well g cmt, i sure would hate to have a ton of buds that look like that, lmao.. but seriously, i do understand what your saying, and you bring up a very very good point.. i was just saying the other day to someone to look at how many plants have either nl or skunk in them.. its a shit ton..
that is the problem with these so called dutch masters.. they all used pretty much all the same plants and make all of their crosses from them.. its kinda like pissing in the gene pool in my eyes.. i would say that you'd be hard pressed to find any real deal holyfield landrace genetics that haven't been crossed or hydridized with some thing else.. its a real shame as most of these land race strains were fire all on their own.. but leave it up to the dutch masters to fuck with a good thing, trying to do things like bringing the flowering times down on some of the pure sativa's, or boasting yields by outcrossing them to a larger yielding strain.. all they are doing it fucking up what was good to begin with in my eyes..
take your pick from whatever breeder you'd like, and i'd bet that the strains are just reworked crosses from some one else's work from years ago.. given a new name, and sold as the next big flavor of the month..
how do we stop this?? i've no idea to be honest with you.. maybe try and get our hands on some pure landraces and only interbreed with them and do not cross them with any of strains?? idk, but i'd think its a lot harder to do then simply saying so..