New Grow Tool


Active Member
Hey fellow growers,,, Over the past 10 late nights i have researched and researched untill i found a new product using **SOUND** to multiply the watts that are being transfered from the sun to the plant,,, it is a super sonic air wave that plays from a simple tape player,,, cd anything,,, and it opens the pours that are used to absorbe the sunlight and makes photosynthesis a much faster process, the developers say they have noticed a possible 600% increase in growth ... only costed me 59.99 for a two year dose, o i forgot,, it comes with a synching neutrient to react with the sound waves, its farely easy,, Sonic Boom is the name search it up i have yet to recieve my set,,,


Well-Known Member
I did do a search and turned up everything except what your talking about, I do believe that sounds can make a plant happier. However it sounds to me like you got taken advantage of. This sounds like one of those potions in the old days sold by traveling salesmen, goning town to town.
I apologize if I sound disbelieving, but I am.
A 600% increase in growth is possible?
Multiplying the watts that I receive from the sun? The sun doesnt even emit watts, it emit's lumens.
Co2 speeds up photosynthesis, and although I've heard "claims" of up to a 300% increase using co2, a more down to earth estimate is more likely in the 10 to 40% range.

I think you shoulda saved your money.


Well-Known Member
I did do a search and turned up everything except what your talking about, I do believe that sounds can make a plant happier. However it sounds to me like you got taken advantage of. This sounds like one of those potions in the old days sold by traveling salesmen, goning town to town.
I apologize if I sound disbelieving, but I am.
A 600% increase in growth is possible?
Multiplying the watts that I receive from the sun? The sun doesnt even emit watts, it emit's lumens.
Co2 speeds up photosynthesis, and although I've heard "claims" of up to a 300% increase using co2, a more down to earth estimate is more likely in the 10 to 40% range.

I think you shoulda saved your money.
40% more grow thou CO2, well i would say that this is still high pitched since studies with trees showed that they could use additional CO2 which was fed to them by nozzles... some of the trees actually almost stopped growing...

since weed is no tree i maybe believe an plus off 10% at the max but that would be already damn good. don't forget that those plants are adapted to use about 0,038 % CO2, which is the normal atmospheric volume concentration at the moment, even if it is lowly rising. so if you put them on far more than they can use/eat up the lock up their stomata, basicly quit breathing for some time and that can't be good to me...:confused:


Well-Known Member
Gosh how I hate disputing the merits of co2 enrichment.
Well now honestly, some of this comes from memory, but as I recall, pot has been around a very long time on this earth, and many hundreds of years ago, the co2 levels were much higher here. Over time for whatever reason (global warming, i dunno why) this changed. Point being is that pot does not like the present count of co2 in the air, it is use to higher amounts. Pot plants can pretty much utilize a very high concentration of co2, so long as it also receives a higher amount of light and nutrients to help boost the speed at which it wants to grow at.

The following is an exert from greenmanspage, a notible grow guide that suggests use of co2 will double yr yeild, while I hold that claim to be, if you know exactly what you are doing and everything is perfect.


Elevating carbon dioxide levels can increase growth speed a great deal, perhaps even double it. It seems that the plant evolved in primordial times when natural CO2 levels were many times what they are today. The plant uses CO2 for photosynthesis to create sugars it uses to build plant tissues. Elevating the CO2 level will increase the plants ability to manufacture these sugars and plant growth rate is enhanced considerably. CO2 can be a pain to manufacture safely, cheaply, and/or conveniently, and is expensive to set up if you use a CO2 tank system. CO2 is most usable for flowering, as this is when the plant is most dense and has the hardest time circulating air around its leaves. If your strictly growing vegetatively indoors, (transferring your plants outdoors to flower), then CO2 will not be a major concern unless you have a sealed greenhouse, closet or bedroom, and wish to increase yield and decrease flowering time.

Even though CO2 enrichment can mean 30-100% yield increases, the hassle, expense, space, danger, and time involved can make constant or near constant venting a desirable alternative to enrichment. As long as the plant has the opportunity to take in new CO2 at all times, from air that is over 200 ppm CO2, the plants will have the required nutrients for photosynthesis. Most closets will need new CO2 coming in every two or three hours, minimum. Most citys' will have high concentrations of CO2 in the air, and some growers find CO2 injection unnecessary in these circumstances. Some growers have reported to High Times that high CO2 levels in the grow room near harvest time lower potency. It may be a good idea to turn off CO2 2 weeks before harvesting.

