I Once.


Well-Known Member
i once cut a 1/4 inch off the middle finger on my left hand with a damn skill saw my kids were freaking out at my job site al i said was call your mom tell her to bring me some superglue guaze and electrical tape..... i hate doctors and have a very high tolerance for pain


Well-Known Member
I once was was out trailing with a few bros up this real long rugged trail that leads out to a waterfall. It was a real hot day so we were going for a swim. When we got there it came to the top of the waterfall insted of the bottom where we thought it would. So insted of turing back and walking all the way back around, we just jumped off the very top. The fall was a rush, but I landed bodyflop style. My front was as red as a tomado. Hurt like hell!
It was worth it though. That day was bossday:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I once went to the movies with someone when I was 19 on a date. We started making out, and I rubbed my hand up and down his leg, pretty hard I guess.
Next thing you know hes coming in his pants. I mean this was a huge load too. His whole pant leg from mid thigh up was wet. He went to the bathroom and he came back about 30 minutes later...I thought he left me.
To this day he still considers that his most embarrassing moment.


Too many brownies
I once went to the movies with someone when I was 19 on a date. We started making out, and I rubbed my hand up and down his leg, pretty hard I guess.
Next thing you know hes coming in his pants. I mean this was a huge load too. His whole pant leg from mid thigh up was wet. He went to the bathroom and he came back about 30 minutes later...I thought he left me.
To this day he still considers that his most embarrassing moment.


Jesus christ I have a hard enough time blowing my load from good hand job....how old was the guy hahahahahha


Master of Mayhem
I once went to the movies with this girl named Jaimie. We started making out, then she started rubbing my leg really hard. Next thing I know I shoot my load all in my pants. I went to the bathroom to clean up and it took me like 30 minutes.....how embarrasing. :oops:


Well-Known Member
I once dated this guy that was 19 too. Thats who blew the load. I guess it had been awhile for him. According to him it was love at first sight. He swears he wasnt a virgin but I doubt that. He was very handsome and had a great personality so I dont see why he wouldnt have been gettin ass before 19.

-I try to keep this thread as FDD wishes... which is - I once...

So Im not postin bout it anymore :D


Too many brownies
I once thought to myself how nice it would be to be able to have a girl get me off unintentionally....through my pants.....in a movie....by rubbing....MY LEG

I mean come on...were you rubbing his dick or his leg....you said leg...

If I could rub my leg and shoot a load id go get massages all the time.....the girls that give them are pretty cute :lol:


Well-Known Member
i once was at the movies and some chick gave the dude in front of me a hand job. he blew his load in his pants. i gave him five minutes after he got up to go to the bathroom. then i followed him. he was scrubbing the damn things in the toilet then drying then under the hand dryer. silly kids.


Well-Known Member
I once thought about how it WOULDA been if I jacked him off... but unfortunately it never happened.

Not that night anyway.

What a coincidence FDD.