Bump If You Are On Something!


Active Member
Lol. music sounds great lol. Holy crap. Im glad i tried half a hit before just jumpin in. Been awhile since i did anything harder than mdma but im definitely feelin it lol, plus im alone so i think i might ramble........


Well-Known Member
The royalties of mdma is exquisite like a well crafted martini. It has it ups and just keeps getting better! That's why it thrived so hard through humanity.... and women for the foremost keep the drug thriving. Not calling anything out. But women make up 60% of why its still in production.


Well-Known Member
30mg MS Contin...Was going to take half of the 100mg but i remember how fucked it made me last time.
Safety first :)

Mr.Therapy Man 2

Active Member
Yo my dude.. be careful with those.

I was slamming those too.. just 3 years ago. I was hooked on Oxycottin/Roxycodone like you wouldn't even believe bro. Ruined my trust with my family and friends.. lost a few friends as well because of it. I hadn't planned on getting hooked on them... hell I can take Xanex or like Loricet or even percodan/percocets for a full month.. and have none for the next month.. yet I would have no withdraw symptoms.. or very very minimal symptoms at the most.

I thought it would be the same thing with the Dilaudin/Oxy/Roxxies.. man was I fucking wrong. Was like a slap to the face.. a reality check really. Those things had me addicted like the plague son. Spending anywhere from $100 up to $400 per DAY!!! Yeah.. at $20/pill - shit gets REALLY expensive.

But yeah, I've been clean for 2.5 almost 3 years now. The only way I was able to beat the demons (the habit) was to sign up to the Methadone clinic.. but I'm almost off the Methadone now too.. then I can say that I'm %100 sober. :D

Just be careful dude.. I know those things are fucking great but, at the same time.. you gotta think and remember that it only takes away your worries/stress/pain for so long before you come back to reality.

peace man..
You think those roxys are bad,Methadone is up to 6 months of withdrawell,I dont care how low your dose is.Ive been on done since 1999 and have detoxed off twice and it was pure HELL


Active Member
hearing the stories some of you have regarding opiates makes me all the more happy that i stopped taking them. I would do them like 2 times a week, maybe once a month , maybe two, every other month. But after seeing my close friend go through what i feel is a oxy habbit, i want nothing to do with the stuff. I decided to quit xanax, too, after almost sleeping through my mothers surgery and feeling like a zombie for the first 12 hours i was awake. I'll stick to herbal highs such as kratom, kanna, and kava kava.

I do kratom way more often than i would ever do opiates, but from what i've researched, kratom seems to be mentally addicting if that can be considered and addiction, and has no harmful side effects. If i am incorrect, someone please let me know, but for the time being, i will be enjoying my kratom on a weekly or more basis.

Oh yeah, im currently snacking on some pot brownies, so bump!


Well-Known Member
hearing the stories some of you have regarding opiates makes me all the more happy that i stopped taking them. I would do them like 2 times a week, maybe once a month , maybe two, every other month. But after seeing my close friend go through what i feel is a oxy habbit, i want nothing to do with the stuff. I decided to quit xanax, too, after almost sleeping through my mothers surgery and feeling like a zombie for the first 12 hours i was awake. I'll stick to herbal highs such as kratom, kanna, and kava kava.

I do kratom way more often than i would ever do opiates, but from what i've researched, kratom seems to be mentally addicting if that can be considered and addiction, and has no harmful side effects. If i am incorrect, someone please let me know, but for the time being, i will be enjoying my kratom on a weekly or more basis.

Oh yeah, im currently snacking on some pot brownies, so bump!
Kratom still effects opiate receptor regulation in a similar manner so I'm assuming it can be physically addicting. Mitragynine mostly effects the delta-opioid receptor instead of the mu-opioid receptor which papaver somniferum derived opiates and opioids mainly bind to so the withdrawal may not be the same but still can probably occur. An of course with just about any drug (besides maybe salvia) tolerance occurs. An you may soon find out if you continue your consistent use that the effects of a mental addiction far over power and out last those of physical one. Just a warning... anything can be mentally addictive if the need to experience whatever it is gets in the way of personal responsibilities.


Active Member
Well said

I will admit, I am addicted to weed, and i have been dreading the day that i have to quit for years now. And now that the day is almost a month away, i actually get anxiety when i try and rationalize a way that i won't have to quit smoking (I don't actually have to quit, i just need to pass a drug test... see i'm doing it now!)

I wouldn't say i love kratom as much as i love weed, but i find the euphoria mighty pleasant. I don't see kratom use getting in the way of my personal responsibilities. Perhaps just keeping me away from a social situation here and there, but hey, I need my me time.
Sweaty palms. Warm. Fuzzy. There's definitely something about sound. A little something to do with light too...

Interesting... when thinking... There are moments in time, somehow slowed. When acting, things feel normal, crisp.

There's a definite up and down thing to this. Or maybe it's a down and up...


Well-Known Member
I just did mephedrone. It was a COMPLETE surprise that I was going to do it tonight, I FOUND 3g that I lost months ago, and haven't done meph in months..

I always clench so much, but I neverrr feel so good, I might like it at least as much as MDMA or better, holy shit.. It is so clear-headed, it is the perfect drug for thinking.. I come up with so many quality ideas it's ridiculous, and I can keep up with anything, multi-task, and be the master at everything.. LOVE IT..
9-9.5/10 experience.. (not 10/10 because I didn't have some brain shattering revelation)