Can USA Get Back On Track


New Member
. The US need to be an Oil Exporter, not an Importer. That means we drill the Gulf of Mexico, Alaska, Utah, and everywhere we have oil and natural gas.
2. The US needs to stop using Food to turn into gasoline. Corn is a poor energy source as it takes more energy than we gain from it. It also drives up food prices across the board.

3. We need to get away from the phrase “Oil Addiction”. Oil is the Life’s Blood of our Economy. We might as well say we need to get over our “Oxygen Addiction”. Energy development needs to be fast tracked, and Ken Salazar needs to be fired… and then prosecuted for the theft of funds from people and companies that won and paid for the oil leases at auction.
Tapping into the Strategic Oil Reserve is foolish.
4. The US Tax code need to be rewritten from the bottom up.
5. Government regulation of Private Industry needs to be completely and utterly unmade. Get the government off people’s backs, and the people will be able to move forward. The Free Market will regulate its self. If a product is unsafe, people will not buy it. With the information age as it is… word will get out fast enough.


Well-Known Member
Can't wait to see the can of worms you just opened up get picked apart by the Liberals, especially the last one. OMG People policing themselves? The Free market? Deregulation? You may as well give every child a thermonuclear device. Don't you know that Government is nothing more than a giant Benevolent god, always protecting us poor miserable wretched ones from harm?


Well-Known Member
5. Government regulation of Private Industry needs to be completely and utterly unmade. Get the government off people’s backs, and the people will be able to move forward. The Free Market will regulate its self. If a product is unsafe, people will not buy it. With the information age as it is… word will get out fast enough.
Worst idea ever.

After the great depression MORE regulation was needed to prevent another crysis - not less. After the Great Recession (we're obviously still recovering slowly) MORE regulation was set in place to prevent another disaster.

The problem with most U.S. crude oil is that it costs more to refine it because it's in rocks and shit so it's not nearly as profitable as foreign sources found in deserts. It doesn't surprise me at all that your list is pretty much pertaining to energy policy though.


Well-Known Member
. The US need to be an Oil Exporter, not an Importer. That means we drill the Gulf of Mexico, Alaska, Utah, and everywhere we have oil and natural gas.

If you are talking about crude - it isn't going to happen. The U.S. has proven reserves of about 33 billion brls (I don't recall the specifics just now). Anyone who believes that there is some Saudi size pool of oil left anywhere in the U.S. is dilusional or being lied to. And Don't point to the Bakken formation, estimates in '07 were that it might yield a couple of billion brls. Drill more? national rig count in 2000 was about 2000. 7 years later there were over 3000 and our production rate fell another 9 percent. Drill here drill now is a chant for people who have never looked at the reality of things. Natural gas is another thing entirely and one I support - there is plenty of that to go around.

2. The US needs to stop using Food to turn into gasoline. Corn is a poor energy source as it takes more energy than we gain from it. It also drives up food prices across the board.

That depends on what you are after here. I have head many on the right give me that same argument but balk when I ask them if they are going to give up their beer or grain alcohol, which is food being diverted to something other than nurishment. In fprinicple you are correct but what is the problem? Is it the food loss or the land? Although ethanol is indeed counter productive, bio-diesel is not and it can be made from plants that can be grown on marginal or worse land. Jojoba, mustard and palm are just a few in a host of high oil yielding crops that can be used. Soy is simply a corporate scam.

3. We need to get away from the phrase “Oil Addiction”. Oil is the Life’s Blood of our Economy. We might as well say we need to get over our “Oxygen Addiction”. Energy development needs to be fast tracked, and Ken Salazar needs to be fired… and then prosecuted for the theft of funds from people and companies that won and paid for the oil leases at auction.

So long as we see Oil and "energy" as exclusive and synonomous terms we will have a problem. When there are alternatives to our behavior and we purposefully ignore them even though we know those alternatives are far better for our health then we can properly be labeled as addicts. We are addicted to oil, there are alternatives. There is no alternative to oxygen.

Tapping into the Strategic Oil Reserve is foolish.

I agree.

4. The US Tax code need to be rewritten from the bottom up.

I agree, depending upon, of course, who it is that does the rewritting.

