Lookin good bro. What strain is that again? How tall are those? Hard to tell in pictures...post more if ya want. Here are a few i took today.
Smoked this in a blunt last night...great high but the flavor wasnt top notch. Its a bastard bubba x bastard bubba cross.
Deep purple framework holding up her own trim...my satire. LOL...this isnt all the trim, just what was left after i got lazy. 70 percent of that is chicken shit nugs. This will make a good hash...imma do a butane run today.
Hollands hope x jack herer x shoreline x herijuana male- a great candidate for breeding, notice how he resembles a female a little? This plant has been outdoors this whole time.
I thought id show the roots of my largest plant (super silver haze - shown below) This is a one gallon pot- although for some plants i switched to 2 gallon this time around....quite wasting soil on 5 gal buckets and stuff!
This is the super silver haze - root zone shown above
Another ssh shot...i tried finding a full length shot but couldnt. She was about 4 ft tall in a one gal pot without showing signs of being rootbound.