The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
im a massive Liverpool fan, missed 5 games this year and was bred into being a fan, no choice in the matter what so ever. We have been shocking this year, but thankfully we shall no longer be asset stripped to service debts and we dont have a manager that plays the worlds most negative football (not to mention him never managing to string away victories together) Suarez looks the part too so im much happier looking forward. Sod this season it was over before it started really!

On the gadaffi situation, sod it lets invade they got oil and money to rob (typical scouse comments not required) I have said for a long time the middle east will cause the next world war and I can see it all kicking off big time. Lets not leave them alone lets go and build a huge fucking empire again :D I would also voulounteer to go to war just to be a war criminal and set my next 100 generations up with some dodgy as fuck money haha
i always suspected liverpool fans were 'bred', surely things that ugly dont occur naturally!!lol


Well-Known Member
i put my old filter onn my outlet end so tha it scrubs the smelly hot air alittle more, seems to work coz you cant smell a thing, no probs with fan speeds either and ive been doin this for months.
cheers mate thats what i want to hear...........:weed:


Active Member
warning! westlands mp compost with added john innes is dangerous to mj plants. it screwed up some seedlings a couple of years ago, and i should have known better but i had no soil ( B&Q MP in the pink bags) handy, to repot some new mothers, but still had a couple of bags of the westlands, seeeing as how the new mothers were mature clones of about 6 weeks vege, off an old mother, i thought theyd be tougher than the 6 inch seedlings that it fried two years ago, for a week or so they seemed ok but after a couple of weeks the new leaves are twisted and curling, the older ones are crisping up and dying, the clones are from different strains, and i know one can handle ec's aproaching 2, but not westlands, it makes me paranoid , maybe the man is paying them to add a weed fucking chemical or something to compost, thank fuck they daren't fuck about with the water?
or maybe i got a bad few sacks or maybe its just shite compost. in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
IMAG0385.jpgIMAG0371.jpgIMAG0377.jpgIMAG0381.jpgIMAG0373.jpgIMAG0379.jpgIMAG0374.jpgIMAG0369.jpgIMAG0368.jpgIMAG0386.jpgIMAG0383.jpgIMAG0378.jpgIMAG0375.jpgheya lads, anyone fancy helping me out? remember i said earlier me mate burnt me plants to shit? well heres the pics, any advice ya canIMAG0384.jpg give is appreciated, i dont even know where to start.
All of these plants were perfectly green and healthy with all their leaves on weds night


Well-Known Member
get them in the bath and flush the fuck out of them, its the only option. alternatively and this is truly last resort stuff, wash all the dirt off the roots and dwc tham, its a bloody messy operation but it does work. do not feed for a week and when you do start feedin keep it low. i had exactly the same problem and saved all 5 plants, it may take 2 or 3 weeks for a full recovery btw.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Just back from the spa :D 6 courses, 6 different wines and sherries, and then a melt in the sauna before going for a swim :) rather a nice way to finish the week.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1501356View attachment 1501354View attachment 1501352View attachment 1501351View attachment 1501350View attachment 1501349View attachment 1501348View attachment 1501347View attachment 1501346View attachment 1501345View attachment 1501343View attachment 1501342View attachment 1501341heya lads, anyone fancy helping me out? remember i said earlier me mate burnt me plants to shit? well heres the pics, any advice ya canView attachment 1501338 give is appreciated, i dont even know where to start.
All of these plants were perfectly green and healthy with all their leaves on weds night
View attachment 1501336



Active Member
i always suspected liverpool fans were 'bred', surely things that ugly dont occur naturally!!lol
ouch! i heard your rant about the english team and i have to agree but at least were not as bad as you lot ; - )

i was bred to be a liverpool fan too, this season has been the worst i can remember but its looks like thing are on the up for next season suarez is god lol


Well-Known Member
get them in the bath and flush the fuck out of them, its the only option. alternatively and this is truly last resort stuff, wash all the dirt off the roots and dwc tham, its a bloody messy operation but it does work. do not feed for a week and when you do start feedin keep it low. i had exactly the same problem and saved all 5 plants, it may take 2 or 3 weeks for a full recovery btw.
they are in coco and the first thing i did when i found them looking like that is flushed them an then fed them 1/4 nutes until i could get some help, so would it be better to stay with 1/4 nutes or cut them out altogether for the next week?


Well-Known Member
id leave them nute free personally but maybe sum otheres in here could give u better advice on that, im a soil grower so i knew that even witha heavy flush there would most likely still be some nutes present in my soil.


Well-Known Member
also... kick your mates head in for doing that to those ladies :/
yeah weve already ruled that out as hes 3 times the size of me, also we ruled out me dangling my man veg in his beverage due to him being gay and probably quite liking the idea of me tea-bagging his pint glass

edit: the bogie in the shoe option is still workable though lol


Well-Known Member

yeah weve already ruled that out as hes 3 times the size of me, also we ruled out me dangling my man veg in his beverage due to him being gay and probably quite liking the idea of me tea-bagging his pint glass

edit: the bogie in the shoe option is still workable though lol

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
they are in coco and the first thing i did when i found them looking like that is flushed them an then fed them 1/4 nutes until i could get some help, so would it be better to stay with 1/4 nutes or cut them out altogether for the next week?
na 1/4 strength or u'll kill the micro biology thingys (good ones) in the pot bro :)