5. Government regulation of Private Industry needs to be completely and utterly unmade. Get the government off people’s backs, and the people will be able to move forward. The Free Market will regulate its self. If a product is unsafe, people will not buy it. With the information age as it is… word will get out fast enough.
Shall we look at this one for a moment? Imagine what Japan would look like if there were no government regulations in Japan? Get government off of their backs - let them build structures that are cheap and will sell. Let them build nuclear plants and to hell with the consequences of earthquake and tsunami. The free market does not "regulate" itself in an age of long term unintended consequences. Libertarianism died in the early 1900's. Check out what Monsanto is doing to our biosphere and tell me how any of that would be regulated by consumerism. Furthermore, most believe that consumer driven markets are all there is. Monsanto's consumers are farmers and not end users. There is a world of difference between the two. Do you think anyone who buys an ear of corn cares about it's disease resistance? But the corn buyer is the one who consumes corn created by a company for a farmer to grow more easily. What you are imagining is a post catastrophy or reactionary regulation. In other words, let a company create and market a product and wait for hundreds of thousands to die 20 years later. Certainly consumers will eventually stop using the product but not at huge cost. Government is what is supposed to protect us from such cost and they do a fairly good job.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
ya i think usa can get back on track. im mean i hope so. maybe off subject a little, but im thinking they want us addicted to pills. they raid all the mmj clubs. some of those patients need the meds so they dont have to take all those pills. so then the rich pill makers lose money cuz people would rather take mmj meds than pop all those pills. just weird. just a thaught.


Active Member
from where i sit (the uk) and this is just my opinion but the US desperately needs to get big business out of government. you don't realize how corrupt your gov looks to outside country's, when a corporation can throw money at politicians to favor there own agenda's regardless of how it affects the general population then you have a failed system. whats makes me angry is when your politicians preach that kind of government to other countrys.

yeah i know the uk aint perfect and we have some of the same issues


Well-Known Member
from where i sit (the uk) and this is just my opinion but the US desperately needs to get big business out of government. you don't realize how corrupt your gov looks to outside country's, when a corporation can throw money at politicians to favor there own agenda's regardless of how it affects the general population then you have a failed system. whats makes me angry is when your politicians preach that kind of government to other countrys.

yeah i know the uk aint perfect and we have some of the same issues
You are absolutely right! Corporate power is what runs the US political machine. Regulations in this country are made to keep the little man from competing and the big corporation ever more powerful. The UK and the USA are very dependent on each other for continued monetary and economic hegemony. To say we went wrong when we declared independence is outright wrong though. Where we went wrong was in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve and then in 1933 when the last ounce of gold was stolen by fo0rce from the citizen. He who has the gold makes the rules and between London and New York they have the most.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
If the Republicans elected by the T.E.A. Party don't turn things around, i.e., drastically cutting spending, dissolving federal departments, reducing military spending, etc, then I think the T.E.A. Party will become a viable political party and start running it's own candidates. To answer the question asked though, the U.S. can and will get back on track when enough citizens demand it. Perhaps $8 per gallon gasoline and $50 per bag for groceries might do the trick. Or perhaps it may begin when enough citizens come to realize that the Federal Reserve's monetary policies are taxing Americans into economic slavery through inflation. Ron and Rand Paul are waking a lot of people up.

Sunshine Closet

Well-Known Member
How about just getting away from oil all together? But of course that'll never happen. With the oil execs lining the pockets of the Washington elite, our politicians are little more than corporate shills. The government wants to talk out of both sides of their mouth preaching "GO GREEN!!!" on one side but doing hardly anything to curb the use of fossil fuel. It's all the same and will always be the same.

There was a time when I used to give a shit about various causes, but now I'm just pretty apathetic about it all. If there's a problem that exists and I realize that there's little to nothing I can do about it, I just put it out of my mind. Life is too short. Fuck it.

Humans are corrupt by nature. It's inherent to our being and there's no way around it. Get rid of all the corruption in the worlds governments and things might SEEM better, but again, corruption is in our blood and it would only be a matter of time until it infected the new breed.