help with this set up


I'm growing 2 planets in my closet so my dad doesn't bitch at me lol. i soaked the 2 seeds in wet towel for day and half and planted them and just had them under the lights for about 16 hours now, going to turn lights off for 6 hours and keep doing that 16/6. I made walls surrounds the area now. the lights im using right now are a 60w daylight compact fluorescent light(800 lumens) thats on one plant and the other has a 100w fluorescent soft white(1600 lumens)
this is what im growing

Here are my qustions
1. how long should i do the 16/6
2. Is that enough light

any other input or advice feel free


Well-Known Member
you mean 16/8---i would leave the light on for the full 24 hours but those cfls get hot so your going to need a fan for circulation and your going to have to upgrade the lighting for veg


yea thats what i ment and yeah i cut holes in the bottom of the cups.. and my light dont get hot they been on all day and i can still touch them


Well-Known Member
ive tried cfls and they burnt the shit outta my plants--are you planning on growing them inside throughout the whole life cycle?


Active Member
24 hours of light for germination
18 hours of light (6 off) for vegetive growth
12 hours of light (12 off) for flower production

yes the light is enough to get them started.


Well-Known Member
if your dads giving you grief about the plants check this out---


Active Member
I'm growing 2 planets in my closet so my dad doesn't bitch at me lol. i soaked the 2 seeds in wet towel for day and half and planted them and just had them under the lights for about 16 hours now, going to turn lights off for 6 hours and keep doing that 16/6. I made walls surrounds the area now. the lights im using right now are a 60w daylight compact fluorescent light(800 lumens) thats on one plant and the other has a 100w fluorescent soft white(1600 lumens)
this is what im growing

Here are my qustions
1. how long should i do the 16/6
2. Is that enough light

any other input or advice feel free
Hi dude i would start adjusting the lights down to 12/12 over the next 5 days (16/8 tonight, 15/9 tomorrow night, 14/10 friday night, 13/11 sat night and 12/12 sunday night) and at night you dont want the temp dropping below around 17 degrees (As a guideline) as you will stunt growth... Other advice i could offer is to feed just plain PH5.8-6.5 water for the next 10 days or so and buy an ONA block for the smell because even 2 plants will leave a nice smell causing more greif :(

I Have About the same setup :D
Those blunts are awesome!!


Well-Known Member
:finger: Dont be a weasel & grow behind daddy's back, be a man & get your own place or dont grow until you can & anyone who gives advice to anyone growing in mommy/daddy's house sucks :finger:
shut up mate let him do his thing maybe his dads kl with it but just doesnt want to see it like mine lol be supportive thats what we are here for :)


:finger: Dont be a weasel & grow behind daddy's back, be a man & get your own place or dont grow until you can & anyone who gives advice to anyone growing in mommy/daddy's house sucks :finger:
yeah its alittle hard to move out when your only 20 and have to pay for school and a car so blow me


Well-Known Member
yeah its alittle hard to move out when your only 20 and have to pay for school and a car so blow me
& its any easier to support yourself & a family when your older? :wall: .. grow up.:finger:

if you want to live under daddy's roof,you should follow his rules instead of pissing all over him.

I take this personnally because I have a cousin doing hard time because his punk 18 yr old son thought like you do.2 plants,whats the big deal? only his best friend knew about it so its safe, right? except his buddy told a girlfriend who got busted for a couple joints & to avoid a slap on the wrist & mommy finding out, she rolled over & told the cops about this big grow that her boyfriends buddy had going. enough info for a search warrent & the cops found 2 plants in the kids closet,some pipes an a gram or so. no big deal right? except they arrest the owner of the house.& it became a big deal when he(dad) is on parole.he will be out in 5-6 yrs w/ any luck. no big deal,right? :finger:
you want to risk jailtime to grow in your own place? thats cool but only a real scumbag would fuck over someone else. :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger:


Active Member
Dude i would not switch to 12/12. keep in veg for 3 weeks minimum. not all strains handle 12/12 from seed the same and imo there gunna take 3 weeks to make the transition from seed anyway, and be less healthy as far as yield. when you do switch to 12/12 do it without all this 16/8 14/10 crap, just switch it. just watch my current grow.

if your dad doesn't want you growing pot in the house you should definitely keep it in veg till it's nice enough to take outside, it will still put off low odor in veg. here in southern michigan the earliest i've ever taken em out is on 4/20. average indica dominant plant started on 3/17 (my bday) will yield 10+oz by mid/late october at the latest here.

Manadala Seeds 8 Miles High is a fragrant, uplifting sativa that delivers quality harvests indoor & outdoor. Special attention was devoted to making this variety a low-maintenance plant that finishes by mid-October in northern climates. Flowering sets in quickly with most plants sexing within one week of switching to 12/12. Another positive feature is the fast and profuse resin production during early flowering that rewards your efforts right from the start. 8 Miles High has proven to be very reliable under various environmental stress factors such as abrupt changes in light and temperature. Plants can therefore be moved from indoor and planted out with no adverse effects. It's cannabis seeds are easy to grow and has no special requirements. It has shown good mould resistance and grows well in soil with no extra feeding*, making it a good choice for growers with little experience or not much time on their hands.
The indica-type females have minimum branching, medium tall growth, and are excellent for small spaces or cultivation in close rows. The sativa-leaning pheno can be grown as a multi-stem plant or trained if this is your preferred method of cultivation. It has longer branching due to the extended internodes and exhibits great potential as a big producer outdoor. For a sea of green set-up in hydro both phenos can be used. In hydro we recommend pruning the bottom branches on the sativa-leaning females so that all energy is focused on the long central cola.

