Please help Have questions


I have a few question, and i am a newbie for sure. I have been trying to rad and absorb as much knowledge as possible.
So i burned some of my plants by putting the light (mh) too close to them, have recently raised it up. Should i trim the burnt portions of the leaves off or leave em be? also, when is a plant considered in veg? I planted these, germed them and then put them in thew soil on 2-21, so is there a time considerd a seedling then to veg or is it all veg? these are roughly 22 days old, but is that veg day 22? Thanks and i have put a few pics of my burned ones. Any and all help is very much appreciated.



Nah....they look ok bro. Those are the solar panels...don't cut any of those off if you can help it.

If you raised the light you should be ok. The damage doesn't look too bad. What wattage of MH are you using? is called "Weed" for a reason. It will bounce back.


Thanks for the advice, and sorry that cannabisguru didnt want to help me, but i do understand. lots of newbies on here asking the same old udmb questions. sorry. I have them under a 250 watt MH. there are some big ones and some smaller ones. Thanks for the info, and i am going to check out that site.


Active Member
I have a few question, and i am a newbie for sure. I have been trying to rad and absorb as much knowledge as possible.
So i burned some of my plants by putting the light (mh) too close to them, have recently raised it up. Should i trim the burnt portions of the leaves off or leave em be? also, when is a plant considered in veg? I planted these, germed them and then put them in thew soil on 2-21, so is there a time considerd a seedling then to veg or is it all veg? these are roughly 22 days old, but is that veg day 22? Thanks and i have put a few pics of my burned ones. Any and all help is very much appreciated.
Yes, good lesson learned with raising up the lights.

I would leave the leaves (LOL) as they are. When you start screwing up things, then the whole plant can suffer. Leave trimming to the experts.

You've gotten answers to the rest of questions on this board. Not sure I can add anything else.

So you probably already know about nutrients, but I tend to try to get newbies to try out the bundle things from Advanced Nutrients since you don't really have to think too hard about it.

Sensi A&B Grow, Sensi A&B Bloom
Voodoo Juice, Big Bud
B-52, Overdrive

Bud Candy is cool too.

You're doing fine - and keep asking 'stupid questions' - that's how you learn....


Thanks for the reply, still not sure what is causeing my problems here (with the curling leaves) but more plants are doing it... going to feed them today for the first time. Using sensi grow a/b.. so hopefully that will help them out some... I really dont wanna lose many of these lil babies... i will post some pics later today to see if i can get some more info..


Hey chuck. I'm new to the whole grow. I'm starting to flower tomorrow. I had an issue with a couple of mine with burn. Waverider is not kidding when he says it's called weed for a reason. It might take them a few more days to get them back to where they were, but once they do growth will be EXPLOSIVE. That's what mine did. Another thing you can consider doing is something I and effective. I went to Home Depot and got a small rubbermaid tub, some white paint, and 2 12in CFls that string together. The tub is only about 15 inches high and a foot by a foot and a half. Make sure you drill holes in the top of that for ventilation. I didn't keep them in for long, about a week, and they came right back. Out of the 13 I got to sprout, only 2 of them decided not to catch up to their sisters. I didn't think that was a terrible ratio, considering I was expecting only half of them to pull back through. Stay vigilant, because the ladies will. They are like a stubborn wife that won't give up on a new pair of shoes. They'll keep at it until it's done.