Marijuana lighting hours

Hi, does anyone know a link to a thread or a website that would explain in detail what hours of the day I should run my cfl lights in my micro grow?
it says above^^ :S i wanna know how long i need to run my lights and such. i hear people speak of 12/12 and 12/18 and stuff but i dont know what that is and im looking for a source that will explain it in detail


Undercover Mod
12/12 when the plant is three to four weeks old for flowering. Or when ever you want to flower.

18/6 for veg growth from seed sprout to three weeks or so depending on how long you want to veg it.

Plants are grown on a 24 hour cycle usually.


Active Member
12/12 when the plant is three to four weeks old for flowering. Or when ever you want to flower.

18/6 for veg growth from seed sprout to three weeks or so depending on how long you want to veg it.

Plants are grown on a 24 hour cycle usually.
A lot of people also have had great success with 24 hour veg cycles! Also a lot of people have had great success with 6 hour light cycles for flowering!
As far as where to find the info! Can't help you there!


Well-Known Member
There is info all over the internet guitarfreak all you have to do is dig deep...but everybody has pretty much told you what needs to happen, its very simple 24 hours during vegging, some people use 20/4 some people use 18/6 the point is its your preference, everybody puts there own stamp on there weed, meaning it varies from person to person, but everyone uses the same guidelines to follow. During flowering the plant has to be on a light schedule of at least 12 hours on and 12 hours off, this is so the plant recognizes its time to bud. Tell you what guitarfreak any time you have a question feel free to ask me on this thread id be more than happy to help you through a grow.