For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

Hello All,
Just switched from NFT to e&g for more vertical grow space. Luv this thread, lots of info.
Couple of tips Ive learned. When putting this e&g together I vaselined the fittings, very light, makes a better seal. Just like a cars oil filter. Use a hair dryer on the hoses, expands the rubber. Heat for about 30 seconds....saves the fingers.

For bugs, mites, fruitflys, whatever...use no pest strips for 1st two weeks of flower, then take down and store in freezer bags for the next crop. I had mites my 1st crop and have never seen them again.
Hello all again,
I forgot I also had a Question. Does anybody use a 1 part nutrient? I have been using botanacare power flower, keeps it simple and cheap. Wondering how much weight I might be losing.


Active Member
In Jorge Cervates book he says that adding sugar to your plants the last few weeks make them bulk up. I am currently on week 6 with my ebb running technaflora nutes


Rebel From The North
I dont know about that clearex adding anything other than a flush. and with the sugar to the cap system
I see issues with it in the command box gumming up the float sennsors switches. I believe though Ive
never tryed molassas would do the same thing
I dont know about that clearex adding anything other than a flush. and with the sugar to the cap system
I see issues with it in the command box gumming up the float sennsors switches. I believe though Ive
never tryed molassas would do the same thing
Glucose and sucrose are sugars.

Ive only read that mollassas is good for dirt grows.


Active Member
how many amps does the pumps use? i thought i read somewhere they use around 10 thats seems real high to me i havent seen anyone talking about it so im thinkin its prob closer to 1 amp.


Active Member
I am fully aware of the benefits of adding carbohydrates to a SOIL, but it has nothing to do with the plants taking up the sugars. They make a great food for microbes, which in turn help make more nutrients available to the plant. I thought the idea behind flushing was to get more nutes OUT of the soil though. I am still not quite sure why people want to make the buds 'taste' sweeter, because last time I checked we arent eating our product. Has anyone here taken a bong rip of sugar? Im guessing it doesnt taste very good...

As for Clearex, it is glucose/fructose-based. Hellraizer nailed it earlier - sugar is going to foul the shit out of this system. I really doubt that you get a better flush with it. If anything, I would think the flush would be less effective because your flushing solution is already diluted with sugar...effectively decreasing the gradient on which we depend for leaching salts from the medium into the solution. Not to mention you are messing with the gradient between the root cells and solution, increasing the osmotic stress on your plants.

As for foliar sugar, please dont ever do that.


Active Member
The pumps are probably less than 1 amp.
thats what i was thinkin. i didnt want to have to run more wire what a pain that would be. as for the clearex is it supposed to be used for flushing salt build up but a tester here ran a side by side test and found it did very little. it does have glucose in it but i havent heard anyone using it to feed the plant. here is what the site says it does or supossed to do lol. "Crop failure is commonly caused by the buildup of nutrient salt deposits in soils or soilless growth media. Clearex is a scientifically formulated isotonic drench solution, which binds with the excess nutrient salt and safely leaches it from the grow media. Clearex is isotonic to create a safe osmotic environment which prevents bacterial and fungal infections often caused by other leaching methods. Clearex is a multi-beneficial water treatment solution used to prevent irreversible wilting and enhance the flavor and yields of your vegetative plants".


Well-Known Member
I have most of a gallon of clearex if anyone wants it. I followed that thread by Homebrewer where he added Great White to his res to see if microbes gave any boost in hydro and he also tested clearex as a flushing agent. Its effect was minimal in comparison to plain water flushing.

Spraying sugar water on your plants would probably plug up the stomata and cause the leaves to suffocate. Houseflies might like it?).


Well-Known Member
Regarding sugar or molases: I wouldn't add that to this system. I've added some Nectar type sweeteners (hydro store stuff), but not religiously. I didn't notice any difference.

I highly recommend using FloraKleen every 30 days though. It's a flushing agent not a sweetener. I run it for 2 days before flower, then again 30 days into flower. Then of course, I run the full dose for 4 days before harvest.

It seems that things can really start to go haywire in the last 4 weeks of flower. Everything looks fantastic and green up to that point, but then the leaves start to turn and it all can go to shit pretty fast. FloraKleen (for 2 days) at the 30 day mark will REALLY help eliminate that. Do it before the leaves turn and you'll have a much happier crop.