5hr Energy Shot & RIU Commenting :)

I was so tired so I took a 5hr energy shot. Now I can't get off this damn site :) I think I need to medicate myself to counteract that damn energy drink!

Anyways, thought I would waste your time reading this :)

Time to go medicate & then maybe, just maybe I can chill out!!

Peace out


Well-Known Member
Those 5 hour shots are a god-send for the people who work at 5am and still party at night.


bud bootlegger
those energy drinks like redbull or whatnot have never really bothered me till one time in germay..
i went to this bar, and not speaking german, i just ordered red bull and vodka.. i must have had about ten or so of those suckers, and by the time i got back to my hotel and tried to sleep, i felt like i had just done a big bag of meth or some coke..
ugh.. it was the worst feeling ever.. laid there and my legs wouldn't stop twitching and i was super drunk, and just wanted to pass out, but that damn redbull wouldn't let me..
i didn't really feel it at the time with the vodka in them, but man o man, that stuff had me geeked..

i've never tried those five hour energy drinks, and after reading this, i don't think i will..
They actually work really well if you have something to do or if you didn't sleep well the night before. I rather take one of those & smoke off my vap then take prescription pills. I'm also in pain all the time, so both help me get motivated enough to do the normal things around the house that most people don't have a problem doing. The side effects are well worth it ;)

Peace out

those energy drinks like redbull or whatnot have never really bothered me till one time in germay..
i went to this bar, and not speaking german, i just ordered red bull and vodka.. i must have had about ten or so of those suckers, and by the time i got back to my hotel and tried to sleep, i felt like i had just done a big bag of meth or some coke..
ugh.. it was the worst feeling ever.. laid there and my legs wouldn't stop twitching and i was super drunk, and just wanted to pass out, but that damn redbull wouldn't let me..
i didn't really feel it at the time with the vodka in them, but man o man, that stuff had me geeked..

i've never tried those five hour energy drinks, and after reading this, i don't think i will..

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I do not like the 5 hr energy. Gives me the jitters and makes me feel all eggy.

Red Bull for me! I used to work for a grocery store as a inventory manager and I'd buy the Bull 10 cases at a time because I'd get two cases for free. I'd keep the free cases in my office because no one but myself and the distributer knew about them. 2 cases of free Red Bull every week... Only way to get to work at a grocery store at 4am to stock shelves and sign in deliveries and make it through the day alive.
LOL, I use to work night crew at a grocery store. Energy drinks or the old school Yellow Jackets (you know the ones with ephedrine in them) were a must everyday :) No more for me, too old for that shizat now. I still drink a 5hr energy drink about once a month, but only when I really need it.

I do not like the 5 hr energy. Gives me the jitters and makes me feel all eggy.

Red Bull for me! I used to work for a grocery store as a inventory manager and I'd buy the Bull 10 cases at a time because I'd get two cases for free. I'd keep the free cases in my office because no one but myself and the distributer knew about them. 2 cases of free Red Bull every week... Only way to get to work at a grocery store at 4am to stock shelves and sign in deliveries and make it through the day alive.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
fuck i wish i got as wide eyed as you guys from that stuff. i tried it a few times and felt nothing, so one day i drank two of them and still never got any thaimine flush, no jitters, no tweaking around cleaning the house or anything. i'm usually on my 4th or 5th cup of coffee by noon so i don't know if i'm just tolerant of caffeine or what, but i wasn't impressed. i would never take it with alcohol though. that's not really my vibe. that would wreck me royally. it was easy to drink though. not like that disgusting red bull :spew:


Well-Known Member
For a while I lived on them, But only the Extra strength 5hr energy worked for me,,,That was when i was pulling about 17hr day's. They are great to keep you going IME.