What would you do to get 4lbs per month?


Active Member
So let's hear your ideas.... This should be fun.... Here's the idea. If you were going to try and yield 4lbs per month in an indoor grow, with the least amount of plants ( the less plants the better as far as the Feds go), what would your operation look like? What would you grow? How many rooms would you have? What kind of lighting and how many watts? Would you use hydroponics or soil? Etc.... You get the idea... what do you think?



Well-Known Member
it would look like a magical fairy land....full of giant purple giraffes and clouds made of cotton candy.little yellow midgets with giant tits feed you grapes.there would be empty bottles of AN laying around filled with the dankest bud the eye has seen......get my point?


Well-Known Member
you would need a warehouse, a whole lot of lights and a large electric bill . This will not fly under the radar.


Well-Known Member
But, to answer your question. I would start off by doing a bit of reading and determine what kind of operation best suits your needs and space. Put a shopping list together,spend a few bucks, and learn. this size of an operation is going to be more than a one person job.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
You can get a pound out of 5 plants of grown right.
That's 20 plants per harvest every 30 days.

That mean I would have two flower tents and a large veg.
The strains would be 12 weeks from veg to harvest.
20 plants harvesting
20 plants 4 weeks from harvest
20 plants starting flower
20 plants starting veg.

Total 80 plants in growing at any one time.

The reality of it all:
Mich patient = 12 plants
Mich caregiver pr patient = 12
Total number of allowed pat's = 5
Total number of plats allowed = 72 plants.

So lets just say it's completely realistic that 1 grower could do 3 1/2 lbs a month.
With the remaining amount of weight coming from extracted hash from trimming and shake.

Bo-ya baby.. Bo-ya..

So my answer to your question is : I'd move to Mich...


Active Member
Nice response Buddy, I wan't asking if anyone thought it was legal or not, or if it would fly under the radar or not. It is a hypothetical situation that can and is being done. The question is if you were doing it, how would YOU do it....



Active Member
4 lbs per month assuming we get .5 grams per watt of light
There are 454 grams per pound
4 lbs equals 1,816 grams
1,816 grams divided by .5 equals 3,632 watts of light needed
4 weeks to Veg clones, 8 weeks to Flower plants, 2 weeks to Dry and Cure equals 3.5 months

Would need 2 Flower Rooms and 1 Veg Room
Each Flower Room would need 4- 1000w lights and be Max. 100 Sq Feet
Veg Room would need 2- 1000w lights and be Max 50 Sq Feet
Drying Room 80 Sq Feet
Month 1 Crop 1 -4 Weeks in Veg Room

Month 2 Crop 1 -4 Weeks in Flower Room #1, Crop 2 -4 Weeks in Veg Room

Month 3 Crop 1 -4 Weeks in Flower Room #1, Crop 2 -4 Weeks in Flower Room #2, Crop 3 -4 Weeks in Veg Room

Month 4 Crop 1 Finished and drying, Crop 2 -4 weeks in Flower Room #2, Crop 3 -4 Weeks in Flower Room #1, Crop 4 -4 Weeks in Veg Room

That's 11,000 watts of power (with misc) and 430 Square Feet of dedicated space, add another 70 square feet for storage and we're talking 500 sq feet


Active Member
So Buddy your saying 3.2 oz per plant, I think that 4oz per plant is realistic which would drop your plant count to 4 per pound or 16 plants x 4 would be 64 plants= Under the Michigan limit.....
Cali doesn't really have a plant limit, it was shot down by the California Supreme Court in 2010.....


Buddy Ganga

Active Member
Nice response Buddy, I wan't asking if anyone thought it was legal or not, or if it would fly under the radar or not. It is a hypothetical situation that can and is being done. The question is if you were doing it, how would YOU do it....

lmao, I said how I would do it.

Large veg tent able to hold say about 20 or more pants.2011-03-06 11.57.54.jpg

Then two flower tents for the 2 different stages of flower.2011-03-12 23.14.29.jpg2011-03-07 15.08.41.jpg

I was simply pointing out that here in Mich we are able to do just that legaly.
So it's a reality to some of us rather then a day dream.
It's not how I would do it, it's how I am doing it.

My current average per plant dried is 4 oz and that was before I added co2. (I lst the shit out of my plants.
But know a good harvest average is about 2 1/2 to 3 oz's per plant.


Active Member
Nice Buddy, my point exactly...it was the other posters who didn't want to play..... what did djruiner say..... "Magical Fairy Land".... guess he was talking about Michigan and California :)



Well-Known Member
it would look like a magical fairy land....full of giant purple giraffes and clouds made of cotton candy.little yellow midgets with giant tits feed you grapes.there would be empty bottles of AN laying around filled with the dankest bud the eye has seen......get my point?
fucking hilarious.............


Active Member
If you have to ask these questions, this is too big of a grow for a new grower. Grow one or two pots until you have mastered all the techniques of good growing.


Active Member
Pointswest.... I guess your missing the point of my questions... I never said I was jumping into this.... I thought it would be interesting to see differing views on how this could be done. Is there really only 1 person on this board who is willing to give their opinion on how they would do it?



New Member
Not that hard to figure out.....A lot of plants, a lot of lights and a lot of planning. What's with the weird hypothetical questions?


Well-Known Member
Pointswest.... I guess your missing the point of my questions... I never said I was jumping into this.... I thought it would be interesting to see differing views on how this could be done. Is there really only 1 person on this board who is willing to give their opinion on how they would do it?

the thing is we know how to do it..most of us are serious growers that are already doing it.no need to try and be sneaky and try to pump us for info when you can just come out and say that you have unrealistic expectations for your first grow and are looking for ideas on how to turn your $30 worth of grow equipment into a thriving marijuana industry.there are 1,000's of ways in which to pull this off...why do you need people to cover the basics..anyone with the right amount of room,lights,ventilation can pull this off


Well-Known Member
3 plants every 21 days.
top for four.
1 cycle in the cloner. 2 cycles in the veg room. 3 in the flower room.
easy as 1, 2 ,3!