Me and my GF's first grow//closet//cfl//updated with many pics//experts get in here!!


Well-Known Member
YAY Robbie and GF.
Looks awesome. Thanks for showing a good CFL grow. I am sticking with them. A lot easier to explain a shit load of CFLs found in the house than to explain a dedicated grow light. :)
I wish I could catch up and be at your stage of grow. Ohhhh to be able to sample... sigh... a few months yet.
Happy Growing!
Yup, I would have no problem telling my parents or in laws that I use them to do some house work/repair, they would fall for that easy, since Im always doin sumthin......usually high when im doin it tho.....haha:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I dont know if its been answered yet cause im not going to read everyone of these fuckers....;P But its nute burn, you never want to give nutes to a plant that young...will kill it...Good job adusting the light, remember if its to hot for your hand then its to hot for the plant....


Well-Known Member
I dont know if its been answered yet cause im not going to read everyone of these fuckers....;P But its nute burn, you never want to give nutes to a plant that young...will kill it...Good job adusting the light, remember if its to hot for your hand then its to hot for the plant....
Huh? What and who's question are you referring to?


Well-Known Member
^^Haha... It's a curtsy to read every one
of "these fuckers" so that you would know that
his grow is going perfectly fine. And CFL's produce
minimal heat, so they can go within an inch of the

Nice work Robbie, you and the lady have done a
great job with crops. Can't wait till harvest!


Well-Known Member
Maybe he was referring to my question I asked like a page ago, asked what was the spots on all the leaves from, all the brown spots...


Well-Known Member

Your thread and Robbie's thread are next to
each other in my Subscribed list... Thought
I was in his thread. My apologies.

EDIT:Aww man I was so confused for minute.
My supply is dry right now, and this is what
happens when I am left only with alcohol.

Stupid Alcohol.


Well-Known Member
hey man REALLY nice cfl grow, its goes to show that they can and do work with the right technique. i hope you enjoy that harvest


Well-Known Member

Your thread and Robbie's thread are next to
each other in my Subscribed list... Thought
I was in his thread. My apologies.

EDIT:Aww man I was so confused for minute.
My supply is dry right now, and this is what
happens when I am left only with alcohol.

Stupid Alcohol.
LMAO Take another pull bro, you are in my thread. The spots where a deficiency I fixed it, its going through another growth spurt again. :blsmoke:

Thank for all the comments fellas :joint:


Well-Known Member
Here is a pic of the buckets when I was making them. Used Gorilla tape and And wrapped them so no light hits the roots, and Drilled 3 small holes on the bottom.

Here is another pic of me transplanting and showing root development.

And Here was when I had 3 potentials at the time.



Well-Known Member
yeah... mine were pretty rootbound too... I wonder how big mine will get in the 5 gallons... :D...