looks and smells and grows exactly the way it should (almost pure sativa); the other has a COMPLETELY different leaf morphology (very indica looking) and grows completely differently. Both from the same sealed, labeled seed pack. WTF?!