Hydro question

Doc OG

New Member
I started a hydro set-up and have some questions any help would be much appreciated. I am using 2 3'x'6' trays 8- 3 gal. pots in each, the trays are 1/4 full of hydroton and the pots are full of hydroton. I transplanted clones from a easy cloner bare root set-up. I have a top feed drip system pumping water from a full 70 gal. res underneath the tables(the res is equipped with 4 large airstones. I had the water timer set to water every hour for 15 min, during this time the tables would flood while continuing to drain back into the res, kinda like a recirculating system for 15 min every hour. My question is, is that too much water?? they were/are showing signs of over watering. and how often should I water using this top feed, flood, recirculating system???


Well-Known Member
try adding bleach to your solution at 1000ppm works great.
Sure why not. And if he wants to kill himself along with the plants he can add some ammonia - WTF?

PS - for safeties sake in case you don't know - mixing bleach and ammonia releases deadly fumes - please don't do it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, and at lights out run your CO2 with the fans off twice for 15 minutes. Watch the Green Man "how to grow green parts 1-9". It should answer all of your questions.


Active Member
If I remember right green man uses 4" rockwool and waters three times a day with a drip in his veg area. With no rockwool personally I would just start cutting it down an hour at a time till you see the leaves start perking up ie: go to once every two hours and see what they look like. Or maybe go to straight to every 3 hours to start but just keep a close eye on them. If any of them start leaning over water quickly. You could also try setting up one pot exactly as you have the others (no plant) and use it to just to check the hydroton moisture.

I'm completely guessing here so please take it with a grain of salt, it's just what I would do. Hopefully someone will chime in that has experience with growing in only hydroton. Keep us posted, I'm very interested in the method your using.