Cheap lining for the inside of a grow box...


Well-Known Member
So I'm poor as fuck now until I get paid... (Or at least until I sort something else out)

I'm about to start a seedling off, is there much point in having wall lining sorted out?
Or can I wait for a little bit before I sort that out. (I have much more immediate concerns)

If I can't wait will tin foil do? (Yes, I'm THAT poor xD)
I might upload a few picks of my grow box depending if I can get hold of a camera.. xD



RIU Bulldog
Cheap effective solutions include;
soda cans w/ tops and bottoms cut off and split to reveal shiny interior
inside-out doritos (chip) bags
aluminum foil
flat white paint


Well-Known Member
you can wait but if you can afford flat white paint, it's what most use and fairly cheap


Well-Known Member
You can also use elastomeric roof coating it is white, contains a reflectant and as affordable as a gallon of regular paint. <--12$ wallyworld
If you know someone who works at a food service place I heard that the inside of the bulk soda boxes, the kind they mix with Co2, come lined with a piece of mylar. I can't remember the size of the sheet when carefully removed but it was pretty large. <--Free if you are a good scavenger

LEGO' of me

Adding this suggestion only since its sturdy/removable for those that need such things. White backed hardboard - smooth matte white finish, easy to clean.

jack ripa

Active Member
Flat white is the best non directional reflector. I would go with an exterior product, caulk all joints in the box between coats. Then when water leaks down inside it, shit doesn't fall apart.