What I find humorous is that you had no problem accepting the 600% increase this cd claims to add, but you debate the merits of co2 and a measley (by comparison) 10 to 40% increase


Well-Known Member
does it really matter whos right, this site is being used for the wrong thing these days, i myself am guilty for it too


Well-Known Member
Gosh how I hate disputing the merits of co2 enrichment.
Well now honestly, some of this comes from memory, but as I recall, pot has been around a very long time on this earth, and many hundreds of years ago, the co2 levels were much higher here. Over time for whatever reason (global warming, i dunno why) this changed. Point being is that pot does not like the present count of co2 in the air, it is use to higher amounts. Pot plants can pretty much utilize a very high concentration of co2, so long as it also receives a higher amount of light and nutrients to help boost the speed at which it wants to grow at.

The following is an exert from greenmanspage, a notible grow guide that suggests use of co2 will double yr yeild, while I hold that claim to be, if you know exactly what you are doing and everything is perfect.


Elevating carbon dioxide levels can increase growth speed a great deal, perhaps even double it. It seems that the plant evolved in primordial times when natural CO2 levels were many times what they are today. The plant uses CO2 for photosynthesis to create sugars it uses to build plant tissues. Elevating the CO2 level will increase the plants ability to manufacture these sugars and plant growth rate is enhanced considerably. CO2 can be a pain to manufacture safely, cheaply, and/or conveniently, and is expensive to set up if you use a CO2 tank system. CO2 is most usable for flowering, as this is when the plant is most dense and has the hardest time circulating air around its leaves. If your strictly growing vegetatively indoors, (transferring your plants outdoors to flower), then CO2 will not be a major concern unless you have a sealed greenhouse, closet or bedroom, and wish to increase yield and decrease flowering time.

Even though CO2 enrichment can mean 30-100% yield increases, the hassle, expense, space, danger, and time involved can make constant or near constant venting a desirable alternative to enrichment. As long as the plant has the opportunity to take in new CO2 at all times, from air that is over 200 ppm CO2, the plants will have the required nutrients for photosynthesis. Most closets will need new CO2 coming in every two or three hours, minimum. Most citys' will have high concentrations of CO2 in the air, and some growers find CO2 injection unnecessary in these circumstances. Some growers have reported to High Times that high CO2 levels in the grow room near harvest time lower potency. It may be a good idea to turn off CO2 2 weeks before harvesting.

What I find humorous is that you had no problem accepting the 600% increase this cd claims to add, but you debate the merits of co2 and a measley (by comparison) 10 to 40% increase
okay, i never believed the 600% in the first place, nor do i believe that more co2 will do so much good, but ultimately: THIS WILL BE MY PROBLEM IF I'M WRONG, so:peace: lets put the big guns away, okay;-)


Well-Known Member
Sonic Bloom - Organic Nutrients for your plants, garden or farm They now sell a home hit for $80. The nutes are $52 for 16oz. You only use a teaspoon for a spray bottle. This means you get 96 bottles for $52. Not to shabby if it really works. The CD cost $15.

Sonic Bloom
I think the music in this video is the actual CD. I think I am going to loop the beginning part. I am also going to analyze the audio of the video to see what the frequency the noise is.

I may actually try this the only problem I may have to buy the whole kit to figure out how to actually use it. (How often and what not)


Active Member
Are you talking about Sonic BLOOM? created by Dan Carlson? its a tape of select frequencies (sounding similar to birds chirping & crickets) that have been shown to increase the size of stomata & to make them open their apertures wider in order to exchange more gases more easily. The nutrients supplied are in the form of a seaweed spray w> 50 micronutrients & trace elements & hormones. Its not about amplifying the sun, its about increasing the availability of nutrients and the ease at which they are taken in by the plant. Basically, wider air holes & more nutrients in the air... I've read the guys reports & i guess he's in the guinness book of world records for one of his growths. Part of the reason I play nature sounds to my girls. They seem to like "being outside in forest" anyways. If you were in fact talking about a product called sonic BOOM & not sonic BLOOM as I believed you meant, then never mind. Look into Sonic bloom tho, the concept & purported results are quite interesting.