The Old Testament And My Quasi Beliefs.

Kartel Kriminal

Active Member
Who has read the old testament portion of the bible? I've read the adam and eve story in Genesis but nothing more than that really. I wonder why the old testament has a role in the Holy bible, Qur'an and the Torah. It seems pretty consistent within the three most dominate religions of world, don't you think? Are these words of true wisdom that begat from real events that actually occured during biblical times or nothing more than a script of outdated brain washing fairy tales?

At this point I feel indifferent about this matter, atleast until I do a bit more reading and research. I will say though that the Libray of Alexandria contained a great deal of information both scientific and biblical before it was burned to the ground. How would anyone feel if a holy text was meant to be written with proper scientific elements but never was due to humans' destructive nature? Would you be more inclined to embrace the idea of god or a religion? Evolution begatting from creationism seems to a viable compromise between scientific and religous beliefs.
This is touchy for me. I read genisis as well and that was it. I was always told by others that the old testamant was outdated and not relavant to today's world. But after months of going to church and trying to be a good christian. I opened my mind and used my brain and realized that religion is crap and is in history the number one cause for death and war. I believe in absolute freemdom in the universe and that includes your soul when you pass. I think the buddists have it good when they just meditate and live good lives.


Well-Known Member
Who has read the old testament portion of the bible? I've read the adam and eve story in Genesis but nothing more than that really. I wonder why the old testament has a role in the Holy bible, Qur'an and the Torah. It seems pretty consistent within the three most dominate religions of world, don't you think? Are these words of true wisdom that begat from real events that actually occured during biblical times or nothing more than a script of outdated brain washing fairy tales?

At this point I feel indifferent about this matter, atleast until I do a bit more reading and research. I will say though that the Libray of Alexandria contained a great deal of information both scientific and biblical before it was burned to the ground. How would anyone feel if a holy text was meant to be written with proper scientific elements but never was due to humans' destructive nature? Would you be more inclined to embrace the idea of god or a religion? Evolution begatting from creationism seems to a viable compromise between scientific and religous beliefs.
Anything that abides rape, murder, genocide, xenophobia, slavery, and pedophilia (which the big three do) can just get the fuck out of my way!
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The Old Testament cannot be disregarded; a common misconception amongst christians. The dietary laws in Leviticus have been proven to be advantageous to health by modern science. I believe Moses parted the Sea of Reeds; I believe Noah experienced a great flood (story stolen from the epic of Gilgamesh) and I believe King David slew Goliath with a sling. Do I believe every story in the Old Testament to be a historical account? Not really. And the variations and bastardizations of the actual Septuagint Text are rampant. But I still believe it is the inspired Word of our Creator. The message endures.

Kartel Kriminal

Active Member
The Old Testament cannot be disregarded; a common misconception amongst christians. The dietary laws in Leviticus have been proven to be advantageous to health by modern science. I believe Moses parted the Sea of Reeds; I believe Noah experienced a great flood (story stolen from the epic of Gilgamesh) and I believe King David slew Goliath with a sling. Do I believe every story in the Old Testament to be a historical account? Not really. And the variations and bastardizations of the actual Septuagint Text are rampant. But I still believe it is the inspired Word of our Creator. The message endures.
I and I know this to be true.


Well-Known Member
so,you guys have met god face to face and he/it/she, told you this?

or is it just a gut feeling?


Active Member
The Old Testament gave us some guidelines to live by, but I believe translations have seriously done a discredit to it. As stated some of the ways of living that can better raise your spiritual bieing are shown. The New Testament gave us a new covenant, basically a new way to live. Love for our fellow people. By no means should the Old Testament be taken literally. I believe inside of us all is the knowledge of right and wrong. Try to raise your spiritual beings and be a light to others arounds you.


Well-Known Member
The Old Testament gave us some guidelines to live by, but I believe translations have seriously done a discredit to it. As stated some of the ways of living that can better raise your spiritual bieing are shown. The New Testament gave us a new covenant, basically a new way to live. Love for our fellow people. By no means should the Old Testament be taken literally. I believe inside of us all is the knowledge of right and wrong. Try to raise your spiritual beings and be a light to others arounds you.
Right on man.


