What is the earliest you can take a clone?


Active Member
Can I take a make a clone off this little branch? I kinda wanna see if this is a male or not. Grow the clone a little and turn it to 12/12



Active Member
Throw that impatience out the door for # of reasons. Usually i don't take clones until the plant is a certain age.... I usually wait til the plants a ft tall. but i have taken tissue culture that small on clones not seedlings that small.


Well-Known Member
Bloom Bro's has got it on the head,,chili,yeah its exciting but you dont want to ruin your babies,,

,,from personal exp. of making clones,when I tried to clone off a 3 week old seedling, its very hard to get a good clone offa a really small plant,not impossible, but it dose make it alot harder.
Id recommend a 1 and a half - 2 month old mother to take clones from, its easier to use the older branchs for a clone,as they have a higher carb-o-hydrate level and less N present. Having an older branch also means you can get a node under the soil and two nodes above ground,and with that node under ground its easier/quicker at rooting,,

maybe read the cloning threads on here and you will see the age/size of plants most people would use for clones,,but technically a plant can be cloned at any age,,but its not recommended...I wouldnt use that wee seedling for a clone yet,,its well to short...
Also as a part of a plant growing the plant has to be mature enough to bud before it will bud,,so that wee seedling is to small to produce any flowers yet,so the clone wouldnt show sex either(if you see what I mean,,

cloning for sex is the most accuarte way to determine sex, but there are other ways to tell sex...symetrical,two 'pistles' on banch nodes/ main stem,,etc...

hope that helps,take it easy..


Active Member
Thats all I really wanted to do was determine the sex, I didnt wanna wasit my time growing male. But yes thanks tons. everytime I search for something on here it takes me to this advance search and I never find it untill I post something.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
There's really no specific time period if the growth shoots are a good enough size that you are comfortable cutting off then you can do it whether or not it survives might be affected but I just got 5 clones to root off of a sick white widow plant to try and save it and some are only 1 inch long 1 is actually smaller its just over a half inch and it has roots.


Well-Known Member
There's really no specific time period if the growth shoots are a good enough size that you are comfortable cutting off then you can do it whether or not it survives might be affected but I just got 5 clones to root off of a sick white widow plant to try and save it and some are only 1 inch long 1 is actually smaller its just over a half inch and it has roots.
yeah but how old is that plant?? cause I bet its a dam site older than the plant the OP wants to clone....
Not to sound aggressive,,I must be high as I read that back it sounded agressive,,

I have a mate who cloned offa NL using one branch,had 6 leaf nodes and he used it in sets of two to make 3 clones,,I was very impressed when I saw the pics,,arnt plants awsum how they can be cloned,,Like imagine if you lost a finger and not only did it grow back but from the finger you lost a whole nother person grew,,but grew to look and be the same age as you...probly best it dosnt hapen like that then,,,,sorry for the rant,,,,

Take it easy...


Well-Known Member
I just started an experiment to clone the tops (base of 5th node, with sixth sprouting) of 3 of my plants. I feel bad commenting before fully reading replies on your thread but link here if interested pics of my trial. Will update in a week or so.
Hope yours went well? Going to read now...
