Sheen's - Korner - WiNNiNG.!!.


Well-Known Member
No shit huh Matt, Yah know everytime you get banned Rawbudski, it brings a smile to my face:)
Not because I dislike you in any way~ I actually find a lot of your posts rather humorous.
But come on man, hows about some common sense, just got off being banned and you right back to the same shit that just got you banned,

Can you say Darwin Award

I wonder how long you will last this time around,
nevermind your already gone :)
I don't think darwin can be applied to internet chat boards, and from what I see of Rawbudzski, he doesn't seem like he'd care. Just make another account. Not everyone takes the internet so serious., :)


Well-Known Member
Difference of opinion on this one, I personally feel the Darwin award can be applied to anything/ any situation where stupidity triumphs over common sense.


Well-Known Member
Difference of opinion on this one, I personally feel the Darwin award can be applied to anything/ any situation where stupidity triumphs over common sense.
Not really. Nothing to do with natural selection or evolution. Carry on though.

A Darwin Award is a tongue-in-cheek honor named after evolutionary theorist Charles Darwin. Awards have been given for people who "do a service to Humanity by removing themselves from the gene pool" (i.e. lose the ability to reproduce either by death or sterilization in a stupid fashion)


Well-Known Member
A Darwin Award is a tongue-in-cheek honor named after evolutionary theorist Charles Darwin. Awards have been given for people who "do a service to Humanity by removing themselves from the gene pool" (i.e. lose the ability to reproduce either by death or sterilization in a stupid fashion)

Rawbudski is no longer part of the gene pool at RIU, ;)

well I guess there is a bit more to the darwin award than I realized, apparently there are 5 rules to be considered a darwin award, and raw only got 4 our of 5.

Inability to reproduce

* Nominee must be dead or rendered sterile.

Sometimes this can be a matter of dispute. Potential awardees may be out of the gene pool due to age; others have already reproduced before their deaths. To avoid debates about the possibility of in-vitro fertilization, artificial insemination, or cloning, the original Darwin Awards book applied the following "deserted island" test to potential winners: If the person would be unable to reproduce when stranded on a deserted island with a fertile member of the opposite sex, he or she would be considered sterile. Winners of the award, in general, are either dead or become unable to use their sexual organs.

[edit] Excellence

* Astoundingly stupid judgment.

The candidate's foolishness must be unique and sensational, likely because the award is intended to be funny. A number of foolish but common activities, such as smoking in bed, are excluded from consideration.[5] In contrast, self-immolation caused by smoking after being administered a flammable ointment in a hospital and specifically told not to smoke[6] is grounds for nomination. One 'Honorable Mention' (a man who attempted suicide by swallowing nitroglycerine pills, and then tried to detonate them by running into a wall) is noted to be in this category, despite being intentional and self-inflicted, which would normally disqualify the inductee.[7]

[edit] Self-selection

* Cause of one's own demise.

Killing a friend with a hand grenade would not be eligible, but killing oneself while manufacturing a homemade chimney-cleaning device from a grenade would be eligible.[8] To earn a Darwin Award, the candidate must have killed him- or herself, rather than a third party.

[edit] Maturity

* Capable of sound judgment.

The nominee must be at least past the legal driving age and free of mental defect (Northcutt considers injury or death caused by mental defect to be tragic, rather than amusing, and routinely disqualifies such entries). After much discussion, there also exists a small category regarding deaths below this age limit. Entry into this category requires that the peers of the candidate be of the opinion that the actions of the person in question were above and beyond the limits of reason in their opinions.

[edit] Veracity

* The event must be verified.

The story must be documented by reliable sources: e.g., reputable newspaper articles, confirmed television reports, or responsible eyewitnesses. If a story is found to be untrue, it is disqualified, but particularly amusing ones are placed in the urban legend section of the archives. Despite this requirement, many of the stories are fictional, often appearing as "original submissions" and presenting no further sources than unverified (and unreliable) "eyewitnesses". Most such stories on Northcutt's Darwin Awards site are filed in the Personal Accounts section.

In addition, later revisions to the qualification criteria add several requirements that have not been made into formalized 'rules': innocent bystanders cannot be in danger, and the qualifying event must be caused without deliberate intent (to prevent glory-seekers from purposely injuring themselves solely to win a Darwin).


Well-Known Member
This is not WINNING! the tigers blood running the olympic sized track call MY viens, tells me that YOU can't comprehend what my warlock brain is pumping out; the pure gold; in massive quanity's, preparing for ground attack. WINNING.


Well-Known Member
yah, I edited my post, I didn't realize there was a set of actual "set of rules" to be considered a darwin award, learn something new everyday:)


Well-Known Member
shit if sheen starts getting 5 mil an episode. wowzzzers I could just see the two of them egging each other on.


Well-Known Member
I wonder how this would have all played out if Charlie Sheen took raw budskis pace on the forum for a couple days.

Samatha Green

Active Member
Cops Raid Charlie's House After Alarming Call

3/10/2011 9:05 PM PST by TMZ Staff

Law enforcement sources tell us ... cops raided Charlie Sheen's house after receiving a call earlier today that Charlie threatened to harm himself with a firearm.

Under the restraining order obtained by Brooke Mueller, Charlie is prohibited from possessing weapons.

Cops are inside the house right now, searching for firearms and ammunition.

And law enforcement tell us cops are not trying to place Charlie on a 5150 psychiatric hold.

KTLA shot helicopter video of Charlie, his lawyers, and several friends at a table in the backyard eating hamburgers (see below).

We are told the LAPD has been conducting several investigations involving Charlie, including the possible violation of the TRO.

UPDATE 10:18 PM PT -- Sheen just tweeted: "#fastball; the LAPD were AWESOME. Absolute pros! they can protect and serve this Warlock anytime!!!

Samatha Green

Active Member
Charlie Sheen -- I'm Gonna 'Torpedo' My Own Career

3/10/2011 6:20 PM PST by TMZ Staff
Charlie Sheen is promising MORE warlock mayhem -- and he'll be unleashing it all ON STAGE ... in the form of his new one-man show called "My Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat Is Not an Option" ... TMZ has learned.

It's kicking off in less than a month -- blowing through Detroit on April 2 ... and hitting Chicago the very next day.

No details about the performance have been released yet -- but given Charlie's numerous theatrical diatribes in recent weeks ... everyone should have a good idea of what to expect.

Tickets go on sale this Saturday. Duh.