Well-Known Member
the old testament doesnt make sense, nor do the other old god stories, except as metaphors designed to explain the world.

stories done by children, or how else do you explain that god seems to be a spoiled 3 year old?


Active Member
Well first of all the Bible is the most scrutinized book of all history. There are over a thousand prophecies in the Bible and history shows us that over half of them have been fulfilled literally. No other historical document even compares to the Bible's accuracy. As for the usefulness of the old testament. Jesus himself said that he did not come to abolish the law but rather to fulfill it. All scripture is good and profitable for teaching and correction. Jesus also said that the whole old testament was about him. The old testament is to show us why we need a savior, and the New Testament tells us who and how we are saved from our sins. You all should really do some research on substitution atonement for sin. The Bible, old and new testaments where written over thousands of years by many different people and it still carries the same theme throughout. There is no other document in history that even remotely accomplishes what the Bible has.


Well-Known Member
Explain please, and don't you think that man has spoiled the word of what it should be.
The bible (old testament) is the word of god and if you think man has spoiled some parts of the bible than you cannot believe any of the bible. You cannot pick and choose what you think is god's word and what is man's word. If you have to ask me to point out where the bible or qur’an support these beliefs, than you have read neither or just read the new age edited versions. This is my last post on the subject of religion as the simple fact of the matter is, religion is stupid! I am tired of treating people who are religious like they are equal to me when they are not. Religion has done and caused some of the most heinous acts to be commited against humans (to this day and into the future). You can state that not all religious people are like that and that it is just the acts of a few extremists who do horrible things. In the end, if religion hadn't existed none of those things would have happened and we would be a much more advanced society (if you need me to explain this as well then you really need to start educating yourself about the real world and I will even give you a clue "dark ages"). Religion is for inbred, mouth breathing, morons who cannot face the realities of the world and apparently have daddy issues or for certain people to use to control said morons.


The bible is not the literal word of God and I'll prove it to you. On the cover you will find these words, King James Version.
Q. What does a king do? A. Controls a kingdom, an empire, a King is a keeper of power and wealth and controls the masses.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Who has read the old testament portion of the bible? I've read the adam and eve story in Genesis but nothing more than that really. I wonder why the old testament has a role in the Holy bible, Qur'an and the Torah. It seems pretty consistent within the three most dominate religions of world, don't you think? Are these words of true wisdom that begat from real events that actually occured during biblical times or nothing more than a script of outdated brain washing fairy tales?

At this point I feel indifferent about this matter, atleast until I do a bit more reading and research. I will say though that the Libray of Alexandria contained a great deal of information both scientific and biblical before it was burned to the ground. How would anyone feel if a holy text was meant to be written with proper scientific elements but never was due to humans' destructive nature? Would you be more inclined to embrace the idea of god or a religion? Evolution begatting from creationism seems to a viable compromise between scientific and religous beliefs.
The Old Testament IS the Torah (at least a bastardized version). The Qur'an recognizes the validity of the Judeo religion and the Judeo-Christian religion. They believe in Jesus. They call him a great Prophet. There is archaeological speculation that the Qur'an sprang from Samaritan doctrine. The Samaritans wanted to be part of the Judeo religion but the people of Israel looked down on them (parable of the Good Samaritan should give you an idea). They created their own version of Judeo ritual and theology.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
The bible is not the literal word of God and I'll prove it to you. On the cover you will find these words, King James Version.
Q. What does a king do? A. Controls a kingdom, an empire, a King is a keeper of power and wealth and controls the masses.
The Kings James version is called that because it was the first translated fully into English. Previous attempts were extremely poor examples. It had nothing to do with the king or his power and wealth. Up until that time it was printed only in Latin. The priests were the ones controlling the masses. They were educated in Latin and Greek while the general populace remained illiterate. By translating to English it took the power out of the hands of the priests. And believe it or not, the King James version is considered the most correct version. Don't get me wrong, it still has a lot of problems but it's a pretty damn good job.