8 Miles High has a great calyx-to-leaf ratio and slim leaves that make trimming the buds a quick job. Resiny bud production throughout the plant from top to bottom guarantees a quality harvest. The aromatic properties of this strain are delightfully diverse and feature the rare trait of strawberry fragrance. During flowering a slight brush against the plants releases a wonderful sweetness with an earthy undertone. This delicate aroma is followed by the more dominant piney freshness. As the plants mature you can also detect whiffs of a sweet lemonade scent. Cured buds retain the piney-minty smell but, in addition, there is a variety of delicious aromas ranging from strawberry, melon, to hash-candy.**
The smoke has a fresh minty taste and lingering sweetness to it. 8 Miles High lifts off straight to the head and triggers a lot of cerebral 8-Miles-High activity with flashes of insights and long episodes of trippy visuals when you close your eyes and switch to auto pilot. This is a functional daytime smoke, or a wake-up call to keep you on your feet partying at night. The uplifting, almost euphoric, effect sets in once you reach maximum altitude. This energetic sativa glides back down smoothly and leaves an expansive feeling behind.


Active Member
& its any easier to support yourself & a family when your older? :wall: .. grow up.:finger:

if you want to live under daddy's roof,you should follow his rules instead of pissing all over him.

I take this personnally because I have a cousin doing hard time because his punk 18 yr old son thought like you do.2 plants,whats the big deal? only his best friend knew about it so its safe, right? except his buddy told a girlfriend who got busted for a couple joints & to avoid a slap on the wrist & mommy finding out, she rolled over & told the cops about this big grow that her boyfriends buddy had going. enough info for a search warrent & the cops found 2 plants in the kids closet,some pipes an a gram or so. no big deal right? except they arrest the owner of the house.& it became a big deal when he(dad) is on parole.he will be out in 5-6 yrs w/ any luck. no big deal,right? :finger:
you want to risk jailtime to grow in your own place? thats cool but only a real scumbag would fuck over someone else. :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger:

lol you take it personally... thats funny. you live in new york, last i knew it's not a medical state. i bet you have a hard time on the internet if your that upset about a college kid growing weed.... posting it in a weed forum.


& its any easier to support yourself & a family when your older? :wall: .. grow up.:finger:

if you want to live under daddy's roof,you should follow his rules instead of pissing all over him.

I take this personnally because I have a cousin doing hard time because his punk 18 yr old son thought like you do.2 plants,whats the big deal? only his best friend knew about it so its safe, right? except his buddy told a girlfriend who got busted for a couple joints & to avoid a slap on the wrist & mommy finding out, she rolled over & told the cops about this big grow that her boyfriends buddy had going. enough info for a search warrent & the cops found 2 plants in the kids closet,some pipes an a gram or so. no big deal right? except they arrest the owner of the house.& it became a big deal when he(dad) is on parole.he will be out in 5-6 yrs w/ any luck. no big deal,right? :finger:
you want to risk jailtime to grow in your own place? thats cool but only a real scumbag would fuck over someone else. :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger:
Yeah b/c i going to college to get a good job so idk what your talking about i need to grow up? my mom doesnt care she knows about it just my dad is a dick that likes to bitch I dont have to worry about my parents calling the cops bc im growing two planets. Dude your on a weed site and your going to bitch? I think your the one that needs to grow up pal:finger: ha

and yeah i plan in doing veg 18/6 for at least 3 weeks depending how there grwoing


Active Member
like I said,

if you both feel its ok to shit on your parents,I hope you also end up w/ smartassed punk kids who shit all over you.
1. he never said his parents didn't want him growing.
2. i'm sure his dad isn't a felon like your cousin.
3. your in a pot growing forum.
4. growing pot does not = shitting on your parents. i'm sure your felon cousin knew what his 18yr old son was doing, and if he is in prison because his past is to blame, not his son.
5. my mom and dad taught me how to grow pot, in there house, which i do not live in now, and even if i did i'm legal to grow, unlike you.
6. i'm smart enough not to have kids.

remeber that thread you started mrmadcow??? the one you asked for strains with no thc..... you seem like a real smart guy.


Well-Known Member
1. he never said his parents didn't want him growing..
read what was said again
I'm growing 2 plants in my closet so my dad doesn't bitch at me lol. .....
.... my mom doesnt care she knows about it just my dad is a dick that likes to bitch I dont have to worry about my parents calling the cops bc im growing.....

3. your in a pot growing forum..
4. growing pot does not = shitting on your parents....
so morals & ethics don't belong in this forum?? doing something illegal that could get someone arrested w/out their knowledge/consent is a shitty thing to do. In most states,everyone in the house gets arrested, would you like to get arrested because your roommate was growing? after you told him not to?
beside the legalities,since he is living at his fathers house without paying his way,he is a you condone a guest coming into your house & saying "fuck your house rules, I will do what I want!" or worse yet, being a weasel & doing it behind your back?

2. i'm sure his dad isn't a felon like your cousin....
....i'm sure your felon cousin knew what his 18yr old son was doing, and if he is in prison because his past is to blame, not his son..
your are sure about a lot of things you know nothing about.

6. i'm smart enough not to have kids..
:clap: thank god for that & its a shame your parents didn't feel the same way :clap:

remeber that thread you started mrmadcow??? the one you asked for strains with no thc..... you seem like a real smart guy.
have you no life? reading every post I ever made? sad.
congrates, you are my first troll.