Club 600


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, im up and open for bribes ends, some nice early entrys. Good oll Cof enlarging for ppl, should we be deducting points for lack of forum knowladge??
What are you looking for....I'll do anything for that FDD pipe..........anything!!!LOL


Well-Known Member
that middle shot should be banned from the internet, that'll get you in trouble duchie, hahaha. Surely you want less competition?


Well-Known Member
Like A dumbskie i earased all my riu based pictures 3 days ago so all i have left are the ones i have on photobucket heres some old school pics for shits and giggles.

outdo trainwreck



Well-Known Member
Haha the old widows peak inherited from my paw lol. Thanks Dad!!! Hes says he got his from doing U turns under bed sheets ;) lol
Dude, I don't want to be picturing my old man doing U turns under any sheets! Thanks for that one. Or should I thank your old man. I always thought I got mine from wearing too many ball caps and using them to scratch my head with.


Well-Known Member
Okay 600, here is my feeble attempt to win this contest lol.

The first pic is Northern lights #5 just starting it's 9th week in flower.

The next 3 shots I'm featuring 1 single cola from the same plant with each shot progressivly getting larger in size, showcasing all it's sticky goodness.

This Last shot is not the same cola but it is the same plant, just taken from a lower branch.

Peace 600!


Well-Known Member
Hey anyone ever use an ozone generator in here? I've read mixed results on them, but my carbon filter just isn't cutting it right now. I can't afford to fix it in the middle of the grow either, as then things would REALLY smell. Suggestions?


Well-Known Member
dezracer, don, and 1bmm have all used them as far as I am aware.

Hey anyone ever use an ozone generator in here? I've read mixed results on them, but my carbon filter just isn't cutting it right now. I can't afford to fix it in the middle of the grow either, as then things would REALLY smell. Suggestions?

mr west

Well-Known Member
I,m aiming this at mister west as I'm sure he has the best incite.

Did you find that the exodus cheese didn't stretch too much in flower? i have 3 and vegged for a couple months. they bushed out but didn't really get that tall.
its not very uniform either, nothing like the other strains I'm growing.
tonnes of buds forming. just wondering how the yield is on the exodus? wondering if i should have taken the lower branches off or scrog'd them.

just leaving them as they are at the moment as an experiment. there on the very right of my previous photo. excuse the quality.
exodus can double in size in flores but if its topped and vegged well it dont seem to go that tall