Please Help! 3 plants have died and a 4th looks weary.


I've had 3 plants die and a fourth is up in the air. 2 of the ones that died were recently transplanted and growing nicely. Transplanted within the past two weeks. The third that died was actually growing nicely and recently topped with about 30 others and it being the only one that died. All 3 died in the same manner, same symptoms.

they just laid down and died. no leaf curling, discoloration or any signs of anything wrong before this happens. When it does happen and they wilt down, the leaves feel very wet and soggy, it feels like the whole plant just got soggy and died. A fourth that was nearing ready to be topped appears to have started wilting.

Anyone have any ideas?

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Try posting pics if you can. How often do you water and how dry do you allow the soil to get between waterings? You have an unusual problem, for one because most plants that die don't fall over. You may want to perform an autopsy on a recently deceased plant and look for signs of bugs or infection.


Active Member
Looks like they are seriously under-watered. You need to water them. Soil needs to be damp but not soaking wet...all the soil.

Try watering them well and they should perk back up if they aren't too far gone.


I water every day. It appears dry everyday when I go back to water it. I did have a friend couple weeks ago helping me and he overwatered them and 1 of the 3 that died died the very next day like it died from overwatering. This is what I attributed it to until weeks later more died. Is it possible that the first one to die was very weak in concerns of overwatering and the others were stronger and had a delayed death from this occurence?


Active Member
Were the photos taken before or after you watered?

The trick is you want the soil to absorb as much water as it can without it going all mucky and soupy on you. Damp is good. Sloppy is not.

Good luck and hopefully that's all it is.


i haven't watered it cause the plant appeared wet, the leaves seem wet and soaked like i overwatered it. but i see what your saying. maybe the dirt was too dry to begin with cause i had a very dry bag of dirt and maybe im watering it what it needs but the dirts too dry and just soaking it up and leaving nothing for the plant


Active Member
Well...I hope you are able to sort it out...I'm sure you will. Maybe someone else will have a idea as well.


Well-Known Member
I water every day. It appears dry everyday when I go back to water it. I did have a friend couple weeks ago helping me and he overwatered them and 1 of the 3 that died died the very next day like it died from overwatering. This is what I attributed it to until weeks later more died. Is it possible that the first one to die was very weak in concerns of overwatering and the others were stronger and had a delayed death from this occurence?
there is your problem...that young of a plant in that big of a pot isnt going to need watered everyday...even large plants should not need daily watering.your plats do not get overwatered from the amount of water you use..its how often you water it


I think what happened here was my buddy helped me water and overwatered some plants and just my luck the next day is when the first plant started to die so I assumed it was from overwatering. I've been tricked with this before during flowering. I gave them a nice bat guano soaking and the next day they looked dreary so I assumed they were overwatered but actuality they ate everything and needed more and then they continued to get worse as I assumed they were drying out they actually were starving getting terrible looking, then I realized this and watered them and within an hour they looked great. This plant in the picture might be too young and not have enough root skeleton to recover. We'll see. I'm almost sure you hit the nail on the head for me though my friend. just more trial and error to try to achieve perfect nurturing these ladies.


Well-Known Member
I water them everyday but very little. 1/8 cup on a plant this size.
then how do you know that the water is reaching all the right roots...unless you have clear soil you cant tell...water the whole pot..let its dry completely out..then water again.that amount of water is being dried out by the lights faster then your roots are able to absorb some a lot of research...there is a reason all your plants are dying..and these things are hard to kill


Well-Known Member
I think what happened here was my buddy helped me water and overwatered some plants and just my luck the next day is when the first plant started to die so I assumed it was from overwatering. I've been tricked with this before during flowering. I gave them a nice bat guano soaking and the next day they looked dreary so I assumed they were overwatered but actuality they ate everything and needed more and then they continued to get worse as I assumed they were drying out they actually were starving getting terrible looking, then I realized this and watered them and within an hour they looked great. This plant in the picture might be too young and not have enough root skeleton to recover. We'll see. I'm almost sure you hit the nail on the head for me though my friend. just more trial and error to try to achieve perfect nurturing these ladies.
thats not what dont get over watering from one watering...thats not overwatering


Well-Known Member
so to turns out your not using enough water...and your watering too often...water the whole plant till you get runoff out the bottom....let it dry out...water again


Interesting. watering until you get run out at the bottom im assuming this means watering slow enough that the soil absorbs it and you don't go so fast it pools at the top and down the sides of the pot between the dirt and the pot.

all my plants aren't dieing, lol. I have approx. 150 right now and about 75 clones rooting and 120 seeds i just planted. The method of watering i do hasn't caused me any problems yet until now. but if there's a better way i'm all about it especially if it means i get to water less. the plants that are dieing are under t5 with cool bulbs so nothing is getting burned off from light. how many times per week do you estimate i should water these then? i realize it's depenedant on when it's dry but as a guess, 2x? 3x?


Well-Known Member
Interesting. watering until you get run out at the bottom im assuming this means watering slow enough that the soil absorbs it and you don't go so fast it pools at the top and down the sides of the pot between the dirt and the pot.

all my plants aren't dieing, lol. I have approx. 150 right now and about 75 clones rooting and 120 seeds i just planted. The method of watering i do hasn't caused me any problems yet until now. but if there's a better way i'm all about it especially if it means i get to water less. the plants that are dieing are under t5 with cool bulbs so nothing is getting burned off from light. how many times per week do you estimate i should water these then? i realize it's depenedant on when it's dry but as a guess, 2x? 3x?
if you have decent soil and good drainage...its not going to come over the tops and sides..i use a good amount of perlite in my soil so it drains fast...but a lot of water is still absorbed in the soil...just not enough to make the water stand.but every plant and pot size will make the times you water plants in 1 gallon buckets get about 1/2 gallon per watering/feeding and they are usually dry after 3-5 days depending on how much the plant is drinking