Remember, this is the time of the reformation and lay people were starting to be educated. The Puritans were making a show of it as well as other early Christian sects.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
The bible (old testament) is the word of god and if you think man has spoiled some parts of the bible than you cannot believe any of the bible. You cannot pick and choose what you think is god's word and what is man's word. If you have to ask me to point out where the bible or qur’an support these beliefs, than you have read neither or just read the new age edited versions. This is my last post on the subject of religion as the simple fact of the matter is, religion is stupid! I am tired of treating people who are religious like they are equal to me when they are not. Religion has done and caused some of the most heinous acts to be commited against humans (to this day and into the future). You can state that not all religious people are like that and that it is just the acts of a few extremists who do horrible things. In the end, if religion hadn't existed none of those things would have happened and we would be a much more advanced society (if you need me to explain this as well then you really need to start educating yourself about the real world and I will even give you a clue "dark ages"). Religion is for inbred, mouth breathing, morons who cannot face the realities of the world and apparently have daddy issues or for certain people to use to control said morons.
Really? 10 million killed in concentration camps during WWII 6 million of them were Jews. Millions killed in several communist countries. Cambodia, North Korea, Russia, China. Millions. The killing fields? It's not about religion. It's about ideology. Any ideology has the potential to kill lots of people. All it takes is fanaticism and power.


Active Member
The Kings James version is called that because it was the first translated fully into English. Previous attempts were extremely poor examples. It had nothing to do with the king or his power and wealth. Up until that time it was printed only in Latin. The priests were the ones controlling the masses. They were educated in Latin and Greek while the general populace remained illiterate. By translating to English it took the power out of the hands of the priests. And believe it or not, the King James version is considered the most correct version. Don't get me wrong, it still has a lot of problems but it's a pretty damn good job.

Remember, this is the time of the reformation and lay people were starting to be educated. The Puritans were making a show of it as well as other early Christian sects.

You are mostly correct, but it was Martin Luther that first translated the bible from the Greek version. But I don't think that it was translated into English at that point. The very first language the Bible was translated to after the Greek was into German by Martin Luther. Martin Luther's translation was released to the general public in 1534 and the King James Version was released in 1611. Either way the guy you responded to was way off base.


Active Member
The Old Testament IS the Torah (at least a bastardized version). The Qur'an recognizes the validity of the Judeo religion and the Judeo-Christian religion. They believe in Jesus. They call him a great Prophet. There is archaeological speculation that the Qur'an sprang from Samaritan doctrine. The Samaritans wanted to be part of the Judeo religion but the people of Israel looked down on them (parable of the Good Samaritan should give you an idea). They created their own version of Judeo ritual and theology.

Almost had it, but yet again not quite. Only the first five books of the old testament are the Torah. And no its not a bastardized version at all. We still have original manuscripts of the Torah in the original Hebrew and Aramaic. We also know a great deal about Hebrew and can verify the accuracy of current translations. As for the Quran it was written by Muhammad who was from the city of Mecca. Which is an Arabic city.


The Christian bible is the configuration of the disposition of King James.
It contains plagiarized stories taken outright from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, 3000 years older.
The Christian bible, the quran, whatever, contain only fragments of the sacred and ancient texts. And these books were put together by human beings, who by some rank or authority, have fed their need to feel superior. These books, these faiths, whether Jewish, Islamic or Christian are all basically the same, they all come from Abraham and are tied to western religious traditions, and they contain the doctrines of men, set into place to maintain power over people. This has been the way of the dominator culture, the monarchy, king, dictator ways of maintaining power and wealth for feelings of superiority. For the most part, the bible is filled with allegorical stories based on the zodiac. The zodiac is the anthropomorphized, or personification of astrological events and the constellations. Jesus is the personification of the age of Pisces, and the biblical story of Jesus (among many other stories) was taken outright from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, nearly identical to the mythological tale of Horus, the personification of the sun.
You cannot have an intellectual conversation about the origins of man unless you address religion, those who choose not to discuss or debate the issue choose not to intellectualize on the subject and may never learn the truth about our real history. The historical record of Josephus has been proven to be a forgery. Joseph ben Matthias A.D.37?-c100, Jewish historian and general.